About Progressive music...

Freak Kitchen

Way to drag me into this Acension! :lol:

IMO FK is one of the bands that defies genre labelling because they are all over the place musically. Other examples would be Frank Zappa, The Mike Keneally Band, King Crimson, etc.

This is almost as fun reading as the "good vs bad music" discussion Syxified & I had a while back.... Pass the popcorn! :hypno:
^ :lol: at everyone of them, but for different reasons

Meedley, your on cloud nine man, you've only repeated or reworded things I already said, in so many posts, Im just a bit worried that you put so much effort into telling me what I have known for ? years, decades ? I do appreaciate it though, seriously, at least you put effort into your posts.

The first progressive bands were a farse as well, they were absolutely no progress over classical music or even jazz. Now Janis, she could be considered progressive... cause no one ever heard a white girl sing like that.

So EVERYBODY what are we to do, go back to calling it art music, head music ? we cant use rock or metal anymore because music is clearly not made of minerals or elements, its a sound wave. I mean thats just bullshit. I cant believe people didnt get right on that shit from day one.

Its not derived from minerals or elements therefore its not rock or metal - case closed.......

OK so how about these two choices, we can call it

Art Soundwaves
Head Soundwaves
but neither one of them will fly either, everyone will be so confused.... people will be staring at paintings waiting to hear them emit sound, or they will be thinking all the recorded soundwaves came directly out of someones skull, shit help me out here

come on people, lets get to work and straighten all this nonsense out. Its way over due, all these improperly used words these days. Im tellin ya, its just crazy. What about Rap, talk about bullshit, thats what you do with a hammer or other bludgeoning object, I propose that be called Talk Soundwaves or Rhyme Soundwaves, shit that will be all fucked up too. What to do, what to do

I dont know, I just dont know what way to turn, everything has been so screwed up, its like I woke up from a bad dream where everyone was speaking words but no one knew what each other was saying. What the hell is going on in this town ?


Its cool, however you want to view it, I wont let it confuse me. I'll find more worthy Dragons to Slay :) Your all still a great bunch of Bozos, and this is the best damn Circus in town, anything I can do to help, Im there! :rock:
Jesus christ, I've successfully explained more difficult concepts to my 4 year old cousin. It's way too late for you to not let yourself be confused by this. I'm done wasting my time on this.

J-dubb: I heard a rumor that Mattias was recording some guest vocalist for the new FK album...Daniel something?

(^in hopes to at least create something entertaining in this thread)
All lemmings fail, including Mattias lemmings:)

Bah! I'm not a lemming! :mad:
When "Organic" came out, I was crushed. I've even told IA about it.
Has it grown on me over time? Yes, but I still feel it's their weakest output.
Anybody here who has known me for any amount of time will tell you I always call a spade a spade.... :p

why does everyone here hat PoS? Dan Gildenlow is one of the best voices in metel! is just because you can't hear a song without hours of shred?

Danny ruins PoS for me. They ARE great musicians, but Goldenblow's outspokeness, and holier-than-thou attitude sucks. Even with great musicians, their cut/paste songwriting irritates me to no end.
Hopefully someone can stick a fork in them, I believe they are DONE.

Okay, so I listened to The Perfect Element for the first time in a long time, and I actually do like it. *prepares for ban from J-Dub?* Specifically the song "Used". It's so unusual, but so solid and well put together at the same time. Yeah. *prepares for permanant band from J-Dub :p*

Stand in line close to this cliff, please.... :heh:

PoS is too pretentious, Daniels attitude sucks, their music isn't nearly good enough for the praise they get and the compositions are decent at their best. My hatred for them is more a reaction towards everyone who loves them, but that doesn't mean that i would ever enjoy them. They are a terrible band. To me, they are exactly what is wrong with prog.

+1 million, especially the "they are everything wrong with prog" part....

J-dubb: I heard a rumor that Mattias was recording some guest vocalist for the new FK album...Daniel something?

(^in hopes to at least create something entertaining in this thread)

NEVER gonna happen....FK is too awesome for Danny Glorypole to add anything to. Unless he's going to wash IA's cars & mow his lawn for him, since he can't keep a band together....:heh: Still, I don't think IA is THAT sympathetic...If this were to really happen, I'd listen to it, and see what kind of contribution he could do. Since it would probably ruin the song(s), I'd give IA endless shit about it... :)
Jesus christ, I've successfully explained more difficult concepts to my 4 year old cousin. It's way too late for you to not let yourself be confused by this. I'm done wasting my time on this.

J-dubb: I heard a rumor that Mattias was recording some guest vocalist for the new FK album...Daniel something?

(^in hopes to at least create something entertaining in this thread)

WTF dude ? Theres nothing to explain to me. Whats the matter? Your down a few points and gonna scrap your way out of it by insulting me? You didnt tell me a thing I didnt already know, thats more than obvious but I did appreaciate your effort. Take that as a compliment and dont insult me. I truely enjoyed bouncing the superball off a brick wall that doesnt need to be moved, along with everybody else. We all know what progressive ______ music is, it doesnt need a huge debate. Like I said its all about the trip, sit back and enjoy the ride, if you dont like the track take another train. Thats progressive music. It will evolve in its own due course. Its that simple
ALWAYS on top, man.... who the hell needed "the adjective" progressive explained to them anyhow ? dut da da

topic title - progressive music - a bit diverse but easy to comprehend except by those unhappy or confused by the genres or perhaps overwhelmed by the more recent wide spred influence of progressive music across the genres & within itself, whos to say what the problem is, perhaps its just human inherent nature to make mountains out of molehills

topic was over before it started but cinched as soon as I made my first post...... naturally...... happens all the time....... :Smokin:

so true, someone wants to regress to the primitive instincts of offensive defense.... over something that doesnt even matter

however it could be progressive if we would simply remove the progressive word from the genre and leave the description of this style of music floating in limbo

this has made me wonder, is death metal a valid term being how the musicians performing it are not dead ?

black metal, wouldnt that be bands like Living Color

Get a clue or leave the issue alone. You don't get it nor have you made any effort to get it. Nobody is getting offensive or defensive and if you took the comment about my cousin as an insult then that's your problem, I was simply making an observation about how underdeveloped your comprehension skills seem to be (to be fair, my cousin's intelligence and learning capacity are more like that of an 8 year old). If I were trying to insult you I would have been much more overt.
Me... under developed comprehension skills :u-huh:

yea, I must confess you really are way over my head, I got exhausted just trying to keep up


so then what is the proposal for this mess of a thing called progressive ______ and its abbreviation prog ? Apparently my idea of accepting it and not sweating the little things is not acceptable and for whatever reason has placed my comprehension skills in question, as well as not being entitled to participate in the topic.