AcmeBargig Headcase 1.54 Retail Release

I was a beta purchaser a while back, never really played with this, until now. Wow.

Fantastic suite, fx pedals and fx rack are good, amps open up many tone possibilitieis and seem easier to get to the sound in your head. I'm going to stick with Recabinet 3 as the cab sim though, as I frustrated pretty quickly with a labyrinth of options. Just realised there are a number of VSTs there, splitting the amps, cabs and post fx, excellent!

Definitely worth a try!
Thanks HOFX.. I like what Shane has done with Recab 3 as well. The dynamics in it are awesome... One thing I was going to mention to you as well. Don't run the suite and bypass the cabs, There is the LONER vst plug that is just the head loader without the cabs or effects contained in the suite. Just run that...:)
One thing I forgot to mention that I should warn everyone about. We have been hammered by downloads at our site so, if the site comes up with a service error, please try back later. We will be trying to get this fixed asap, so sorry for the inconvenience...
Thanks HOFX.. I like what Shane has done with Recab 3 as well. The dynamics in it are awesome... One thing I was going to mention to you as well. Don't run the suite and bypass the cabs, There is the LONER vst plug that is just the head loader without the cabs or effects contained in the suite. Just run that...:)

Yeah...figured that one out! Thanks mate, understand it's been a hard slog.
Thanks Heshian.. The thing to remember with head case is, the sound of the head is up to you... If a particular head does not sound right, you just open it up in the builder and edit it to however you want it to sound. Once you save it, it is available for use in all the head case applications, the suite, the builder, and the loner.

@HOFX Haha sorry man I was not sure if you knew about the loner or not...

I forgot to mention another cocept that seems to be popular, so I should mention it to you all as well..
Some people don't even use the suite or the loner, instead they load the builder directly onto their tracks and design the head around their mix. You can still load external IR files with the builder too, but it is highly reccomended that if you are making heads for distribution you make them using the internal IR files, that way everyone has access to them. If you are not distributing your heads, then who cares...

Also, here's a video for you showing you how to download and install heads from the Virtual Amp Stash. It may get a little boring, but at the very least fast forward to the end and watch the part about using the Virtual Amp Stash App.. a Head.mp4

Good luck..
As I mentioned earlier, we had some issues with the server getting hit for requests, and it crashed several times. Sorry about that problem we just did not anticipate that happening. Anyways, we have since resolved the issue and are back up and running..
Well done Ken and crew. I've been having a blast with HeadCase. I know there's some great amp sims out there but nothing that gives you an infinate range of tonal possibilities like this. Great stuff!


S1770, I don't mean any disrespect but you should know that your clips always sound like you have a hearing disability. What are you using for monitoring? If this sounds pleasant to you I think you should see a doctor and I'm not trying to insult you but I'm honestly worried about you.

This AcmeBargig Headcase seems pretty cool and I'm always looking for new gear to obsess over. I don't think the sound samples sold me over at least yet though. There's something in there that kind of reminds me of Boss GT COSM modeling...
Im still waiting to hear an usable tone out of this amp sim (and i´ve been following it for more than a year)

I asked on another thread but i got no response...
all this "replica" heads (marshall, peavey , mesa ,etc..)
are they really emulations? do this people measure the response of the original amp(or own the original)
or are they only pretty skins for a bad ampsim?