Agalloch Merchandise


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
OK everyone, I have some merchandise. Now, since I thought BWD was going too (thinking he'd buy stuff too), I didn't buy as much as I should have perhaps. However, the good news is, the tour surplus should find it's way back to The Omega at some time soon.

In the meantime, this is what I have:

3 x The Grey EP: Only 1000 pressed in total. I'll dish mine out to to BWD, npearce, and Erik. I'm sorry to everyone else - honestly, they should have some left over after tonight's show so you'll get them at The Omega eventually. npearce and Erik specifically asked for one, and BWD was willing to get me one when NYC fell through, so I'm just returning the favor if he wants one.

4 x Agalloch Mantle Long Sleeve Shirts: Only 100 printed in total. This has The Mantle logo, and the three fountain heads on the front. Text on one arm: "Life is like a clay urn on the mantle...", and deer head emblem/logo on the other arm. On the back is a beautiful shot of the deer from The Mantle cover (different angle - sillhouette) and all the US tour dates.

I'll take pictures of the shirt and publish shortly. I have 2 x L, and 2 x XL. These will not last since they only made 100, and after speaking to JWW, Agalloch will probably not tour for a long while before another tour shirt is designed.

Let me know if anyone wants a shirt - I'll just assume Erik wants one, so there should be 3 spare.

1 x Nothing CD: The Spine Overshadowed by the Rope

4 x Especially Like Sloth CDs: But If What He'll What Ant - given to me with JWW's blessing

4 x V:28 CDs: NonAnthropogenic - produced by LRZ from Red Harvest, and featuring Grutle Kjellson from Enslaved - given to me by Joseph Cortese from Vendlus Records who actually released The Grey EP - which is not a TER release interestingly enough.

OK read, decide, whatever, and I'll go get some pictures ready.

Again, sorry if I can't help everyone out here, but considering, I did try and get as much as I could.
I will want a shirt and a EP. Not sure what size on the shirt, I'll have to get back at you. Damn non-consistent sizes. If you could measure the length of the arms on the L shirts that would be great help.
I'd be interested in the Especially Like Sloth CD, and an XL shirt if nobody else wants them (since I didn't express any interested for Agalloch merchandise earlier).
Erik said:
I will want a shirt and a EP. Not sure what size on the shirt, I'll have to get back at you. Damn non-consistent sizes. If you could measure the length of the arms on the L shirts that would be great help.
from the pics i've seen of you, you look more like an L


okay, that seemed a lot gayer than i originally intended.

seriously, XL's from america are pretty farking big... depends on if you like your shirts all big and billowy, i guess
EP's will end up at The Omega, I just don't know when. It's all a matter of who's willing to wait and who's not.

I think I've lost the pictures I took at the gig. Stupid Sony digitial camera...trying to extract.
Black Winter Day said:
from the pics i've seen of you, you look more like an L


okay, that seemed a lot gayer than i originally intended.

seriously, XL's from america are pretty farking big... depends on if you like your shirts all big and billowy, i guess
You never know. I have two Dark Tranquillity longsleeves ordered at the same time, same place (same brand of shirts) and one is XL, the other L. L has too short sleeves, the XL is just right. Then again I have an Entombed XL which is WAY too fucking big and a Celtic Frost L that is just right (bet you wish you had that one), etc.
Erik said:
You never know. I have two Dark Tranquillity longsleeves ordered at the same time, same place (same brand of shirts) and one is XL, the other L. L has too short sleeves, the XL is just right. Then again I have an Entombed XL which is WAY too fucking big and a Celtic Frost L that is just right (bet you wish you had that one), etc.
yeah, i know what you mean. david gold sent me a medium WoP hoodie a few months ago and i usually fit into mediums, but the sleeves were too fucking short
Black Winter Day said:
seriously, XL's from america are pretty farking big... depends on if you like your shirts all big and billowy, i guess
OY! XL fits me just right! Are you calling me big and billowy? Because if you are I'll be your fluffy pillow anytime you like, sailor boy... :loco:

@JayKeeley: that's what you get for using a gay ass digital camera. :grin:
...does this mean you don't want to cuddle...? :cry: :lol:

I last fit into a medium when I was 12. Maybe.
npearce said:
Medium? I would hurt you if I accidently bumped into you.
hey medium is a TIGHT fit... and i usually never wash medium shirts because they eventually become too small.

by the way, i pumped iron for 2 hours today at the gym preparing for my eventual showdown with you that i knew was sure to come!!! eh, i mainly ran on the treadmill today, who am i kiddin...

i played linebacker in high school. and wide reciever. beware my murdah skillz.
Wow, this thread turned homosexual quickly. :loco:

I'm currently rebuilding jpeg's from fragments....but I've got it working now I think. I had a near heart-attack!
The L shirt has 26" arm lengths.

OK let's do a summary:

npearce: 1 Grey EP, 1 x Especially Like Sloth, 1 x V:28 (Do you already have the Nothing CD? If not, I think it might be your thing - noise manipulation etc).

Erik: 1 Grey EP, 1 x shirt EDIT: L size

NAD: 1 x Especially Like Sloth, 1 x shirt XL

BWD: 1 shirt L

Markgugs: 1 x Grey EP ?? Or BWD? Which one of you needs it now?