Aggressive Drums: The Recording Guide (FaderWear Guides)

Had a quick look through the guide (missed it the first time) and while there is lots of good info in there, I have to disagree on your recommended tracking level. You say to aim for -4 to -6 dBFS.

If your converters are calibrated to 0dBU=-18dBFS which is common calibration, hitting -4dBFS while tracking means you are driving the mic pres +14dBU. Most mic pres like to be driven +4dBU which equals -12dBFS.
Obviously drum transients may jump pretty high but -4dBFS seems very hot to me. An analog VU meter won't show the transients but you can still be clipping the pre.

When setting tracking level I always treat -10dBFS as zero. This gives plenty of headroom and you won't be clipping the mic pre.
Also if you mix using analog compressors, or even modern emulations such as waves CLA, you will be clipping the input there too unless you reduce gain before hitting them,
but reducing the gain won't undo the damage already done by clipping the mic pre and possibly the analog stage of the converter too.

If I drive my API pres past +6dBU they start to really saturate as they are designed for this but lots of pres will just clip and distort the transients.
I am not trying to find holes in the guide but I think this is an important issue.
Had a quick look through the guide (missed it the first time) and while there is lots of good info in there, I have to disagree on your recommended tracking level. You say to aim for -4 to -6 dBFS.

I agree with you 100 %. I wrote that five years ago and things have changed since then. I already rewrote that part in the upcoming book. Thanks!
I can't give a rough price because you pay what you want! :cool:

You just became the coolest motherfucker on the planet. I'll have to save up at least a fiver/tenner after christmas, i'd feel bad taking it off of you for free when it looks so good :D

I'd like to say i'd give a bigger figure, but unemployment isn't treating me too well money wise :L
You know another thought I've had that could be useful for your ebook? Perhaps pick a few band recordings and try to emulate their sound using whatever techniques you think necessary, maybe trying to get the mic placement right to get that Entombed 'Left Hand Path' drum sound or sample replacing for the really tight Psycroptic drumming.
I kinda like the idea, but that type of "replication" would be very hard for even the engineer who recorded those albums. At least with a different drummer. You really can't get that close with mic choices and technique. Using samples would get you closer, but that doesn't fit the context.

The basic idea of this book is to give the "tools" needed to get the best out of the drummer you are recording and the gear/studio you are using!

EDIT: I added a link to the current table of contents in the upper right corner:
Do you have the full mixes of the songs you posted on the youtube video? I'd love to hear that!
Do you have the full mixes of the songs you posted on the youtube video? I'd love to hear that!


Torture Killer

Body Minus Head

Lord of Pagathorn (recorded & mixed by Matias Helle (sedit1))

Keoma (not identical mix)

Upcoming release, Plec is currently mixing this!