FaderWear Guides

That's a good idea, thanks! The only problem is that it is very different in different programs. I know how to do it in Pro Tools with using the playlists, but haven't found a good way to do it in Cubase/Nuendo. Any suggestions?

that's why I love Cubase.

Stack recording!
set your tracks to "lanes fixed" and you'll be seeing the different takes on top of each other, just highlight'em, cut, delete the section of the take you don't like, crossfade. done.

mom, gonna take some screenshots
Here you go:

(names of the tracks aren't correct (I just copied them to show it to you, usually they'd be like "kick take1", "kick take" etc.

so in this case 3 takes, stack-recorded. to see it like that switch to "lanes fixed"


now just cut at the beat where you wanna have the separate thingies


bow delete the takes you don't need (note that the lowest take is always green, the other ones are grey...the green one is the one you're hearing, that's why it'd even be enough to delete or mute the take BeLOW (newer) the one you wanna use, I usually delete all unncessairy takes tho, keeps the project cleaner)


Hilight all and hit "x" (crossfade), if necessairy adjust the xfade by dragging it




switch to "lanes off" to disable the stack-view


that way you compile your drums in a couple of minutes per song.
Ok, the final table of contents for the drum recording guide. Metaltastic did a great job on the proofreading. Thanks! I will try to have this online few days after christmas.

Aggressive Drums: The Recording Guide

  • Forewords
  • Drummer
    • Drums
    • Drumheads
  • Drum Tuning
  • Cymbals
  • Recording Room
  • Choosing the Right Microphone and Placement
    • Cymbals
    • Snare Drum
    • Kick Drum
    • Toms
    • Ambience
    • Drum Triggers
  • Things to Do Before the Recording
    • Setting the Levels
    • Building a Headphone Mix and a Tempo Map
    • Sampling the Drumkit
  • Combining the Takes
  • Microphone Preamps and Pre-Processing
  • Final Words
  • Sources
im excited to read that, its one subject i really dont know enough about, and im curious what you would shoot for in general for different effects/problems/situations as i am impressed by your mixes. keep em coming bro
The next guide will most likely be:

Extreme Master Bus Processing

It will cover mostly saturation and compression.

FUCK YEAH dude, I don't know dick about that - and if you need a proofreader for it as well, I'm still on it! :rock: