FaderWear Guides

Fucking great tips mate, the parallel compression guide rules and I just tried the Split Harmonizer trick and it really makes the vocals pop out more. I've heard of the technique before but it never sounded right having one track at -5cents and the other at 5 cents, but with the slight delay, works perfect.
Not exactly about mixing, but I'd definitely like to read about how you go about tracking drums. The non-sampled tracks you have done sound absolutely fucking awesome. Downright pure talent there.

By the way, I tried both the parallel compression on drums and split harmonizing the vocals last night, and I can't believe I have never before bothered with them. Kudos!
Oh no :lol: I have been thinking about doing the drum recording tutorial but I feel like I don't have anything new to give. Most of the sound comes from the drummer itself and from choosing the right gear for the job. Maybe the easiest way would be to write it like a blog. I'll think about it.

BTW, I'm mixing two albums at the moment. Both of them will be without any sample replacement. Death/doom and slowish black metal. Soundwise they are both very different from what I have done before. I will post samples later if it's possible!
I just wrote down all the subjects I would like to be featured on my drum recording guide. I hope I'll find the time to do this because it can get pretty huge :) I also need to do some studying on some of the subjects before I can write about them.

Don't hold your breath ;)
Why do you set the ParaComp send pre fader? if it was post fader the ratio between all the drums would be equal to their normal levels so the parallel compression would be more consistend, wouldn't it?
yeah, sure, i meant consistent in the way like "same level as the original track".
so wherever you set the fader the comp is fed an amount of signal that relates to the level of the source.
the way you do it single drums might be louder on the compressed track than on the original group. (i know your working around that when setting different send levels i just thought it would be easier to crank send all the way up and set it post-fade)
damn, that's hard to explan in english... %)