Extreme Master Bus Processing: Compression and Saturation (FaderWear Guides)

Do you put these before or after any buss plugs?

Before... so that it is simulating the sound of the tape before any processing... the way it would have happened back when I used 2".

Also... I put them on the busses only for efficiency... if I had the horsepower I would put them on each track. My current project has 80+ tracks and over 100 plugins per song (plus 3 stereo outboard fx processors), so I just couldn't put the Phoenix on each track.
I used to be pretty big on the slow attack, fast release, 4B GR master bus settings, but lately I've been easing off a lot more. I find that much compression over the entire thing tends to change the way everything interacts. Everything starts popping out due to the slow attack time and just gives the limiter more work to do.

Will definitely give the tube/tape sims a shot though. I used to use the VintageWarmer in the past for that sort of thing because it's the closest thing to true tape saturation I've heard from a plug-in.
My master chain looks like this:

Multiband/ G Comp

Should I put both tube and tape saturation before EQ?

Also I find it very hard to set them up the right way, what are your settings on the saturation plugins?
Or which ones do have some of those "good presets" on them?
I was using the PSP Vintage Warmer for tape (after Comp) and the Tubedriver from Nick Crow as tube saturation but it's got way too many knobs :(
Hey Daunt, just tried the Tessla SE - it's pretty cool, better than the THD I think too. Have you tried chaining a few instances of it at lower settings? That's how I've got it working best for me so far. Just curious to know how you're using it.
Are you guys using TesslaSE first in the chain? If you are, do you have your mix hitting the far right of the meters like the manual says? It seems like this is how the plugin is meant to work but even with the saturation low, I notice some artifacts on quick drum parts, kind of like hitting Timeworks too hard but not that extreme.