akerfeldt is a funny guy

Jude said:
That's not true, I saw that movie Midnight Express.

Nah, it's OK. Americans have committed basically the worst genocide in recent history. Try living with THAT.

and you shuoldnt really believe all the movies you watched,,yea it said it was a true story but not like that and remember alan parker,the director,apologized turks about the exaggeration i can hardly accept it though i am not too much nationalist
"midnight express" could have been a much better, much more striking and much more respected movie if the armenians playing the turkish police had exaggerated a bit less. :erk:

well so much for cinema, drama and art when politics are involved, eh?
blacksummer said:
and you shuoldnt really believe all the movies you watched,,yea it said it was a true story but not like that and remember alan parker,the director,apologized turks about the exaggeration i can hardly accept it though i am not too much nationalist
Well, I know that the actual depiction of prison life was fictional, but the fact that the guy got a 20+ year sentence for weed was not. I'm not saying that to hold it against Turks in general - that was the point in my first post - and after all as an American I'm not in a position to talk, since we hold several hundred mostly innocent middle easterners in Cuba without charges, among other things. And I have nothing against Turkey anyway. I love doener kebabs.
For some reason, the last entries to this thread made me chuckle.

It has been converted(no pun intended) from Åkerfeldt is a funny guy to "The turkish-armenian conflict is funny"
Raistlin Majere said:
i cant really understand the reason about having a discrimination towards someone because of their beliefs. I mean i fucking dont give a shit even if people worshipped a potato. so why would someone would dislike a community because of their beliefs? thats called the narrowmindness which is something i wouldnt expect from an opeth fan.

but if there must be an example of a community who turkey really dislikes would be the armenians and the kurdish because there's an obvious reason for that. unlike this so called "hatred" towards the jewish

You might quickly lose that belief.:loco:
Endar said:
hummm I'd say that obvious reason is that though I didn't post a lot, I've read a lot of the posts on this forum .... it is only a personal conclusion of mine :p

Turkey, by the way, seems to me like a great place, and given the chance, I would rather live there than in the US.
Speaking of Turkey, a group from my college that spent a semester in the middle east and Europe just got back. They were describing how awesome Turkey is. But apparently doener kebabs are pretty much a German-Turkish thing and aren't made in Turkey, which disappointed the crap out of me.
Back to talking about Mike being hillarious, I caught Opeth here in Ontario Canada back in February. Right off the bat with the first song they played some little shit threw a handful of ice at Mike. He didn't even flinch and kept playing. After "Ghost of Perdition" was over however:

Mikael: "It smells like fart in here. Must have been that motherfucker that threw ice at me. Well, just so you know we don't appreciate that kind of shit. I've been moody all day and now I'm pissed off.......but the rest of you guys deserve a good show and we're going to give you one."

And later on someone screamed out "Peter Lindgren you're fucking awesome!!"

Mike: "Yes he is awesome isn't he? I think so too. I found him on a basketball team. Turns out he played guitar too."

Hahahaha. Hillarious. I never realized Pete was so tall either There were other comments too but I can't remember them now. He's so quick-witted.
Haha, the other night someone threw an empty coke bottle at him, and the venue went silent, then this big "ooooooooooo" came from the crowd. Mikael responded by saying whoever threw the bottle would be "met soon by a gang of muscular skinheads outside"
I'm pretty sure this appeared here already but what the hell
on the Israeli show Mike said Slash's riff from "Welcome to the jungle"
was stolen from Mike's first draft of Deliverence.
paradoxile said:
I'm pretty sure this appeared here already but what the hell
on the Israeli show Mike said Slash's riff from "Welcome to the jungle"
was stolen from Mike's first draft of Deliverence.
He made that one in Turkey too :), he really acts like a stand-up comedian doesnt't he? :)