akerfeldt is a funny guy

blacksummer said:
yea,sure even though its planned,i love him and azctually whatever he says i'd like it :kickass: i fuckin' love his voice

I don't think he actually sits down and writes a monologue before he goes on haha. He's really intelligent, so it's not surprising if he's witty and thinks on his toes too.
Raistlin Majere said:
they prolly didnt know where to find them. theres 3 doener kebab restaurants per 20 meter square in turkey
Why is he funny? Funny how? What's funny about it?
You mean - let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little fucked up maybe, but he is funny how? I mean funny like he is a clown, he amuses you? he make you laugh, Is he here to fucking amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How is he funny?
LunarSea said:
Why is he funny? Funny how? What's funny about it?
You mean - let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little fucked up maybe, but he is funny how? I mean funny like he is a clown, he amuses you? he make you laugh, Is he here to fucking amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How is he funny?

Because he makes jokes. By making jokes. His jokes. By making jokes. Funny like a humorist. He's there for playing music but he still makes jokes. Funny like someone making good jokes. By making jokes.

Now, shall I repeat it more ? :loco:
Ruby Eyes said:
I don't think he actually sits down and writes a monologue before he goes on haha. He's really intelligent, so it's not surprising if he's witty and thinks on his toes too.

yea for sure but someones argued that they are all planned so he is not funny i said it against them ;)
LunarSea said:
Why is he funny? Funny how? What's funny about it?
You mean - let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little fucked up maybe, but he is funny how? I mean funny like he is a clown, he amuses you? he make you laugh, Is he here to fucking amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How is he funny?
he is not a comedian after all nor his job us to get us rolling on the floor laughing. but he tries his best to be an amusing guy in the first place for to show the audience that opeth is not a depressed, emo band as it may be misconstrued by some certain people.
"if you have to yawn at least don't do it while you are headbanging, like americans"

What is his issue? Americans yawn when they head bang?

Why hide these remarks behind humor?

Here's a novel concept, shut your mouth and play a 7 minute song about hobgoblins!
captfb said:
"if you have to yawn at least don't do it while you are headbanging, like americans"

What is his issue? Americans yawn when they head bang?

Why hide these remarks behind humor?

Here's a novel concept, shut your mouth and play a 7 minute song about hobgoblins!

You know, at the end of the day, who really gives a shit? People crack jokes about Canadians and more specifically, Newfies all the time, but I don't hide under my bed in tears.

And Mike made fun of Celine Dion while he was here, and it was fucking hillarious.
haha unrelated but during the commonwealth games here a show on tv had a treasure hunt and one of the items was 'a canadian official who was willing to apologise for celine dion':p they found one too!
biggsy said:
haha unrelated but during the commonwealth games here a show on tv had a treasure hunt and one of the items was 'a canadian official who was willing to apologise for celine dion':p they found one too!

How long did he survive the stoning?
Australia, Brisbane show:

He made us sing happy-birthday to the sound tech, but he didn't know his name or how old he was, so in the end we sand happy-birthday to 'Jeff the Cunt' who was 60.

"We're going to play soomething from our older albums, back when we were a mixture of black metal, some progressive shit and...hip-hop."

When he introduced the final encore, he said: "We're going to play another cover for you now. It was first recorded in 1930 by a band called 'the cunts.' We're going to play it for you now. It's called... Deliverence.
"Tonight, I'm going to get fucked up on alcohol. Tonight, Peter lindgren is going to get fucked up on alcohol. Martin here is a fucker, and Per over there is going to fuck me. But first, we're gonna play some songs".

"This will be our last song for the evening (crowd goes NOOOO!).. Sorry, we'd love to play for you for five more hours but I have to take a shit really really bad".

"Why the fuck are you familiar with Guns n' Roses?!"

He sure is funny.