Yeah, with all due respect, I don't think Mozart can touch the stuff I listen to. I think the whole idea of High-Culture and Low-Culture is just about the most pathetically elitist and unintelligent view of art that anyone could arrive upon. Just because Shakespeare is Shakespeare doesn't mean it's superior to Michael Crichton. Just because Citizen Kane is called the greatest movie ever by stuffy old farts doesn't mean that it's superior to Rambo. Disagree with me if you want.
It's not that I think 'simple' entertainment is necessarily equal to 'complex' entertainment, it's that I think low-art has as much worthy and complex intellectual content as the high-art, and that if you overanalyze virtually anything to the extent that high-culture supporters overanalyze Shakespeare and all the enforced classics, anything would seem like genius. I think art gets its content from the interpreter, never from the artist. It just depends on how deep you choose to look into it.
The only things that I listen to which I think might apply to a high-culture attitude towards music might be things like Pink Floyd and Neil Young albums like Tonight's The Night and On The Beach. But even that stuff is probably considered low-culture...
That's enough of me being a dick though, the stuff I'm most proud of owning are albums like The Great Southern Trendkill by Pantera and Parallels of Infinite Torture by Disgorge.
peace & love