Alexi Laiho, wondering about somehting....

being self taught is more of an acheivement thats why at least imo

But why? YOU have the guitar in your hands. Nobody can learn how to play for you. Nobody can practice for you. Even if you have a teacher guiding you and breaking your bad habits, everything you've accomplished is because of your determination. Hey, all the greatest composers had teachers, and their music will be remembered forever.

Anyway, I used to be 100% self taught, ignorantly proud of it, and I was progressing really slowly as a result. I started taking correspondence lessons with guitar virtuoso and composer Tom Hess about 6 months ago, and I'm progressing literally about 10 times faster than before I had one.

So get over yourself and start studying under someone who knows and who's been there. Here is an article that explains the question of why guitar teachers are important - it's from my teacher's web site. Take a look around the site and check out some other articles. Seriously guys, the man knows what he's talking about.:cool:
But why? YOU have the guitar in your hands. Nobody can learn how to play for you. Nobody can practice for you. Even if you have a teacher guiding you and breaking your bad habits, everything you've accomplished is because of your determination. Hey, all the greatest composers had teachers, and their music will be remembered forever.

Anyway, I used to be 100% self taught, ignorantly proud of it, and I was progressing really slowly as a result. I started taking correspondence lessons with guitar virtuoso and composer Tom Hess about 6 months ago, and I'm progressing literally about 10 times faster than before I had one.

So get over yourself and start studying under someone who knows and who's been there. Here is an article that explains the question of why guitar teachers are important - it's from my teacher's web site. Take a look around the site and check out some other articles. Seriously guys, the man knows what he's talking about.:cool:

very good article. and i like how the guy pointed out that the internet is filled with helpful things about guitar. that's why i think that if you're dedicated enough and have extremely good discipline, you can become a good player by self-teaching. the problem with guitar lessons is that they are pretty expensive. so i figure that i can teach myself everything a guitar teacher would teach if i just study the stuff on line. and look at how many instructional video lessons you can find on the internet, it's pretty crazy. and also, having friends that play guitar is helpful cuz you can always share tips with each other. so realistically, i think a guitar teacher would be a wonderful idea, but only for those who can afford it.
spamming is cooool

anyway !!
i think if he teach something its jus because he's trying to be gentil or something, and off course he likes to show up
of course he had lessons
and even if they say malmsteen didnt have lessons i could say its a lie
you cant play that good without music theory and his technique as alexi's is very nice can tell because they use all the 4 fingers and they curve them and the figures of the riffs and stuff
lessons doesnt mean that you are more or less creative in fact if you know music theory and you are creative you can make better compositions than a more creative guy without lessons
any great guitarplayer had technique and theory
spamming is cooool

anyway !!
i think if he teach something its jus because he's trying to be gentil or something, and off course he likes to show up

¿Que dijiste? Lo siento, pero tu uso de Inglés es bastante difícil de comprender para mí.

By the way, I wish you the best of luck if you decide to pursue guitar playing as a profession. I'm just trying to pass along some advice.
of course he had lessons
and even if they say malmsteen didnt have lessons i could say its a lie
you cant play that good without music theory and his technique as alexi's is very nice can tell because they use all the 4 fingers and they curve them and the figures of the riffs and stuff
lessons doesnt mean that you are more or less creative in fact if you know music theory and you are creative you can make better compositions than a more creative guy without lessons
any great guitarplayer had technique and theory

What the hell are you talking about?

Yngwie didn't have lessons and Alexi prefers to use 3 fingers whever possible. So does Yngwie, Jason Becker and Marty Friedman.
¿Que dijiste? Lo siento, pero tu uso de Inglés es bastante difícil de comprender para mí.

By the way, I wish you the best of luck if you decide to pursue guitar playing as a profession. I'm just trying to pass along some advice.

hehe a lil error..
i mean "show off" not "up"