all new "NP" thread -

Not quite one of the best songs on that album though, them being Philosophical Revolt and When The Moon Is On The Wave.

Np: Summoning - Where Hope And Daylight Die
Btw is Sturmgeist any good?

Np: Helloween - We Damn The Night
Ok wtf this song sucks.

Np: The Dark Ride
And the lyrics to this one aren't any better, but the music's pretty damn good.
Sturmgeist? Never heard of them. Yeah, Ive heard the die-hard fans of Helloween were pretty pissed off with The Dark Ride, so it should be good. :) But I havent heard it either.

NP: Gorefest - The Idiot
Sturmgeist is Cornelius's relatively new project, black/thrash metal it would seem. Will download the first album soon.
The Dark Ride is pretty good, I'm just a little bothered by some of the pro-religion stuff. All in all it's a good album.