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Dark_Silence said:
Le Francais comme langue internationale au lieu de l'anglais

Retournons au XVI siecle dans ce cas! hihi!
But I doubt that it would be possible today. An ancient England king used to speak french... weird heh.... and the first french grammar were written in english... It is a weird world we are living in! :)
Kathleen23 said:
Retournons au XVI siecle dans ce cas! hihi!
But I doubt that it would be possible today. An ancient England king used to speak french... weird heh.... and the first french grammar were written in english... It is a weird world we are living in! :)

Euh non quand meme pas :lol:

yeah, and back in the time, the high born people in England used to speak French, and the poor people spoke English... Thats why there are so many French or French inspired words in English. Also, the names of animals or things that have to do with the earth dont come from French, tehy come directly from old English. Thats what the teacher said in my English class when I was in the USA...
Dark_Silence said:
Euh non quand meme pas :lol:

yeah, and back in the time, the high born people in England used to speak French, and the poor people spoke English... Thats why there are so many French or French inspired words in English. Also, the names of animals or things that have to do with the earth dont come from French, tehy come directly from old English. Thats what the teacher said in my English class when I was in the USA...

I learned that in class too :)
In French language history last semester !
Rampage: Do you ever feel as if Muse has declined in music quality after Origin of Symmetry? You no longer hear songs like New Born, Bliss, the amazing piano works of Space Dementia, the melodies of Dark Shines or just an overall interesting atmosphere like Micro Cuts. Instead you get your standard pop songs that doesn't even make much sense in the way they sound, it's just riffs that sounds cool, and none of the complex progression found in Origin.

Muse - Space Dementia
I liked some songs on Origin of Simmetry, because they created a special kind of crazy and sick feeling. Some songs had great keyboards intro, i remember... but i never liked them so much. What they are doing now doesnt interess me at all.