Alright you rightgeous fucks....answer this


Proud Brisbane Metaller
Jul 28, 2001
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What the fuck do you class as nu-metal?? for fuck sake I thought it was things like Linkin Park and Limp wristed and all that sorta rap/scratch/scream, I hate mummy and daddy, life sucks get a fucking helmet, sorta I wrong?? Explain to me how the fuck you can throw Sepultura in that fucking bag?? Come on Derrik is from a hardcore background, and I don't ever remember hearing any of the things that I jam into nu-metal in any of their Fact not even with Soulfly of the new Metallica...soon some fucking moron will be trying to tell me Antrax always were and always will be a nu-metal band...bring that fuck on i'll show him nu-fucking face dents :mad:....

Yes I am fucking fed up with the nu-metal tag jammed on everyfuckingthing that come out these days...wankers......o_O

Bring em on one by one, I'll have 'em falling two by two for the fun of it:loco:

on a lighter note:wave:
Numetal rocks! !:headbang: I suppose Roots by Sepultura has a lot of numetal in it, no solos, the heavy slow rhythmic stuff etc. I havent heard anything after that, but I was under the understanding it had far more of a hardcoreish influence than numetal, but whatever :)

Anything popular is apparently numetal if you listen to idiot metalheads of which there seems to be a lot. Luckily we all kick ass here and know better :)
not all the time man......thats how I got to this post..admittly its the a coupla straglers that are in and out that havefinally tipped me over the edge....fuckers
Pretty much all the time I think, I cant think of one release in the last couple of years that hasnt been called numetal by some fool on a message board. Someone even said the new Anthrax was too "numetally". Idiots!
hey hey I think I saaid I didn't wanna hear anyone say that..don't even think that again spawnt..I dont care if you were only repeaing someone'll get the arse whooping for saying it :D *shakes fist*
Yeah, I agree Southy. :)

I agree with what Spawny said, I think 'Roots' by Sepultura has some elements of nu-metal to it, but that was obviously Max's influence, as I think Soulfly took that direction, and Sepultura with Derrick went back to the straight forward metal style.

When I think of nu-metal, I think of The Deftones, Korn, etc, and then more commercial nu-metal, that really isn't even metal, such as Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Staind, etc.

It is a genre that is pretty much dying now anyway I think, thank god. And I agree, how you can put St Anger and newer Sepultura and Anthrax etc into the same group as those bands, I will never know...
[color=#AOEOOA]I can see how you can lump St.Anger in with the nu-metal crowd quite easily. Lack of solos, more 'whingey' lyrics, there are moments, but it's not entirely nu-metal.

However the new Anthrax is nowhere near nu-metal.[/color]
That's one thing that annoys me, the constant reference to St Anger as nu-metal because of the lack of solos.... well Scepter of the Ancients by Psycroptic doesn't have anything even close to a solo on it, so does that make it nu-metal as well?
I don't like this supposed 'genre' what I hate about it is how its thrown upon anything that's put out in recent times that isn't up to the standards of the tr00 metal crowd. That shits me.

That said... Anthrax' latest effort is far from numetal, I haven't heard new Sepultura, but Roots was as numetal as I heard them, and that wasn't really numetal... and St. Anger. Well, I'll admit that Shoot me Again is fairly much a numetal song, but apart from that... its really quite a unique sound that I haven't heard before.

And I love Shoot me Again. In fact, I love "Falling away from me" by Korn, and "South Town" by P.O.D

Nu-metal doesn't automatically = bad

but its seen to be used as a derogeratory term in today's metal world of elitists. I hate the term so shockingly bad.

Almost as much as I hate the tag "NUtallica"
Pfft to morons who over use the term "nu-metal". And to those who scream "sell out" every time a band records something that's a bit commercial. "Nu-metal" is the new "gay". Now, when you don't like a band's new album, it's not "gay" it's "nu-metal". Fuck off. And songs don't have to have guitar solos to be metal. There's Black Sabbath songs that don't have solos. Napalm Death songs don't have solos, neither do some Cannibal Corpse songs. A lot of Kirk's lead guitar work was pretty ordinary anyway. Riffs make metal, not solos.
And the new Anthrax album is as metal as fuck!

Although I'm quite close to gnadding you about that whole Kirk's lead work being pretty ordinary GRRRR
Yeah it's fucking stupid. The new Metallica might be a lot of things, but nu metal does not come to mind. Seems like every time a metal band releases something that's different to their old stuff they get classed as nu metal these days......