Am I the only one that thinks........

Hi, everyone. I am a long time reader of posts here, but first time poster. I would be considered to be one of the much-maligned "new" Opeth fans, as my first album was Blackwater Park. I had tried them before, but I never really could wrap my head around the music. I was probably not mature enough yet. I still have trouble really getting into their early stuff.
Anyway...there seems to be such a dichotomy between the fans who like the older material and those who like the newer material. Why is that? Are the older fans "mad" because their favorite band got exposed to newer fans like me?
Anybody else get that vibe, or am I just stupid?
the leper affinity - Interesting.
bleak - Not interesting at all. Kinda.. regular.
harvest - Well, it's a soft song.
drapery - Well, it's fun to play, but I don't listen to it much.
dirge - I like this one.
funeral - Boring, regular, non-exiting.
patterns - It's just there.
bwp - Fucking killersong. Damn nice.
Moonlapse said:
Deliverance just seemed plain monotonous to me. It is like ideas Opeth previously had, re-arranged and then watered down into simpler overall arrangements. So in short, it bores me.

I don't think you will like the coming Opeth-albums.
Barth Vader said:
Anyway...there seems to be such a dichotomy between the fans who like the older material and those who like the newer material. Why is that? Are the older fans "mad" because their favorite band got exposed to newer fans like me?
Anybody else get that vibe, or am I just stupid?
It's one of those eternal laws of this board...
I like BWP more than Deliverance. Actually, I like every song on BWP, every single one. Deliverance has its iffys, but it's still a great album :rock:.
I don't know man.

Deliverance has Wreath on it. _Wreath_. Opeth's only average song. Deliverance is killer though. Then we have AFJ with the horrible, horrible heavy ending.

I don't care for the instrumental, at all. Though I might if I did some drugs.

MA is also frickin killer. And so is BTPISIO.

3/6 = 50%

I like all songs on BWP, except for TDP (which you can enjoy after quite sometime passed without listening to it) and.. dare I say it? Harvest.
Deliverence Vs BWP. That is pretty hard, I beleive Deliverence is the winner, but only by a notch. BWP is a great album, I guess the song that lacks is probably Bleak, I don't know, it has interesting riffs, but it just seems to drag its tits off on concrete leaving major scabs. I like the rest of the songs on BWP alot though, it is pretty damn fine. Deliverence is awsome, fantastic motherfucking shit. From start to finish, fantastic. But I have all the Opeth albums and they're all fantastic, it's hard to choose such a great album since they're all so unique in progression. :)

I'm new, HAAWWWWW! woot -_-
I do not care how many people personally find the ''Deliverance'' album to be monotonous and/or just dislike the album in general. But you have definitely got to admit that for anyone who has seen Opeth play some tracks from the ''Deliverance'' album live, That they are played incredibley well.
I've been there when Opeth played Deliverance - it didn't quite hold my attention as much as killers like April Ethereal and The Moor. The older songs slay, especially live, alot more than the Deliverance tracks.
I'ts hard to say really because neither of them are perfect.
I reacon Wreath is one of Opeth's best tunes, as is By the Pain but the rest of that album, when you get over the initial buzz of it becomes boring because you know exactly what is coming next.
BWP was very exiting at the time of it's release. The Lepar Affinity, Bleak, Harvest and Dirge for November were all favourites at the time. But these days it is slightly hard to listen to for me, because of the same reason.

So Deliverance is the winner for me, simply becuase there are 2 songs on there i still don't begrudge a listen.

In My opinion the first 4 albums are by far the best and opeth will probably never top them.
Moonlapse said:
I've been there when Opeth played Deliverance - it didn't quite hold my attention as much as killers like April Ethereal and The Moor. The older songs slay, especially live, alot more than the Deliverance tracks.

I must certainly agree with you there on that point that it did not quite hold my full attention as much as tracks like ''April Ethereal'' and ''The Moor'' did. But that is simply because yourself and I happen to find those two tracks by far way more superior than any of the tracks on the ''Deliverance'' album, So it simply cannot be helped.

Now, I am not trying to say that the ''Deliverance'' tracks were played better than any of the other tracks that you saw Opeth play that night you wen't and saw them play live. I am simply just saying that the ''Deliverance'' tracks Opeth played live on their most recent tour of Australia were played really incredibley well. They sounded just like the studio recordings, Especially Mikael's lead in the actually track, ''Deliverance''. Surely you would have to agree with me there on that particular point?
I can't really recall any leads in that song - but that may be because I haven't listened to it in a few months. They may well have pulled it off well live, but I simply didn't notice because the song didn't command my attention at all. It's a bit like The Drapery Falls - overplayed and overhyped.
Blackwater Park(song)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Deliverance(whole of the damn album).

I wholeheartedly agree. In fact, I'm listening to it right now. Each and every minute of the song is better than anything on Deliverance.
mmm, i think bwp, the song, lost some of its effectiveness when i learned it on guitar a while back. this happens to a lotta the stuff i learn. but i can't not try to learn an awesome fucking song.
there is failure inside :\