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To all this stuff that's gone beforehand, I do understand that my posting has been a little excessive recently and the majority of it has been every pointless, but in my defense, this forum is hardly conducive to in-depth discussion. We have a bloody "What are you doing now" topic, and half the others are news topics "{insert company name here} Does {insert some sort of financial thing here}".
But yeah, i'll try and keep it under control, help by the fact that I finally have free time that can be spent doing nothing. Hence football manager has been installed and that'll entertain me for long periods.
If I'm elected mod I will take a hard line against spam threads. We've had some great discussions on this sub-forum (politics, religion, economics, ethics, science, etc. etc...), and inane spam wars are dragging the quality down quickly. People should only post new threads if you think it warrants worthwhile discussion, or will be of interest (entertainment value counts) to a good number of us here. Same will apply to single posts, but not as strict. Post if you think it will be worth everyone's while to read what you have to say. If it's a not-so-serious thread full of humorous content, make your own contribution and don't just quote posts with laughing smilieis or saying "lvlz" all the time.

Obviously these rules will not be followed to the letter. But the higher a standard we raise, the further we'll go in striving for it. Right now, the lack of moderation has caused that standard to be neglected and fall, and no wonder our old friends like CAIRATH and Seraphim Belial no longer bother spending their precious time here. Remember the kind of quality discussions we had when those two were present? I think you can. Now it's time for the newer people to step it up and fill those shoes. Noobiness is not an excuse for posting warrantless dross.

And before Ozzman or any other posts that "Internet: Serious Business" picture, remember that we are all human beings here, communicating as human beings do, through language that is reflective of a real life conversation. That should be blatantly obvious to all of you, but apparently it isn't. You act as if you're interacting in a virtual world full of virtual friends. Well guess what, the friends are still real, only the medium of communication has changed. Don't hide behind your anonymity. Express yourself as you would if we were all hanging out in a real world environment. If you keep that mindset, you'll find your time here much more worthwhile and engaging. We are all adults here, so start acting that way if you value your dignity, or potentially your permission to access this forum.

The snobbery from a select few of you posters seems to be flooding the board lately. You want to know how you "fix" this problem CC? Use the ignore function, that's why it's there. Personally, I have a problem with you calling out two people like that regardless of whether or not they are guilty of what you accuse them of. And frankly, the fact that you decided to do it in this thread out of all the others, not to mention the private messaging function, is pretty lame.

I wouldn't be against removing the social forum tbh. There's already a general chat forum here.
I'm glad someone agrees. I hope we can effect some change around here.

I also highly agree with what you wrote.

It was expressed in a much nicer way than I would have put it but it means the same thing.

When 2 people fill a complete page with stupid boring crap that nobody wants to read or find funny, maybe these people should realise that a message board is not the ideal vehicule for this.
Mathiäs;7369929 said:
That's a fucking horrible idea. The chat forum sucks.


There's such a thing as 'making it not suck', you know

Also, I haven't posted the I:SB picture in a while. You really need to stop saying stuff like 'Before Ozzman does such and such' That is extremely irritating and isn't conducive to the situation either.
I said earlier I'm to blame for some of the shit, but thanks?

You know, rather than complaining about it like we all are now, we could just report spam posts since that's part of the reason why that feature exists.
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