And the nominees are..

Who should be the next mod

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I just PM'ed Deron the following message:

As evidenced by the above thread, it is the prevailing opinion of the General Metal Discussion that a third moderator is needed, and that they have elected me to fill this position left vacant by Necuratul. We feel that V.V.V.V.V. and unknown do not frequent the forum enough to suffice, and that a third moderator would satisfy this lacking.

I leave the decision in your hands as to whether you should follow through on this sentiment. I am confident in my ability to help maintain a positive environment in the GMD, Recommendations and Social forums. If you deny my appointment, I will not take offense, for I trust your judgment.


Jeremy S, a.k.a. Zephyrus
I pm'd deron a few days ago with the initial discussion about who we should nominate

edit: also, I'm not a yank. I live in California.
This doesn't really relate to anything, but I haven't seen Deron post here, or clean anything up. Maybe we are doing better. Flame wise.
Yes for that 1 thread that may be locked each day, at most. This place is pure chaos I cant stand it at all. I dont even know why I come here. SO much spam. Insane.
Is this for a mod to the social forum or gmd or both? I haven't really noticed a need for a another mod other than to merge the Viking Metal threads that pop up like every other week.
No he doesn't, you should read the info about the poll first.
I knew you weren't supposed to and I wasn't even in the running.
I'm just going to point out that given the title of the thread, the poll and the options, it seemed pretty clear at the time that it was a poll to choose the next mod, and I cast my vote for the person I wanted. It's Ozzman's fault that he included an arcane rule that contradicts regular voting.

I'm also going to take an opportunity here to vent some frustration. mutantlama, GFAD and others on occasion have really been upping the worthless bullshit posts recently, and I'm a little tired of it. I don't have anything against you personally but you really need to cut it out. I realize this is a social forum but not every halfassed turd of a thought that enters your head has to float onto this forum for all of use to wade through. If you require evidence of this, just look back over the past few pages of this thread, let a lone the more open ended threads on this forum. I hope the new mod can help curb this, but what it really requires is self control.
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