Anime Thread

I enjoy the non-edited naruto. I've watched a few of the Cartoon network chopped up versions. The voice acting fucking kills me and so does the fucking filler episodes!
Full Metal Alchemist is pretty pimp to. Anyone watch GTO?
Compared to garbage like Naruto and such, Inuyasha is pretty decent. But any good anime crushes it.

Claymore is well worth watching the ending just sucks because they never did season two.

The Slayers is probably what got me into anime along with DBZ. Good three part series with a midevil feel. Cromartie High was really fun. Azumangah Daiho is one of my favorites.
I just thought, I think the first ever Anime I saw as a kid was Gundam Wing on Cartoon Network, I totally never got into the whole DBZ thing :lol:
I would have to say Dragon Ball was the 1st anime I really got into, and it opened the gate to anime for me. I remember watching Dragon Ball Z when I was 10!

I wish there was an anime store here in town, so when I get my DVD's it has to be online, which I would prefer because I can get the Japenese originals of just about whatever is out there.
Most Anime Stores are fucking pathetic. They fucking people in them are annoying, and the selections are awful. I have yet to go to one I've liked.

HOWEVER, I go fucking nuts at a con like Otakon... the selections and shit they have there is always awesome and reasonably priced.
Without reading the rest of this (I'm lazy, and don't come here enough), I must say this kicks ass:
