
I like Samurai Champloo. I like how some episodes are funny while others have more of a serious tone.

That was recommended to me but I never found any time to watch it... that, and I couldn't get my hands on it without buying it.
So who here has watched Otogo Zoshi? I am a big fan of it, mostly from a visual perspective but the plot kind of drops off after about the 13th episode. I think it is still worth getting but I would like to hear some other peoples opinions of it.
No, thankfully it was only 95 episodes because it started to REALLY drop off in quality after the Shishio arc due to them wandering off and not waiting for the manga to catch up. Really the episode after the end of the Shishio fight is the one I stop watching at and then I play Trust/Betrayal, then I'll finish it up - it ruins the continuity if you do it otherwise.

Yes, many fans of the series also say the peak of the series is the Shishio arc and it goes down after that. On a roughly related note. When I was younger I liked the look of Shishio and his men.
Yeah, I mean the series really does pick up at the Christian arc, but everything else just seems so weak and I'd much rather them waited for Watsuki to finish up his manga and then do the story based around that, but whatever. Filler is fine but when you outright don't finish the story ...
Goddamn, Kenshin was too fucking long. There was more filler than actual meat in that show. I feel similarly about Dragonball Z and Yu Yu Hakusho. Terribly long.

Just watch the Reminiscence(spelling?) OVA, it's the best :]

Only anime I've gotten into was Naruto (Japanese w/ English subs).
I've also heard good things about Death note and Bleach but never took the time to watch them.

Death Note is awesome, it's a real intellectual thriller's cool to see the paralell thoughts of the antagonist/protagonist. Bleach is pretty good as well until it gets into 50 episodes in a row of pointless fillers that don't really do anything with the storyline. It got good again recently after about 10 more fillers involving stuffed animals, cake baking...all sorts of stupid shit :[
hey all, just dropping in to give you your monthly alert that anime is gay artless trash, hope youre all well, peace out