
It is a bit yeah, but I liked it alot enough to buy a boxset of all 95 episodes a while back. The series itself is really melo-dramatic but I felt that Trust/Betrayal were done so fucking well.

Sailor Moon rules.
Yeah, now that you bring it up. Maybe I should watch the OVA about Kenshin's earlier life.

You really should, there is a reason why alot of anime enthusiasts shun the series yet embrace Trust and Betrayal so readily.

The gore in Samurai X is part of what makes it amazing.

It is well done, to the point that it feels stupid to call it gore. Very stylized and beautifully done, but that is really secondary to the amazing artwork and story.
You really should, there is a reason why alot of anime enthusiasts shun the series yet embrace Trust and Betrayal so readily.

It is well done, to the point that it feels stupid to call it gore. Very stylized and beautifully done, but that is really secondary to the amazing artwork and story.

Where can I find this series? I am very interested, being a big Ruroni Kenshin fan. I've never heard of it.
I have to say, I love dubbed. I feel like the English voices have more of a sound I can relate to, or at least that I can enjoy listening to. I guess I'm not a purist, but fuck that.

I completely agree with you.

Currently, I'm really into Bleach, but I also enjoy shows like Cowboy Bebop, Ergo Proxy, Fullmetal Alchemist, Ghost In The Shell, and Yu Yu Hakusho.
I watched the first 8-10 episodes of Samurai Champloo. The first 3 episodes were good, but after that, it just got really boring.
I thought it was one of the better series I had seen in years. The baseball episode is fucking hilarious.
The Sailormoon themesong is so damned Engrish, though.

What show's theme song isn't? Even Cowboy Bebop, for it's amazing music, has it's Engrish moments.

I saw a sign in a convenience store once that was part of a display selling balloons that you blow up and they fly around and such. The sign said

Have game together! Let's see, which animal flying tiptop and rapidness?

That is the best Engrish ever. Fucking hilarious. I was stoned the first time I saw it, and I laughed like a crazy person. I still chuckle at it.
Try the Death Note anime. Very unconventional. It stays very true to the manga too, although I'm sure you've probably heard people beat it to death about how good it is.

It's difficult to find anything online right now, as it just got licensed, but I have just about all the subbed episodes and know at least one site that has everything still available for dl. (manga too). PM if you're interested. =O