ANTHRAX with Joey Blowadonna will be the laughing stock of OZZFEST.


Compared to the other vocalist on the bill, there is no place for the Steve Perry of metal, with his skintight black Levis, gay ass hat with the Folded up saying "Injun," and his retarded headdress, not to mention his retarded looking stage moves and stage banter. Aside from the 10 diehards that have been waiting for him, most people are going to be going to get beer during their set. Somehow, with bands like Slipknot and Maiden on the bill, I find Belladonna a bad fit for this bill. I may go to see Maiden, but I'm going to be skipping the Anthrax set, something I never thought I'd say.
One man does not make the band. That being said, it's your money dude - if you want to spit out 70$ and purposedly miss one of the metal's best live acts it's your problem. If I were a band member, I'm not sure I'd want you as a fan either.
TD said:
You my friend are a Stepford Fan.

That's just fuckin' stupid. In fact to devote an entire thread to bashing Joey is just plain trifling. So what. You don't like his vocals. Neither do I. But regaurdless of who we all liek we all agree on one thing - we're sick of the bullshit threads being posted. You're a longtime member and your opinion is dually noted, but grow the fuck up about the situation already. In case you didn't see it earlier - read this. Note the very last paragraph. It just makes since.

Originally Posted by ironmaidenfan09
1 The thing about this board is that most of the people here are John Bush era fans.

2 The Old fans of Joey had long left the band and haven't follwed them in about 10 years.

3 That is why when I heard the news I looked up and was excited.

4 But its a bummer coming here only to have you nu fans rain on the reunion parade.

5 There may be a bunch of you on here that are 'pissed' but trust me the MAJORITY of the crowd will be more into it than not TRUST ME

1. I'll give you that one on default based soley on the fact that no one would be here if they hated Bush.
2. 2 for 2. You're right about this also
3. I'm happy for ya. I'll shake anyones hand for bieng exited about Anthrax. Past or present.
4. See, that's where you lost me and most of the board. Sorry, but I'm not a nu fan. Most everyone here is a fan from the Joey era who are a) still fans of their favorite band b/c they stuck by 'em. b) actually prefer Bush to Joey. You see, even though we used to bang our head to Finale - we really bang it hard to Hy Pro Glo.
5. I don't trust you based soley on the fact that you respect no one elses opinion about this reunion. You don't want to hear it. I like a lot of others here aren't pissed at a reunion. We're pissed that all of a sudden Joey fans come out of the woodwork like you're reclaiming the crown or sumthing.

You like Joey, I like Bush. We both like Anthrax. To say sumone is a nu fan b/c they like Bush era is nonsense. You can't like Anthrax at all if you don't even recognise, listen to and respect the work they did in the 1980's.

'Nuff said
OH SHERRY, Hold on hold on hold on...uumggrr umm oops i mean, Got my foot pinned to the floor you can feel the engine roar got thunder in my hands
I'm metal thrashing maddddddddddddddddd... :yuk:
if u wanna miss there set its your loss td,arent u curious what they would sound like again,they might steal the show just like they blew metallica offstage at donnington all those years ago,anthrax played to bigger crowds when joey was in the band so i think the crowd will make sure they rise to the occasion,they will win the crowd over in the first minute!
I know Joey will suck, however, I'm not too worried about it because it's not permanent. Well, at least Mr. Wu said "nobody is leaving" hopefully they continue with John afterwards. What sucks is, assuming they don't do the 2 singer set thing, Joey could make a bad impression and nobody will check out all the future shit they do with John. But at any rate, I wouldn't say completely that Joey's cheesy ass won't fit in, though, because all rumors point to Iron Maiden co-headlining.
You know this "Joey Sucks"/"Bush Sucks" shit is getting real old. Whether you want to face it or not, or regardless of whether you approve or not this is happening. And I think it would be more prudent to wait and see how the fan reaction is at Ozzfest and then get paranoid about whos staying and whos not.
TD said:
Compared to the other vocalist on the bill, there is no place for the Steve Perry of metal, with his skintight black Levis, gay ass hat with the Folded up saying "Injun," and his retarded headdress, not to mention his retarded looking stage moves and stage banter. Aside from the 10 diehards that have been waiting for him, most people are going to be going to get beer during their set. Somehow, with bands like Slipknot and Maiden on the bill, I find Belladonna a bad fit for this bill. I may go to see Maiden, but I'm going to be skipping the Anthrax set, something I never thought I'd say.

You said it TD, like Buddy said they havent been confirmed for Ozzfest but looks like these ATL line up shows are happening in Europe at Dynamo and other metal festivals.

Id go to see Maiden too and if was Anthrax with Bush that would be killer. My two favourite frontmen at the one bill.
I have to admit that I was pissed off in 2000 when the Belladonna/Bush tour didn't go through. I'm not a NU fan ! fuck that. I've been into this band since 88. I was 10 at the time. And I've stuck with them ever since. When Bush first joined, I was pissed off and skeptical, but it turned out to be a brilliant move. Maybe not commercialy, but musically.

If this was just a move they made recently to be able to play Ozzfest after they've been rejecting them all these years, that's lame.

Ozzy's reality show really shows how retarded he is. Him and the whole family. They may be good people but it's obvviously a circuis show run by Sharon. You got a punk ass kid that's into the whole LA now I'm famous and can fuck anyone and do any drug. You've got the fat daugther trying to make it in the pop scene, she may as well be ashlee Simpson leaching of someone else's success (would anyone ever have given her a record contract without her father?), and you've got sharon trying to do talk tv. This all from the godfather of metal?? what the fuck. Fuck their tour.

I've heard all the rumours. The band members haven't replied to any of my emails about anything (even stuff not related to reunions). I'm left in the dark about the whole situation until it becomes public.

I'll go check out whatever happens. I'll just see for myself and make a judgement then. And only then.

I thought we were headed in the right direction. Hopefully we still are.

At first I bashed this concept. But the people writing off my bashing because they think I'm a NU fan. Fuck you. I've been into this band since before Bush was ever in the picture.

Oh, and Belladonna rejoining could be cool. But I really have problem with Spitz. At least his website. He just seems so wierd.

Can someone post his IM session with Buddy??

That was also wierd too

TIME will only tell.
Cyclonus said:
What the hell is wrong with tight Levi's?

Joey is great. If other melodic singers like Halford and Bruce can handle Ozzfest, I think Joey can.

Yeah but thats Halford and Bruce..this is Blowadonna, Maiden and Priest were always at their best with both those singers. Anthrax is at their best with Bush IMHO. Its a real step back for the band to do this.
The only thing I´m worried about is basically this:
(Not Ozzfest because I´m not going to see it-I would if there was an European Ozzfest just like in 2001, but I doubt it for this year) But Anthrax played pretty good European festival tour in summer 2004, I attended two of the shows. As someone might know, they headlined a festival in Czech and kicked ass in front of 30 000 ppl most of whom probably had never heard of Anthrax before, yet they got their butt kicked and "the crowd chanted Safe Home REAL loud" (Scott´s quote). Now if they tour Europe with Joey the fans would be all confused (so who´s Anthrax now?) and of course the whole thing will be hyped pretty much more. I remember one guy crashing to me after the Anthrax set and saying something like "I thought Anthrax was some kind of cheesy 80´s metal crap, but this was AWESOME!", here you are. I´m sure there will be a lot of "diehards" who have been followed Anthrax since their beginning, but most of them appreciate John Bush. Then, you have a group of fans who thought Anthrax had died in 1991, and they sure will all be pleased. Then you have the festival kids who will probably be bored to death (they sure wouldn´t be if John was behind the mic). But since it´s gonna be a BIG reunion, the label and the media will certainly push Anthrax to get this ATL lineup official, and in this case it WILL happen.
Scott said: "No one is leaving." Of course no one is leaving NOW. But after the summer tour, things are gonna change.
Judas Priest said: "Rob Halford is NOT coming back to Priest" just about two months before he did. Remember.
regardless of the lineup, i won't go to ozzfest. i'm not giving up my hard earned money for any all day events where i only care for 3 or 4 of the bands on the bill. this summer, ozzfest will come through stop at the tweeter center and travel on. in april, i'm driving 3 hours to hartford to see BLS. last september, i drove 7 1/2 hrs to see Anthrax. i'll drive the distance to see a band i like, but i won't go down the street to see a bunch of bands i don't like.
fan since just before 1988 myself and I will definitely be attending my first ozzfest since the first year if I get to see Black sabbath, Iron Maiden, Anthrax, BLS amongst other acts. I just wish it wasn't so damn hot in AZ when it comes thru. :Smug:
I think its time for all you whiny bitches out there to change your diapers. I think there's some cream corn in it too..I guess thats why you guys are whining so much...and I thought it was the sand in your vaginas...Grow the fuck up...Diehard anthrax fans my ass!!