ANTHRAX with Joey Blowadonna will be the laughing stock of OZZFEST.

I had the pleasure of seeing Joey Bell-end-donut front Anthrax many times in the 80's including the tour with Metallica in 86 and I have to say I always thought he was the weak link. I was glad to see the back of him. John Bush in Anthrax was kind of a double edge sword for me because yes he improved the band but he left the Saint behind and they were fucking great.

The whole debate kind of reminds me of seeing Sabbath in 81 when half the crowd was shouting Ozzy and the other hald Dio. However, both of them were great vocalists so the situation here is kind of different because Joey is crap. Kind of like when Joe Lynn Turner fronted Rainbow. He's probably the campist straight man in Metal.
36 here and robborob - I remember buying STD ablum with the sticker on it that said "This record does NOT include one hit single". they were the not ready for prime time thrashers.
vercingetorix said:
I had the pleasure of seeing Joey Bell-end-donut front Anthrax many times in the 80's including the tour with Metallica in 86 and I have to say I always thought he was the weak link. I was glad to see the back of him. John Bush in Anthrax was kind of a double edge sword for me because yes he improved the band but he left the Saint behind and they were fucking great.

The whole debate kind of reminds me of seeing Sabbath in 81 when half the crowd was shouting Ozzy and the other hald Dio. However, both of them were great vocalists so the situation here is kind of different because Joey is crap. Kind of like when Joe Lynn Turner fronted Rainbow. He's probably the campist straight man in Metal.

Ozzy a great vocalist?? best joke of the day!!!:loco:
dutchy said:
Ozzy a great vocalist?? best joke of the day!!!:loco:

Ughhh tread lightly my friend. Say what you will about Ozzy but his music with Sabbath is timeless and influenced all the metal bands you hear today. Not that you haven't heard this argument before but I mention it only because it's the truth.
Actually when I saw him for the first time (Ozzmosis tour) he DID sing. After that I saw Black Sabbath reunion...and he didn´t.
Oh God Dio vs Ozzy.... well I gotta tell ya that I love Sabbath mostly for the Dio Era (Heaven and Hell absolutely destroys) ...but for me Sabbath was never really about Ozzy but rather Iommi ... <-- The guitar godfather!

Anyway back to Anfuckingthrax - I do expect a statement soon but I think most of this has caught on like wildfire and as they say andy Publicity is good Publicity these days :) ....

Anthrax Fan for life....
Here is a statement. Anthrax is NOT on Ozzfest. So that is not the reason why they refuse to acknowledge what European promoters have already advertised. That being said, I wonder what the reason actually is....
I wish John and Joey would get busy on an Armored Saint album now while Scott and Charlie do this reunion for the 15 minutes that people will care.

It would be cool if they keep Spitz in the band after this reunion fizzles out.

Fred Flinstone aint cuttin' it....
I can't believe all the pansy little Debbies and Brittany's on this board who equate the quality and greatness of a band with whose crank they'd rather suck on, Joey's or John's. You guys checked recently to see if you have a vagina, you might be surprised. You pussies who miss the fact the Anthax hasn't written a worthy riff or song since P.O.T., don't even get it that all you are is a stupid little group of black t-shirt wearing, man-groupies supporting a dead band so you can be the last and biggest fan of a group that currently sells fewer CD's than Whitesnake or Dokken and if they do still sell any worth counting, it's the old Joey era one's anyway. It seems the more they suck, the bigger the fans you are. Are you hoping they might hang out with you because you were the only one to buy their latest, uninspired, musically dead offering? Do you think they read this board to see who their biggest supporter is and they might like you and talk to you.

I grew up listening to and covering Anthrax and SOD/MOD and was so disgusted with that pathetic Stomp that I pulled it after one play through and never listened to it again, and never bought another one of their releases either. It was obvious to me and anyone other than you deaf idiots, they lost whever it was that made them great. It used to be prior to Joey and Danny leaving, you knew it was an Anthrax song even when you heard it for the first time and didn't have to get someone tell you if it was Anthrax or your little brother's dumb garage band. I unintentionally got to see them at a metalfest a few years ago and fell asleep half-way through their boring set. It was as coma inducing as a Dream Theater show without the songs or the talent........pretty much just coma inducing.

Telling me or anyone else that the new Anthrax is the best they've been is like saying the new Metallica is the best ever, or Metal Church is so much better without David Wayne, or better yet, Maiden would be so much better with the fag-poser 3rd guitar player running around, Jason Newstead to replace Harris and a new death metal singer to shout out instead of sing the lyrics. I know, why don't they get the Bushmeister, he's way better than Bruce and the Vandenberg wannabe guitar player can hump his leg while he's butchering the vocals to Where Eagles Dare. Yeah, I hear he does a mean A.I.R. too.

Hopefully, the original Among the Living era Anthrax members will realize after the first European festivals and then Ozzfest, that they F'd up because of ego's and confusion and they'll get back together to write/play songs like they used to and stop with the nu-metal, meandering, buzz-cut, un-melodic, chopper bullshit they're playing now. When that happens, all the original Anthrax fans, that out number you guys by 100 to 1, will buy their stuff, see their shows and make them relevant again and you can start hating them because they're sell outs.

Oh, and for you metal-mental midgets, who haven't a thought in your head except Fuck You.......FUCK YOU, DIE!!!.....TWICE!!!!
sbeall said:
I can't believe all the pansy little Debbies and Brittany's on this board who equate the quality and greatness of a band with whose crank they'd rather suck on, Joey's or John's. You guys checked recently to see if you have a vagina, you might be surprised. You pussies who miss the fact the Anthax hasn't written a worthy riff or song since P.O.T., don't even get it that all you are is a stupid little group of black t-shirt wearing, man-groupies supporting a dead band so you can be the last and biggest fan of a group that currently sells fewer CD's than Whitesnake or Dokken and if they do still sell any worth counting, it's the old Joey era one's anyway. It seems the more they suck, the bigger the fans you are. Are you hoping they might hang out with you because you were the only one to buy their latest, uninspired, musically dead offering? Do you think they read this board to see who their biggest supporter is and they might like you and talk to you.

I grew up listening to and covering Anthrax and SOD/MOD and was so disgusted with that pathetic Stomp that I pulled it after one play through and never listened to it again, and never bought another one of their releases either. It was obvious to me and anyone other than you deaf idiots, they lost whever it was that made them great. It used to be prior to Joey and Danny leaving, you knew it was an Anthrax song even when you heard it for the first time and didn't have to get someone tell you if it was Anthrax or your little brother's dumb garage band. I unintentionally got to see them at a metalfest a few years ago and fell asleep half-way through their boring set. It was as coma inducing as a Dream Theater show without the songs or the talent........pretty much just coma inducing.

Telling me or anyone else that the new Anthrax is the best they've been is like saying the new Metallica is the best ever, or Metal Church is so much better without David Wayne, or better yet, Maiden would be so much better with the fag-poser 3rd guitar player running around, Jason Newstead to replace Harris and a new death metal singer to shout out instead of sing the lyrics. I know, why don't they get the Bushmeister, he's way better than Bruce and the Vandenberg wannabe guitar player can hump his leg while he's butchering the vocals to Where Eagles Dare. Yeah, I hear he does a mean A.I.R. too.

Hopefully, the original Among the Living era Anthrax members will realize after the first European festivals and then Ozzfest, that they F'd up because of ego's and confusion and they'll get back together to write/play songs like they used to and stop with the nu-metal, meandering, buzz-cut, un-melodic, chopper bullshit they're playing now. When that happens, all the original Anthrax fans, that out number you guys by 100 to 1, will buy their stuff, see their shows and make them relevant again and you can start hating them because they're sell outs.

Oh, and for you metal-mental midgets, who haven't a thought in your head except Fuck You.......FUCK YOU, DIE!!!.....TWICE!!!!

:cry: :cry: :cry: My feelings are hurt.