ANTHRAX with Joey Blowadonna will be the laughing stock of OZZFEST.

Billy Milano is that you

sbeall said:
I can't believe all the pansy little Debbies and Brittany's on this board who equate the quality and greatness of a band with whose crank they'd rather suck on, Joey's or John's. You guys checked recently to see if you have a vagina, you might be surprised. You pussies who miss the fact the Anthax hasn't written a worthy riff or song since P.O.T., don't even get it that all you are is a stupid little group of black t-shirt wearing, man-groupies supporting a dead band so you can be the last and biggest fan of a group that currently sells fewer CD's than Whitesnake or Dokken and if they do still sell any worth counting, it's the old Joey era one's anyway. It seems the more they suck, the bigger the fans you are. Are you hoping they might hang out with you because you were the only one to buy their latest, uninspired, musically dead offering? Do you think they read this board to see who their biggest supporter is and they might like you and talk to you.

I grew up listening to and covering Anthrax and SOD/MOD and was so disgusted with that pathetic Stomp that I pulled it after one play through and never listened to it again, and never bought another one of their releases either. It was obvious to me and anyone other than you deaf idiots, they lost whever it was that made them great. It used to be prior to Joey and Danny leaving, you knew it was an Anthrax song even when you heard it for the first time and didn't have to get someone tell you if it was Anthrax or your little brother's dumb garage band. I unintentionally got to see them at a metalfest a few years ago and fell asleep half-way through their boring set. It was as coma inducing as a Dream Theater show without the songs or the talent........pretty much just coma inducing.

Telling me or anyone else that the new Anthrax is the best they've been is like saying the new Metallica is the best ever, or Metal Church is so much better without David Wayne, or better yet, Maiden would be so much better with the fag-poser 3rd guitar player running around, Jason Newstead to replace Harris and a new death metal singer to shout out instead of sing the lyrics. I know, why don't they get the Bushmeister, he's way better than Bruce and the Vandenberg wannabe guitar player can hump his leg while he's butchering the vocals to Where Eagles Dare. Yeah, I hear he does a mean A.I.R. too.

Hopefully, the original Among the Living era Anthrax members will realize after the first European festivals and then Ozzfest, that they F'd up because of ego's and confusion and they'll get back together to write/play songs like they used to and stop with the nu-metal, meandering, buzz-cut, un-melodic, chopper bullshit they're playing now. When that happens, all the original Anthrax fans, that out number you guys by 100 to 1, will buy their stuff, see their shows and make them relevant again and you can start hating them because they're sell outs.

Oh, and for you metal-mental midgets, who haven't a thought in your head except Fuck You.......FUCK YOU, DIE!!!.....TWICE!!!!
No. The post isn't all that violent and Charlie hasn't been called "Charlene Bitchante", there are very few spelling errors and I don't think Billy has such good knowledge of metal. This must have been written by someone who wasn't eating while typing - which automatically excludes Milano.
mentalmeltdown said:
No. The post isn't all that violent and Charlie hasn't been called "Charlene Bitchante", there are very few spelling errors and I don't think Billy has such good knowledge of metal. This must have been written by someone who wasn't eating while typing - which automatically excludes Milano.

Hehe, now that´s just mean... but funny. He didn´t complain about Scott being jewish either.
jdelpi said:
You know, it's amazing how many people add an "h" on my user name.

Hey Justin, I just downloaded two songs that are labeled :
Anthrax - I'll take you there (demo 1983) and
Anthrax - Leader of the land.

Are those for real or are they just mislabeled? I'm sure that being an Anthrax history buff, you're able to answer this...

mentalmeltdown said:
Hey Justin, I just downloaded two songs that are labeled :
Anthrax - I'll take you there (demo 1983) and
Anthrax - Leader of the land.

Are those for real or are they just mislabeled? I'm sure that being an Anthrax history buff, you're able to answer this...


"I'll take you there" is actually "Satan's Wheels." I forget what "Leader of the land" is, but that's definitely not the correct song title. I'll see if I can find out. And they're from 1982.
I've just found out that Anthrax are playing at Donington with the ATL line-up (haven't perused the board for ages so hadn't heard the rumours)

The chance to see Anthrax normally has me celebrating, but this has left me with a peculiar feeling (i.e not total delight)

I don't understand it:
-they've dumped one of the best metal vocalists around. Nothing against Joey but he is no John Bush
- they are writing off the excellent music on the last 4 albums
- a bassist who was mysteriously fired about 8 months ago is now back
- if this is only supposed to be temporary and John is supposed to be back for the new album this just seems totally stupid. They will be playing to a big audience who could (would!) be impressed and go out and buy the new album, an audience who probably wouldn't normally see or hear Anthrax. Now they probably wouldn't buy the new album as it won't be the same people.

I'm worried that this will go on for a while and Anthrax will be relegated to the status of an old tribute act instead of an excellent modern band making great new music.

I'll still go and see them of course, the one good thing that could happen would be if they played Blood!
Keith Would said:
I'm worried that this will go on for a while and Anthrax will be relegated to the status of an old tribute act instead of an excellent modern band making great new music.

My thoughts exactly!:worship:
Keith Would said:
I'll still go and see them of course, the one good thing that could happen would be if they played Blood!
That's thinking positively! BLOOD rules! Jdelphi doesn't like it, but fuck him!
Oh shit I did u H ...
sorry Justin ... my eyesight isn't what it used to be ... and I touchtype too :|
Keith Would said:
I've just found out that Anthrax are playing at Donington with the ATL line-up (haven't perused the board for ages so hadn't heard the rumours)

The chance to see Anthrax normally has me celebrating, but this has left me with a peculiar feeling (i.e not total delight)

I don't understand it:
-they've dumped one of the best metal vocalists around. Nothing against Joey but he is no John Bush
- they are writing off the excellent music on the last 4 albums
- a bassist who was mysteriously fired about 8 months ago is now back
- if this is only supposed to be temporary and John is supposed to be back for the new album this just seems totally stupid. They will be playing to a big audience who could (would!) be impressed and go out and buy the new album, an audience who probably wouldn't normally see or hear Anthrax. Now they probably wouldn't buy the new album as it won't be the same people.

I'm worried that this will go on for a while and Anthrax will be relegated to the status of an old tribute act instead of an excellent modern band making great new music.

I'll still go and see them of course, the one good thing that could happen would be if they played Blood!

I couldnt have said it better myself Keith, I dont understand the bands reason to do this either. Add to that list that they just released an album of old songs redone with John Bush singing so you'd expect right after the release of GOTE that if they were touring they would be doing shows with John Bush playing songs from the album. They have doen a few shows but now they decide to bring Belladonna and Spitz back for a tour...that dont make sense to me.

And i dont care what you say Anthrax with John Bush would be received 10 times better at Ozzfest than with the ATL lineup.
Well said Onslaught... Anthrax is Anthrax ...whether thats the World Darkest white man or the Bald Growler now newbie Daddy singing!

Like I said before, Anthrax is as Anthrax does.
We have no idea what is going on behind the scenes! None of us, not even Blabbermouth.
So we just sit back, and see what happens.
what's it really matter anyway. I listen for the music. Vocals are really just a 5th of it, and between Joey and John you're not getting anything weak. Both singers are better than most others in the realm of thrash music. Enjoy the crunching riffs and Charlies insane drumming. That's what it's all about.
Karina_666 said:
what's it really matter anyway. I listen for the music. Vocals are really just a 5th of it, and between Joey and John you're not getting anything weak. Both singers are better than most others in the realm of thrash music. Enjoy the crunching riffs and Charlies insane drumming. That's what it's all about.

well said,when sown came out i had no pre concieved ideas that i am gonna get a shit singer on board,john bush is the man and so is belladonna,as long as the music is good both singers will always do a fine job.