Any female Opeth followers?

Another female fan here. I've been into them for about two years. MAYH was the first album I bought and is my fave of all of them.
Black Rose said:
Another female fan here. I've been into them for about two years. MAYH was the first album I bought and is my fave of all of them.

Where abouts in the UK are you from?
NineFeetUnderground said:
*we interrupt this program to bring you a special news bulletin*

"This just in... it seems an epidemic of stupidity and too much time on peoples hands is sweeping the world by storm. At this rate, humanity is on a downward spiral of fanboyness and faggotry. Officials beleive the heavy metal band 'Opeth' is to blame. There is no apparent cause or reason for this that we can see as of yet. We will bring more details to you as we receive them..."

*now back to your regularly scheduled programming*
Haha, Legendary! And well needed.
I'm a female what a surprise uh? Also have the "O" on my belly, I think I told you before... who cares.
Yeah, it seems like a fucking dating service, hahaha!
...Shit my head hurts, this past weekend I went to a party which ended sunday night (friday, saturday & sunday) and let me tell you guys it was the most wildest fucking party I've ever been in to.
Seriously, I have to quit drinking ...fucking hang over(s)
*we interrupt this program to bring you a special news bulletin*

"This just in... it seems an epidemic of stupidity and too much time on peoples hands is sweeping the world by storm. At this rate, humanity is on a downward spiral of fanboyness and faggotry. Officials beleive the heavy metal band 'Opeth' is to blame. There is no apparent cause or reason for this that we can see as of yet. We will bring more details to you as we receive them..."

*now back to your regularly scheduled programming*
i am 100% womang thanks very much..
well, it does seem that most metal shows are sausage-fests, but this works to my advantage in so far as at the last show i attended i met 4 very nice guys... i think there were 6 girls there in total, 3 were with their bfs. so, i figure at this rate i could very well meet someone worthwhile who shares an interest that can alienate some folks. i mean when you're not in high school or college, it can be tough to meet people.
anyway, i would also like to add that tattooing is body art, not mutilation.
i guess shitty tattoos would be mutilation of a sort, but one does what one wants with one's own flesh.
currently i am obsessed with bwp and mayh.
I have to reiterate the point Hypnos has made in the past about a good deal of metal chicks being repulsive, both physically and personality-wise. This is why I preffer my gigs to be sausage-fests. At least if I'm packing up against someone in a moshpit they don't get ideas.