Any female Opeth followers?

Eriel said:

I also got into Opeth about two years ago, with a few Blackwater Park mp3s I got off the internet. (Bleak, Dirge For November, and The Drapery Falls.) I listen to all their albums, my favorites at the moment are Orchid and My Arms, Your Hearse. I have since bought all their albums.

And I don't think this thread is a dating service, (or shouldn't become one). Just a place to gather and see other females who like opeth also exist, who aren't just into them because they're boyfriends listen to them or something. (I actually got several guys into them, ironically enough.) Anyway it's a relief to see other women here who like the same music I do, considering how metal is often portrayed as male-only. It feels like a boy's club already so why shouldn't we have our own thread? It doesn't mean guys aren't allowed. :)
....If you had any idea how creepy that is... You have been listening to Opeth as long as I have, share the same views as me... and love the same album... o_O Awesome.

oh, and I'm a gmale btw
Necramentia said:
meaning you want to meet people on the forum to barbecue with?

hmm, count me in.
no. meaning I want to meet people on the forum to buttsex0r with!

silly.[/pwnt] :rolleyes:

but since your suggestion is so good, we'll do it your way!@ ^_^ oh, and i'll bring the canetoads decadent, don't you worry. they're almost knee-deep already with the wet season coming on. what's everyone else bringing?

@-trat: i do? thank you!!... i think?

@sarcasm: ditto. howdy btw. :wave:
Necramentia said:
barbecue plus buttsex0r? i'm in. as long as there's barbecue.
no no no no no. just the bbq. no buttsex0r. you were the one that wanted the bbq in favour remember? and it's ok 9ftunder, it's not your fault you're a lil slow *pats you on the head*

now run along.