Any female Opeth followers?

Reminds me of my days in Queensland... frying canetoads on the park BBQ with my brother. Those were the days.

Ecologists rekon the toad'll be here by next year. Mmm... fried toad...
PoS said:
@guitarmaster: thanks very much for very nearly taking a great big steaming dump on any of the women (including me) that have posted on this thread.

I'm sorry you feel that way.

PoS said:
are these women you are referring to 'subpar metalheads' or 'subpar women' cos you're not being precisely clear here.
PoS said:
You haven't figured it out? I would have thought the blatant insult would have been conspicuous.

PoS said:
a person who considers themself a follower of opeth is a follower of opeth, unless of course they are only doing so to be a part of a crowd. their level of devotion (or in your case i think obsession) with the band does not determine if they are a 'follower' or not.

Obsession? Hardly. When concerning my favorite bands, Opeth wouldn't make it in the top ten. I can actually agree to a certain point with the last sentence.

PoS said:
nor does what othertypes of metal they listen to quailify or disqualify them as 'metalheads'. they listen to metal, therefore they are metalheads. if you're trying to say 'they don't listen to tr00 metal' in your opinion, don't you think you're being, at the least, awfully elitist?

I believe to qualify as a definitive metalhead, you should be open to all forms of metal. The term "metalhead" speaks for itself, it's an individual who lives and breathes nothing but purely, and simply all that is metal. And their taste consists of a wide spectrum of bands that they support (mostly limited to metal), not merely the select few, who happen to fall under the category of metal, who catch the listener's attention with their hopeless romantic lyrics because he/she is caught in a present dilemma with their "lover". A widely known case.
I'm not attempting to claim "they don't listen to tr00 metal", it's a basic knowledge and a typical claim from any metalhead, not mine. Take it anyway you want.

PoS said:
The only reason I'm not tearing you a new one here

Tell me, how exactly would you go about "tearing me a new one"?

PoS said:
is that you're use of the english language leaves... room for interpretation. I assume you were trying to say "are far from such." and not "are from such." for example?

Is this the only statement you found that left a reasonable amount of interpretation to be made? And if this was a direct insult toward my use of the "english language", I suggest you put additional effort next time around, and correct your own errors before speaking.

PoS said:
The entire content of your post was negative and mildly degrading. in fact, there was not one single positive thing to be said for women who listen to metal

Simply due to the vast majority fitting under what I have already categorized them under. An assembly of nothing more than heart-wrenching hopeless romantics who care nothing for the fundamentals of a form of music, unless of course, it pertains to poetic and dark romantic lyrical themes.

PoS said:
until you responded to luz saying she was an exception and not the norm.

And that wasn't me.

PoS said:
until then it was as if there were no exceptions in your book.

Inaccurate assumption. There are exceptions, however, they're immensely scarce.

PoS said:
for the record, I am a girl who started with what you would call your emo-metal about 4 or so years ago, so I remember what it's like.

Good for you.

PoS said:
I have sense broadened my horizons (not moved on) to some of the more obscure and tr00, as you would call it, genre's of metal. I like a little of everything.

I'm delighted to hear you burgeon into an open-minded, exceptional metalhead. And it's the general consensus in the metal community based on what I have already stated. It's not mine.
I even consider myself an anti-metalhead. The majority of metalheads are inactive human beings, staying indoors away from sunlight, typically close minded in matters beyond the realm of metal, and confine themselves to nothing but metal. Might I add with low intelligence as well.

Nothing of what I just stated fits me. I listen to every form of music - being a musician may be a strong cause - and recognize what the world of music offers, I don't believe in limiting myself to one genre. Metalheads are typically petty subjects enthralled under nothing but what it is they follow fanatically, I, and a few others are unencumbered with this stupidity, maybe you are as well.

Take note that I'm not a sexist either, I just don't fail to realize the stupidity of the majority of metalheads, and those that claim to be.

If you were offended by my earlier remarks. I apologize, as blunt and misogynist as it may have sounded, the rude insults were directed toward the general amount. I am well aware that there are exceptions, it seems you may be one.
bUt teHn h0w wiLl we MeET 0ur s0ulm4tes oN da 0peTh fOrum?

seriously people, leave your houses. go play outside.
metal is a subculture...

that being said, the population is much more minimal than regarding society as a whole.

metal is a subculture of "alternative" lifestyle and interest, typically based on masculinity, lack of self esteem, anger and aggression and the "dark" side of life.

that being said, women are going to be far and few between anyway, and when they do come up, typically theyre more masculine, or not very "attractive" due to feeling exiled by the rest of society for being so, and have then latched onto metal to give them sanctuary from the evil cheerleaders of the world which have made their life hell somehow for actually taking care of themselves and not feeling the need to pierce themselves shut...

now that we have a general understanding, we can begin to discover why it is that males find female metalheads attractive and vice verse:

metalhead males are typically ALSO very ugly and cast outs of society, who seek refuge in a subculture of aggression and hatred towards most other things. Within these confines, they also have the human need of sex. The opposite sex offered within this subculture is mainly what they have to go on, which lowers their standards by default, not to mention the jaded excitement of having a partner into the same music as you...which i guess is "cool" and "metal"...yet blatantly distorts ones perception of beauty, ive seen it happen.

that being said, both parties are equally "slumming" it, and settling for less than adequate partners simply because they find someone else who is into heavy metal and beer (who would have thought?!)

plenty of guys think anything with breasts and dyed black hair and black lipstick is hot. that is fine....dimented and sick, but each their own. By the same token, plenty of female metalheads will fuck any guy with hair past his shoulders who says "fuck" a lot.

nobodys perfect, but maybe a re-evaluation is in order for some people.
NineFeetUnderground said:
the point here is...there is no point...i just love pointing out the painful truth to those who are in denial.

try clearing that one up to a people whose social world exists on the internet.
well...I don't know what am I supposed to write right now.
I'm trying to waste your time reading nothing LOL LOL!
(that's because it's my fucking birthday, 23... fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!! I'm getting old damn it) at least congratulate me motherfuckers! LOL LOL LOL (damn...I'm getting drunk too)
I love you (lol lol and that's not for Wolftribe lol lol and probably tomorrow I'll hate some bastards, who fucking cares)
\m/ :kickass:

Arruhhg. Fucking thread.


Hypnos fella said:
feeling exiled by the rest of society for being so, and have then latched onto metal to give them sanctuary from the evil cheerleaders of the world...

Just to prove your example wrong, one of the lady members around here "Christie_fell" happens to be a cheerleader, and has impeccable taste.
Necramentia said:
^^i wonder if anyone actually reads shit this long. other than the person it's directed at.

i did haha.

Decadent said:
Just to prove your example wrong, one of the lady members around here "Christie_fell" happens to be a cheerleader, and has impeccable taste.

she might just be the only one in the world. i dunno why no other cheerleaders like metal, i mean come's good. at least it's better than dmx.
Decadent said:
Arruhhg. Fucking thread.


Just to prove your example wrong, one of the lady members around here "Christie_fell" happens to be a cheerleader, and has impeccable taste.

theres always exceptions to every rule. all of my generalizations are just that...generalizations. however they are DEEPLY rooted in fact and statistics.
FUBAR said:
I have a golf club, This thread is soo shit I can't believe that I'm sad enough to keep posting
...yet you do. addictive id'n'it? ;)

Decadent said:
Reminds me of my days in Queensland... frying canetoads on the park BBQ with my brother. Those were the days.

Ecologists rekon the toad'll be here by next year. Mmm... fried toad...
woah! don't eat those things d00d, you'd be trippin' for a week! then again, frying 'em might remove the toxins. hmmm...

@guitarmaster: you know what, I actually had done up and exceptionally long reply, counterpointing the majority of points you made (as i read them)... and then I got to the end of your post.

to (overly) simplify matters, it appears that you dislike (to put it mildly) the overwhelming majority of women who listen to metal (or think that they do not belong at least) cos they don't listen to enough metal, but then you hate metalheads cos they are too obsessed with their particular style of music and it's relevant mindset. soeaking of which, sorry about the 'obsession' comment. it was about the only point I made that wasn't firmly rooted in fact. alittle spiteful i'll admit. :oops: if you're trying to scare women away from metal (it's a hard enough gig to get into as it is) you're doing a good job.

anyway, one wonders if there is anything you do like?