Anyone going to the Maryland Deathfest?

that's what happens when you skip days washing your hair, it eventually leads to red vajin :loco:
I swear to you, but last night when I saw that pic, I felt stench in my nose for real.. just by looking at it.

I hate those crusties. ...and by the way, did anyone see them serving 'home made' food on day 1 near the main entrance? wtf was that all about.
a lot... last year the crusties had no 'trailers' to sleep in (thie year they rented U-Haul trailers and slept in them) and I actually came on day 2 with 2 huge dog food bags for them..
I'm such a sucker... but I care for the dogs more than those idiots.. they were sleeping outside on the grass and stench of Baltimore.. YUK.
I saw them last year eating some chicken and giving the dogs the bones!! CHICKEN BONES!
So I got them 2 bags of dog food.. true story. They were very happy. woopteedoo. As long as their dogs got good food.
a lot... last year the crusties had no 'trailers' to sleep in (thie year they rented U-Haul trailers and slept in them) and I actually came on day 2 with 2 huge dog food bags for them..
I'm such a sucker... but I care for the dogs more than those idiots.. they were sleeping outside on the grass and stench of Baltimore.. YUK.
I saw them last year eating some chicken and giving the dogs the bones!! CHICKEN BONES!
So I got them 2 bags of dog food.. true story. They were very happy. woopteedoo. As long as their dogs got good food.

The crusties probably ate the dog food.
When we first got together I took her to an Opeth show (because I figured chicks HAVE to dig Opeth, right?!?!?). That was the last concert she said she would ever attend with me.

hahahahaha I should have been checking this thread more regularly
great post
Fuck. Why did someone post that pic? Anyway, I think that may be a bit doctored. I've never seen anything like that. Not even in a textbook. The only thing I can think would cause that would be not washing. And I mean not washing for an incredibly long time. And peeing on yourself. Looks like a staph infection.
Those are Ohio plates btw. Yay Ohio
Fuck. Why did someone post that pic? Anyway, I think that may be a bit doctored. I've never seen anything like that. Not even in a textbook. The only thing I can think would cause that would be not washing. And I mean not washing for an incredibly long time.

Bingo. You obviously aren't familiar with the Crust lifestyle.
you know these crusties couldn't exist in a large metro area with real homeless bums ... they would get a schooling from them like nobody's business.
They should come out to San Francisco and have the ultimate homeless war in the Tenderloin.
this was the only picture i could find where we all look sort of normal. from left to right - brandon, jessi, will, me
