Any idea what reverb Andy used on the drums on Doomsday Machine? It's got a bit of that cheap, dirty, linear sound like the Dverb. I'm still trying to get a hold of a verb that does that to metal drums. Freeverb comes close, but not quite cigar.
Watched a few songs from Live Apocalypse today (testing out my new monitors) and was again astounded at Andy's mix. From what I gather most people here record 4 tracks (2 per side) of guitars to get a nice full sound. However in this instance there would be only 1 track per side available yet the sound is still so full and solid. So how does he get it to sound so full with only one track per side. I have read that he reamped with a Krankenstein. I understand that reamping with 2 different amps per side might thicken things up a bit more than just one. Anyone know if other amps were involved? What was used on the lead tones?

Incredible sound :rock:
Watched a few songs from Live Apocalypse today (testing out my new monitors) and was again astounded at Andy's mix. From what I gather most people here record 4 tracks (2 per side) of guitars to get a nice full sound. However in this instance there would be only 1 track per side available yet the sound is still so full and solid. So how does he get it to sound so full with only one track per side. I have read that he reamped with a Krankenstein. I understand that reamping with 2 different amps per side might thicken things up a bit more than just one. Anyone know if other amps were involved? What was used on the lead tones?

Incredible sound :rock:

Welcome to today's world of fake live DVDs.
Damn!!! Nice pics! Double trigs on the kicks! Is that for backup, I wonder? And, is that some kind of Earthworks device on the left kick? Wow, and the beaters are turned sideways! Also, looks like Christopher has a Digitech "Brian May" pedal. Once again, very cool pics!

those pearl beaters are 4 directional, 2 plastic, 2 felt, so it isn't sideways.
love the negativity here. You'd be surprised how much is still actually live on that DVD, couple of edits and touch ups, nothin that wasn't goin on when The Scorpions released Tokyo Tapes tho.
love the negativity here. You'd be surprised how much is still actually live on that DVD, couple of edits and touch ups, nothin that wasn't goin on when The Scorpions released Tokyo Tapes tho.

At the end of the day, if it wasn't for a few "touch ups" and the reamping/ sampling and it came out sounding lesser and/ or with stuff ups, just as many people would be crying about it. "Oh, my favourite guitarist/ drummer/ whatever stuffed up. OMG!"

Who cares, really. Props to all involved for having a great performance, a great sound and still maintaining such an intense, live feel to it.

If only Metallica's live shit shows had that treatment. The sound is so shit on those, but the vibe of the performance was awsome.