I can´t get over the guitar tone on this one.. Powerfull yet really smooth. Andy, would you mind sharing how the two amps are balanced and if there was any kind of special processing?
I can´t get over the guitar tone on this one.. Powerfull yet really smooth. Andy, would you mind sharing how the two amps are balanced and if there was any kind of special processing?

To me this the Chimaera and Devildriver sound similar. They both have that kick ass low end/mids, but sort of missing the high end that Andy seems to get out of the rectifier like with Nevermore. It's heavier but the intricacy of the playing doesn't show so much (ie the different notes are harder to distinguish but the sound is heavier). My opinion only.
:notworthy Sneap
I hate to say it but I really, really don't like the mix on this album. The guitars have no substance to them at all, sound mushy, not much note definition. Drum mix is good, vocals are nice, but the guitar tone kills it for me.
one of the most retarded statements ever!

That's my opinion, dumbass. :Smug:
I'm only going by Not All Who Wonder Are Lost since its the only song I like on the album anyway and I haven't listened to the rest in forever. But they hit triplets all over the place and you can barely tell. The guitars all blend together. Huge punchy drums, with thin guitars that sound like all the mids have been cut 20db
I gotta say, I'm just now getting into these guys and this album, and honestly, while the snare is definitely incredibly punchy, I honestly find it a bit too much so - listening on my headphones now I find it very fatiguing; props to Andy for making it pop so well, but IMHO it's a bit too much! :erk: Gotta put on "The Great Cold Distance" too recuperate :D
Metaltastic, I have to agree. That was my first thought upon listening to the CD. The snare kind of hurts! Still, great sounding record.
Haha, yeah, I said "ear fatiguing" cuz it sounded less vaginal, but after a few songs on my ipod today (first time listening to it with 'phones) I was definitely hurtin'!
Marcus check out the last track on the album, The Axe Shall Fall, i constantly listen to it from 3.24 to the end over and over, the production is sooo good, and the ornag vibe and drums rocking out is soo warm... mmmmm

The Hammond organ (I hope it is one) mixed in is beyond awesome!
Hahahaha, fuck yeah dude, that was actually the first song I heard (my housemate played it for me), and god do I love that end section (and also "FUCK! YOU! And the horse that you rode in on!! :lol: )
I find the mix absolutely killer...It's funny to see new posts on this topic, as I've dug out all 3 of DD's CD's to listen to...I never really gave them too much thought until their latest, and I mainly bought it because Andy's name was attached. Even listening back to their other 2 releases, I gotta say they are much better to my ears now than I remember them being before. Not the production, but the band itself.

They have IMO a pretty different sound vs. most other bands of their ilk.

As for the snare or drum mix...You dudes are crazy! The mix is heavenly! I could listen to that snare 24/7...huge, fat and punchy. I love it.