No I'm saying pics are from pre production for resurrection album with Jason. I remember reading blogs and think i even saw a video of when they were all out there doing pre production. I don't have the best memory, but pretty sure thats what those pics are from....
Same thing here. Singer looks more annoyed everytime I see him. Only guys really giving it are Matt & Andols (also Kevin used to know how to entertain!!).

I heard them saying somewhere that they do not enjoy tour Europe for some reason, curious why! So that might be it?!

If you watch the dvd with on the Ressurection bonus, you can see Mark Hunter going to the doc for his back. I guess he is so badly armed that he cannot move too much. he said its because of all the moshing and all.
If you watch the dvd with on the Ressurection bonus, you can see Mark Hunter going to the doc for his back. I guess he is so badly armed that he cannot move too much. he said its because of all the moshing and all.

I know, I've got the DVD.
But it's not about rocking out on stage.
It's about looking bored on stage like "what the fuck am I doing here, I'm not enjoying this".

Maybe it's because they were unhappy with everything aroud them (drummers, label) that made them feel that way. I actually haven't seen them on tour with the resurrection album yet.

P.S. I have to say, this album is in my CD player everyday, since the day I bought, great songwriting, and just such a amazing mix!
C'mon.....Mark is looking bored onstage yet.....he doesn't move, he sing with no energy at all......Actually Chimaira's shows are very very boring! The only one that save the show is Matt with his headbanging. Jim is like a modern sid vicious....only for the presence :D
Anyone noticed that the kick on Resurrection is almost definitely the typical Colin Richardson sample? I've been listening to this album since it came out, but the kick thing just dawned on me like two weeks ago. I am 99% sure, just compare it to any of the more recent Colin records, and see what you think...
Thanks for the reply Andy. I could definitely tell that it was not your typical kick and it really does sound incredibly similar to Colin's kick in my opinion. I was imagining Chimaira or Andols being like "We LOVED the kick sound on the last record we did with Colin...", and you consequently drawing a favor from Colin. If you would be so kind as to share, is it another one of your kicks, or Andols' kick, or is there some Slate in there, or...?
lol you're probably WAAAAYYY overthinking this. It's just a kick, I wouldn't be surprised if no more thought went into it than 'yeah this sounds cool, we'll use this....' after some messing about with a sample...
The productions values are amazing on this album. So amazing, in fact, that a band that I'm working with wants to get similar sounds. General guidelines are basically there; I've got a Krankenstein and one of the guitarists has a 5150, so we're ballin' :Smokin:. I watched the grain-tastic YouTube video and was proud that I was able to recognize the KM184s through the haze. I have ready enough access to those as well, making life easier for me :kickass:.

However, I couldn't recognize for the life of me the mic that Mark was singing into. Would anyone happen to know the signal chain for the vox? :erk:

Also, feel free to scoff, do record bass? ¯\(°_o)/¯
Been listening and referencing to Resurrection today and its got such a powerful bottom end, solid and fat without any boominess. Im thinking a multiband comp is the only way to achieve this on the mix buss or in mastering or both?? :kickass:
THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH DRUM TRIGGERING/REPLACING...The drummer is still playing what you hear, if the RAW drum sound doesn't come out to good then replacing is a good way of making the overall sound better...anyway if you have half a brain and know ANYTHING about drum replacing, then you should know that it's not a simple as clicking on sample in Drumagog for example and it sounding great straight away. It needs EQ/compression and a couple of other things and in my case hours of tweaking. We have the tools to do this kind of thing these days so why not use them...fair enough if you want a pure drum sound not even touched at all (RAW)..But there is no need to slate drum replacing.
Thanks for the reply Andy. I could definitely tell that it was not your typical kick and it really does sound incredibly similar to Colin's kick in my opinion. I was imagining Chimaira or Andols being like "We LOVED the kick sound on the last record we did with Colin...", and you consequently drawing a favor from Colin. If you would be so kind as to share, is it another one of your kicks, or Andols' kick, or is there some Slate in there, or...?

+1 please....
just listening to resurrection again after a while, and I think I'll go as far as saying this is probably my favourite andy mix. the drums have such an awesome vibe to them, and everything else is perfect for the mix (clear but with character IMO).

Ed, you speak the truth indeed. I too believe (for me) that this is Sneaps best work. Love the album, minus "The Flame" still, apart from that kick-ass riff in it, which is actually too low in the mix. That riff needs to be heard loud. :rock: