Are you afraid of the future???

But he plays in From Dusk Till Dawn, that's why I suggested you do that.

Of course Mr. Darcy is bettah, but he's English, that's the reason.
When I was about 7 my father still had a farm and we were always outside playing and building stuff. One time my brother had some friends over (they were about 8 or 9 years old) They were trying to build a hut and I wanted to join in. One of my brother's friends didn't want me to because he thought building huts wasnt for girls. I kept whining that I wanted to help building that hut and the friend got mad. He picked up a hayfork and pinned it right through my left foot. He had quite some power for an 8 year old I must say.. luckily it went through a soft spot and nothing bad happened; I can still walk. But I do have a scar the size of a penny on my left foot. And probably one on my bum from the tetanus injection I had to get... Still hate that guy :)
Bambi said:
we've never had a scar thread

I could give you a thread all about making scars. I performed this ceremony by myself.

My flesh offering scars. This ceremony in eight parts was for Ben. They were for his well being, his life to be better. Each offering is a committed prayer to Tunkasila and Wakan Tanka.




This is all it takes.






god says thats naughty though :err:

Leviticus19 28 :"Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord"
But it's not for the dead but for the living.

Though I remember her cursing the aforementioned young man some time ago.
fear kills mind. detached I am of all boundaries. what's yet to come will only complete achieving the final level.
Sorry i dont get it, that is fucking blood. Nobody wants your blood. Sorry i dont know you and i dont know the religion you profess but i dont think any God wants you to make to yourself that nasty thing.

Thats my humble opinion.