Are you christian and like Black Metal?

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Taylor C save yourself you annoying fuck. This shit get's old and annoying and this is the Ultimate Metal board and this forum is MUSIC (M U S I C). Take your Christian,Allah,Buddah, etc.. shit somewhere else. That last part speaks for everyone and I am sure I am not the only one sick of hearing about this garbage. There are probably 1 million different religion forums all over GO THERE.
Well, this thread originally was about music, until various people decided to stray off-topic and attack Christianity. How original....
Dreamlord said:
Well, this thread originally was about music, until various people decided to stray off-topic and attack Christianity. How original....

Actually, this thread was originally a vehicle for dumbfucks with no self-confidence to elicit back-patting and validation. Until various people decided to attack Christianity, of course.

Living Inside said:
Taylor C save yourself you annoying fuck. This shit get's old and annoying and this is the Ultimate Metal board and this forum is MUSIC (M U S I C). Take your Christian,Allah,Buddah, etc.. shit somewhere else. That last part speaks for everyone and I am sure I am not the only one sick of hearing about this garbage. There are probably 1 million different religion forums all over GO THERE.

Shut up. I only respond to what other people have already brought up, so blame them for doing so. I'm allowed to express my opinions, this is a message board. This is also the only thread I've brought up a lot related to religion in. If this gets old to you, don't read it. It's as easy as that. You don't have to involve yourself in what you don't like, and you're straying off topic yourself. Great job. :err:
As a genre, I love black metal, I think its an awesome style of music. But I won't fall in with the Satanic or Christ-bashing black metal bands, which is a lot of them. If there are only a few songs that maturely discuss their denial of Christianity (not like Christraping Black Metal or anything retarded), then I'll usually give those a chance. I love a lot of the songs by Emperor, and most of those don't feel the need to ridiculously blaspheme against my religion. Disagreement is one thing, vicious insults are a whole different thing.
You deserve ridiculous insults, and by 'you' I mean christians.

If you don't understand what one's religion has to to with liking black metal, you obviously just don't get it.

Per definition (though I use the term wider than that) black metal is satanic or at least christ-bashing. Many people don't use that definition, though.
Would you please tell me what non-satanic/christbashing black metal bands you listen to? I'm assuming you don't like NSBM either.
epicous said:


Dude epicous,
Did u know that Krishna had 16,000 Wives ? :hypno: ,he din marry all of them, then i guess they were his whores :loco: . dude all these things are just fantasy , Is it possible to have 16,000 Wives or be it Whores itself , For the records as u know i am supposed to be a Hindu , but i am glad that i accept reality not fantasy.
Sorath said:
You deserve ridiculous insults, and by 'you' I mean christians.

You deserve them just as much too.

Sorath said:
Per definition (though I use the term wider than that) black metal is satanic or at least christ-bashing. Many people don't use that definition, though.
Would you please tell me what non-satanic/christbashing black metal bands you listen to? I'm assuming you don't like NSBM either.

There are black metal bands out there that don't heavily insult Christianity. I like a lot of Dissection, Emperor, Antestor, Sympathy, etc. It's still just a music style, whether the lyrics are Satanic or not shouldn't define the genre, IMO. What other genre conforms to specific lyric content?
"You deserve ridiculous insults, and by 'you' I mean christians"


This man speaks the truth.

Sorath said:
You deserve ridiculous insults, and by 'you' I mean christians.

If you don't understand what one's religion has to to with liking black metal, you obviously just don't get it.

Per definition (though I use the term wider than that) black metal is satanic or at least christ-bashing. Many people don't use that definition, though.
Would you please tell me what non-satanic/christbashing black metal bands you listen to? I'm assuming you don't like NSBM either.
Crimson Moonlight, Lengsel, Antestor, Kekal, and Slechvalk are all Christian bands that expresses themselves through black metal.
Why would it not be? You are talking about listening to the music? If you don't emulate those bands or apply their ideology to real life, what's the harm?

I am a Christian (not a Fundamentalist) and I listen to black metal a good deal, and I see nothing wrong with it, regardless of the Anti-Christian ideology within the music.
If you think Crimson Moonlight, Lengsel, Antestor, Kekal, and Slechvalk are black metal you've gotten it all wrong. True, I haven't heard all of ther bands but I doubt they would classify as black metal.

If Emperor and Dissection doesn't insult christianity (possibly not that much through lyrics, but the band members' actions and such) my name is John Hong woppa moppa dodoo.
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