Are you christian and like Black Metal?

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Anonymousnick2001: You go ahead and start that band and prove me wrong. In the days of Bathory and Venom, black metal was nothing but music with a satanic image, but later bands formed who practiced what they preached. Because they really believed what they said, they were able to pour their hatred towards christianity into their music, thus bringing the music to new levels. I do indeed enjoy Venom, Bathory and other great old school acts, but nothing compares to De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas, and most of the 1st wave bm is enjoyed in a different way than second wave stuff.

TaylorC: I never said anything about "kvlt" or something like that. Mayhem died with Euronymous, Hellhammer is a hippie, so that argument earns you nothing.
Sure, you might know some black metal bands, perhaps even own a couple of CDs and listen to them. I'm just saying that you obviously do not understand the music. If you disagree, well, that's your problem.

Of course all of this is my point of view, free for you to share or not. If you don't, you'll have to live with me thinking you're stupid and don't understand what you're listening to. I'd be surprised if you christians still listened to black metal 5-10 years from now, and I strongly encourage you to venture into the underground.
The music of Mayhem and/or Darkthrone would not exist in the first place (at least in it's now well-known form) if not for the band members' hatred towards your kind. anti-christianity is the core around which it evolved.

Then again, I'm not personally offended. I'm Muslim. But all the anti-God stuff is a bit much.

I know what the motivation for their music was.

But, I don't see why that should stop Christians from listening to black metal. It's just a style of music. Playing music in that style makes it that style. That's just how it is.

I guess death metal bands that don't sing about death and eating babies or gore or blood or stuff aren't really death metal then.
Black metal and death metal are two different things. In general there is much more ideology behind black metal than death metal, so let's leave death metal outside this discussion.

Christians can listen to black metal, hopefully it will make them convert. If they don't, I take it as an obvious sign that they don't get the depth of the music.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Playing music in that style makes it that style. That's just how it is.

I guess death metal bands that don't sing about death and eating babies or gore or blood or stuff aren't really death metal then.
I have to break my earlier promise, hehe.

Now you're just being silly. "Black metal" and "death metal" are fucking NAMES. By your idiotic "logic", black metal bands should only sing about the colour black then, no? It's a fucking name. Black metal is a term that describes music with a certain ideology and to some extent a certain kind of music. IT IS NOT JUST A STYLE OF MUSIC; did you ever wonder why the fuck Varg says that Burzum isn't black metal? Because it doesn't conform to black metal ideology. Did you ever wonder why Enslaved called their early stuff "viking metal" when it obviously has VERY close musical ties with the likes of Mayhem? That's right, because it doesn't conform to black metal ideology.

It's really a pity that the "black metal" name is what it is; maybe if they decided to call it "Satanic metal" instead so there would be nothing to discuss people like you would finally get what black metal is. Black metal is not solely music.

Here, let it make even MORE clear for you with an example you might have an easier time relating to:
Gospel music is music in any style whose lyric is:

* substantially based upon historically orthodox Christian truth contained in or derived from the Holy Bible;
* and/or an expression of worship of God or praise for His works;
* and/or testimony of relationship with God through Christ;
* and/or obviously prompted and informed by a Christian world view.
Now, assuming that the above definition of "gospel music" is true, can I make "gospel music" about worshipping Satan? NO. Could I play music that sounds like most gospel music groups, yet have lyrics about Satan? YES, but then I could NOT call it "gospel music." It's the SAME FUCKING WAY WITH BLACK METAL. Do you comprehend yet? THE FACTOR THAT ULTIMATELY DECIDES IF A BAND PLAYS BLACK METAL IS IDEOLOGY.
Ok, but if you're going on the basis of the name Christian "black" metal, then I'd agree. It should be changed and it does sound oxymoronic, but the music itself is nothing terrible, some of it's better than the secular bands. It's just a band of guys playing music and singing about what they like - which are the elements of Christianity. It's no different than Satanists singing about Satan because they like him.

And seeing as how most of you have shut your minds to any and all outside opinions, I'll just give up on talking to you about Christ now. You don't understand, and most of you never will. It's how I explain my reality, so I honestly couldn't care less if you accept it or not. Just don't insult my beliefs like idiots because you cannot comprehend them. I'll try to be more tolerant of you atheists around here, even amidst the astounding hypocrisy you evidence that are your problems with Christianity.
It isn't a contradiction. You guys are hopelessly blind. Your petty definitions of music don't make it what it is. Music doesn't conform to your standards, and I'm really glad it doesn't conform to anyone's. It's just a group of people playing notes and creating rhythm. They add lyrics and vocals about what they like, to establish an emotional connection with their music (unless they're a sell out band, in which case they'd do it for the fans or the record label or whatever). How many bands do you actually think pay attention to the label their music has been given? Music is expression, not some organized, shallow textbook definitions. Real musicians write music because it has meaning to them, and whether you like it or not, they probably don't care. So what good do you think we're doing by bashing them or condemning them for having & supporting their own beliefs & ideas?
I do not want to hear someone preaching about it in lyrics or at there shows. How hard is it to understand. If they want to talk about that shit they can go to an old persons home to old fucks on there death bed.
"The common sense that there is a creation without a creator? Please explain yourself further."

It is called Cells, Atoms, etc............ Not a made up God. So you are saying all the Gods that have been made up by all the people that have there own Gods on the entire planet. All the Gods had a big meeting and said we are going to make people ? Especially when everyone's religion and God beleive they are the one and the other is wrong hahaha give me a break. So you have 1000 Gods that do not believe in the other causing a huge conflict and already dissmissing the whole theory that it all is real.
Living Inside said:
"The common sense that there is a creation without a creator? Please explain yourself further."

It is called Cells, Atoms, etc............ Not a made up God. So you are saying all the Gods that have been made up by all the people that have there own Gods on the entire planet. All the Gods had a big meeting and said we are going to make people ? Especially when everyone's religion and God beleive they are the one and the other is wrong hahaha give me a break. So you have 1000 Gods that do not believe in the other causing a huge conflict and already dissmissing the whole theory that it all is real.
Well, I was asking where cell, atoms, etc. came from, and after that, what you are saying makes absoultley no sense, nor is there a coherent argument.
Cells, Atoms come from themselves. A human being can not make a cell unless it has other cells which cancells the whole thing on a higher power/person/God whatever making them or humans because he would need a cell before creation(regardless back then it would be imposible). Cells, Atoms, etc.... there is so many over time that the cells all did not connect properly and had a reaction which formed life and the planets etc.....(it only took one fuck up to trigger it) which I am pretty sure is the big bang theory that started the simple repeating cycle that we call life. We come from the most basic cell that survived on basic instinct and evolved over time and there was not actually life for along time and just planets rotating endless with no time perception.

There was always atoms and cells and they will never go away. EVER regardless when all human/animal life dies. There is no where for atoms and cells to go and they have and never will find a place or die.

There is 2 things A(life) B(death) and from A to B how long we can survive and what we can do from when we are born to when we die. Right when you are born you are already on a downfall till death(the planet also). Us at a much faster rate

A lot of people and christians/religions confuse it all and make such a simple cycle and way of living more hard and technical than how it was suppose to be in the beginning. Pretty much for greed and control reasons. And when you look at it all and why the world is the way it is now that is why. The mess is so huge at this point that is is imposible to fix/clean it or reverse what went wrong. It is not longer just spilling a glass of water. It is so far gone that everyone covers the truth up because they realized they are completly fucked and walking dumbfounded dipshits and make up something that can guide human beings to beleiving that there is something better out there that is never delivered or seen by any human that believes it.
Christian chaotic metal? That's dumb. Just call it gospel rock (since it's a real stretch to call anything with a Christian content "metal") and get it over with.
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