Are you christian and like Black Metal?

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I am in touch with it and yes I am correct. Also it does not matter if that is what you consider good because one bad thing cancells it out. To say it/christianity does not harm the world is bullshit. Why dont you actually look into it instead of being beyond full of it and yourself. Look at the facts and reality on what it has done to the planet as a whole. One little good thing you witnessed is not good enough when you take the entire religion and planet. You are so lost it is not even funny. Look at the entire planet instead of just your life or 1 little bullshit christian meeting. You are not even in touch with reality what so ever. I do not even no why I bother talking to a religous people because it is like talking to a brick wall. You will never see and you will die never seeing and maybe when you get old you will realize you lived a lie. Have fun dude living life in a blinded view and ignoring everything. You are brainwashed and bullshit.

And my name has nothing to do with actually living inside like as person in a house etc.... It is a song about science and cells and the brain and outerlimits, etc... it just shows that you are shallow and do not think about anything. You beleive everything you are told and will never notice how blind you are. Hvae you ever heard the saying "do not judge a book by it's cover ?"

What about Depth ?

or looking at something from different angels or views and perspectives ?

Instead of not using your brain(like a christian) and going for the obvious. It takes no thought. "a none functioning mind is clinically dead" and religious beliefs cause the brain to do exactly that.

There are people killing in the name of god as I type this and there have been everyday since the beginning of time. Now please get in touch and in some kind of reality.
I havent read this thread so this is off topic, but it popped into my mind

However, I find it amusing that black metal supports individualism( in some ways satanism)- and some weird form of Nazism at the same time. How can one be both an individual, and a proper unindividualistic member of the white race ( or good nazi who doesnt think too much just takes orders from leaders of his superior race) at the same time?
speed said:
However, I find it amusing that black metal supports individualism( in some ways satanism)- and some weird form of Nazism at the same time.
You're lumping all bands together who claim to be "black metal" and pretending they have some kind of uniform ideology. Don't.
If a band came out that sounded like early Ulver or Darkthrone or Satyricon or something, and sang about dead ends and girlfriends or about bein' a Leather Rebel, but had the icy keyboards and cold riffs and blastbeats and fuzzy 'necro' production, would they still be black metal?
that's just selective editing, to distort the whole picture.

Hence why you barely see anything on media about priests molesting children or abusing their roles, yet you do about the mediocre story of the hypocrisy behind gay Christian priests.

as i said, i don't have a problem with Christians. I have a problem with the confining restraints that organised religion places on its followers, and the people that distort the meaning to their own end, using religious code as an excuse to hide behind.
Living Inside said:
I am in touch with it and yes I am correct. Also it does not matter if that is what you consider good because one bad thing cancells it out. To say it/christianity does not harm the world is bullshit. Why dont you actually look into it instead of being beyond full of it and yourself. Look at the facts and reality on what it has done to the planet as a whole. One little good thing you witnessed is not good enough when you take the entire religion and planet. You are so lost it is not even funny. Look at the entire planet instead of just your life or 1 little bullshit christian meeting. You are not even in touch with reality what so ever. I do not even no why I bother talking to a religous people because it is like talking to a brick wall. You will never see and you will die never seeing and maybe when you get old you will realize you lived a lie. Have fun dude living life in a blinded view and ignoring everything. You are brainwashed and bullshit.

So you think the answer is to insult people for thinking differently than you? I'm a Christian, but I atleast respect other views that I may not agree with. Talk about living a blind life and being brainwashed, what do you life for? Yourself? If that's not the biggest waste of a life, then what is? Being intolerant and self-righteous is exactly what you say Christians shouldn't do, but here you're doing it too!

Living Inside said:
Instead of not using your brain(like a christian) and going for the obvious. It takes no thought. "a none functioning mind is clinically dead" and religious beliefs cause the brain to do exactly that.

It's easy to say such things without backing them up. Science is agnostic, so you can't use that against the existence of God. There are countless secular historians today who agree someone named Christ lived between about 2 BC - 30 AD. There are accounts from Roman historians around those times that detail the crucifixion and resurrection events. To ignore such valid material shows the real non-functioning brain.

Living Inside said:
There are people killing in the name of god as I type this and there have been everyday since the beginning of time. Now please get in touch and in some kind of reality.

There are also people killing in the name of Buddha, Allah, etc. Even in the name of "national security" or politics or cult leaders. Whatever belief there is, religious or not, there will always be fanatics. To judge a group of people based on the extremists is shallow and retarded. And don't assume Christians are to blame for everything, we've been persecuted more than most heathens and heretics. It was the Catholic church during the Inquisition that killed heathens, but they also killed many Protestants and Christians who disagreed. So before you use that lame arguement, YOU do some more research into it.
Living Inside said:
Instead of not using your brain(like a christian) and going for the obvious. It takes no thought.
I would think that believing in any religion would not be "going for the obvious." A religion takes faith, which is has no base in the obvious.

You've got it backwards.

There are people killing in the name of god as I type this and there have been everyday since the beginning of time.
People have been killing for money since its inception. Shall we get rid of that as well?

Now please get in touch and in some kind of reality.
A person's perception is their reality, no matter how deluded, intolerant or false it may seem. TaylorC's perception has a foundation of Christianity. Yours is based on intolerance it seems. It just depends on the individual.
People have been killing for wealth/belongings, be it women, money, beer or whatever. Money is just easier to carry around than 50 lbs of potatoes when you wish to trade.

I don't deny there might have been someone people called Jesus Christ around that time, I do deny his almightiness, though.

You christians see differences in different churches, whilst we non-christians mostly do not. I know there are differences and in general what they are, I simply don't care since the Bible which you are supposed to follow and the general message is (should be) the same. I also tend to throw in judaism and islam, but christianity and its 'must have it all'-ideology which has ruined many ancient cultures including the one which used to exist here and lives on in the minds and hearts of people like me. I'm not saying I'm Asatroende or anything like that, but I have great respect for the pre-christianity nordic people and believe that I value at least some thing as they did/would have. Except for my close-mindedness.

Your 'god' exists only in your minds, if you ask me, but that obviously is enough. I still don't like it.
Sorath said:
People have been killing for wealth/belongings, be it women, money, beer or whatever. Money is just easier to carry around than 50 lbs of potatoes when you wish to trade.
True. But the point he was making was that people have been killing in the name of a God since the birth of religion. Of course, he conveniently just mentioned Christianity. Never mind that Vikings killed in the name of Odin, Arabs kiled in the name of Allah, etc....

My point was that people kill for much less, yet he's not trying to get rid of any of those other items that people kill for.

You christians see differences in different churches, whilst we non-christians mostly do not. I know there are differences and in general what they are, I simply don't care since the Bible which you are supposed to follow and the general message is (should be) the same.
I 100% percent absolutely agree. Catholicism, Baptist, Methodist, Protestant, Mormon, Lutheran. It's all hogwash, which is why I am a member of no church. Each denomination made up its own rules based on its own interpretation of the Bible, which I find quite repulsive, and it does not surprise me that it repulses you and people who believe as you do.

Your 'god' exists only in your minds, if you ask me, but that obviously is enough. I still don't like it.
I wonder if Asatru was still as predominant today as it was centuries ago, if you'd be against that religion as much as you are with Christianity.
You are misunderstanding why we dislike Christianity. It is not because it is the dominant religion of our lands. It is partly because of WHY it is the dominant religion of our lands; through lies, deceit, oppression and theft, and partly because it is not OUR religion; it is an alien religion from somewhere in the middle east that has nothing to do with our folk. Why should we live after a religion that is not fit for our people? Our native religion was just that; native. It had the Nordic people in mind, and carried our spirit. Christianity is not ours. Get it the FUCK off our soil already.
I'm quite obviously not really willing to identify with most of what constitutes "my people" nowadays. Things are not the way they should be, and people are too indifferent to care. That also means they don't give a flying fuck about Christianity either, mind you.
Vikings did not kill in the name of Odin, nor did they use violence (or pretty much anything else) to convert people to their own faith. Vikings killed to get wealth, a good reputation and possibly a seat in Valhall.

I think I would not be as much against Asatru because, as most polyteistic religions, it was quite accepting towards other people's gods, thoughts etc. Vikings pretty much figured "hey, if everyone here worships that YHWH guy, he must be the strongest god around here. Let's follow him 'til we get home", and some got brain-washed and never returned to their fathers' gods when they got home, and then came missionaries from the south. The pre-christian North, however, is not all Asatru, but not much (if anything) is documented about what came before, but it's more or less accepted (I think)that a more nature-worshipping religion existed prior to Asatru (I guess it could be called Vanatru) and that the both later merged (Njord, Frej and Freja was exchanged for Mimer and Höder) into a warfare/nature-mix of the both, which was what the Vikings followed, the gods name Asar (ases). In the Asatru world picture Vanaheim still exists and it is probable that people acknowledged both the Vanir and the Aesir as gods but worshipped only the Aesir. Tyr also probably was the first As to be followed. Enough about ancient northern religious history which may or may not be accurate since there's nothing to back up what I say as not much that old has survived, whilst we have the Edda and runestones from the Viking Age (Officially dating from 793 AD, Lindisfarne for those who know what happened there). I ramble like a drunkard.
Sorath said:
it is probable that people acknowledged both the Vanir and the Aesir as gods but worshipped only the Aesir.
Hm. Weren't farmers and the like more likely to still be worshipping the Vanir for good harvests and such?
Erik said:
You are misunderstanding why we dislike Christianity. It is not because it is the dominant religion of our lands. It is partly because of WHY it is the dominant religion of our lands; through lies, deceit, oppression and theft, and partly because it is not OUR religion; it is an alien religion from somewhere in the middle east that has nothing to do with our folk. Why should we live after a religion that is not fit for our people? Our native religion was just that; native. It had the Nordic people in mind, and carried our spirit. Christianity is not ours. Get it the FUCK off our soil already.
Very nicely put.
Farmers and such during the viking age worshipped Frej, and Frej was vanir by birth.
The blend of the supposed earlier religion symbolizes when more warlike people came to places where the old religion was dominant, how they fought, and how they made up with a treaty and blending of religions.
Erik said:
You are misunderstanding why we dislike Christianity. It is not because it is the dominant religion of our lands. It is partly because of WHY it is the dominant religion of our lands; through lies, deceit, oppression and theft, and partly because it is not OUR religion; it is an alien religion from somewhere in the middle east that has nothing to do with our folk. Why should we live after a religion that is not fit for our people? Our native religion was just that; native. It had the Nordic people in mind, and carried our spirit. Christianity is not ours. Get it the FUCK off our soil already.

I actually agree with you. You cannot force people to believe. I'm one who believes that you should share your faith with those who are seeking hope, not with those who don't want it. Anything can be misinterpretted, which is why I hesitate to say I belong to a "religion". I follow the Bible, not the words of preachers or televangelists. I just wish you guys wouldn't be so hostile towards all Christians, because some of us are not at all what you picture us to be. I'm not one of the people who converted your ancestors, and its very likely that those who did were fundamentalists anyways. It's like saying all southern people are racist because several of them were a few decades ago.

And whether you like it or not, change happens. It's why we have such technology to communicate like this right now. What I find even more ridiculous is that after Christianity came to Norway, you mostly abandoned the native religions to adopt Satanism - both the self-deification kind and the worshipping of Satan.
TaylorC said:
And whether you like it or not, change happens.
Yes. And I hope for change again, because the introduction of Christianity was not a change for the better.

TaylorC said:
What I find even more ridiculous is that after Christianity came to Norway, you mostly abandoned the native religions to adopt Satanism - both the self-deification kind and the worshipping of Satan.
I'm not sure who you're speaking about here, but either way it's quite easy to understand that people who absolutely loathe Christianity and its ideals are prone to turn to its absolute opposite. I don't think that's a very productive thing to do because yeah, Christian faith has some good points. A lot of it is extremely strange and harmful but there's no reason to always say "the Christians believe X so we should believe Y."
Erik said:
And I hope for change again, because the introduction of Christianity was not a change for the better.

I'd also agree somewhat with that, but the real problem is that people love to distort anything to support their ideals or actions. Many people view Christianity as a disease that's spreading across lands, which is interesting enough to me. For a group of people to write and create such a controversial and powerful character as Jesus is a miracle. Though some people deny his existence, they still fight against him and God as if they do exist. It's been said tons of times before that the truth hurts. I'm not making an arguement to try to convert anyone here though, I just believe strongly in my faith. And when people think of Christianity, they usually think of hypocrisy and bigotry, right? The Salem witch trials and all the corrupt preachers. But rarely do people think that there are Christians out there that also condemn such things. All through history there have been Christians that challenge outrageous religious ideas and churches and ministers. So your statement that "Christianity was not a change for the better" is your opinion I realize, but you're still only looking from a one-sided view.

Erik said:
I'm not sure who you're speaking about here, but either way it's quite easy to understand that people who absolutely loathe Christianity and its ideals are prone to turn to its absolute opposite. I don't think that's a very productive thing to do because yeah, Christian faith has some good points. A lot of it is extremely strange and harmful but there's no reason to always say "the Christians believe X so we should believe Y."

I still would like to know what you all think is so harmful about the Christian faith. If any of you can actually even quote Bible scriptures that are destructive to humanity or peace, go ahead and cite them. As I said before, I agree that there are pastors and churches and people that are so-called Christians who are like diseases, forcing themselves on other people. But that is not the basis or intent of Christianity, its in fact quite the opposite.
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