Arguing about music


Fretbuzz Virtuoso
Jul 12, 2002
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do you argue with your non-metal friends about your musical preferences? I've come to the point where I just think it's senseless. people's tastes are different, so coming up with theoretical arguments doesn't get you anywhere.
but it's just that most people really do believe the metal cliches and think you just have to grow up and then you'll certainly stop listening to it. many of my friends give me amused comments when they take a look at my CD racks, but I always refrain from starting arguments because they really aren't _interested_ in music itself at all, they just listen to the music that's currently in the charts/radio, without ever knowing that there is so much great, yet less accessible, music to discover apart from all the pop music. they'll never listen to all those great, original metal bands that are beyond all cliches. but I think making them understand this would take some time, so I never say anything whenever they comment on something.
If your friends are intelligent, they'll be able to appreciate (good) metal. If you don't have intelligent friends, that's your fault. My friends are intelligent.
My friends are very tolerant of whatever music I like. Some of them tend to be into more popular stuff (Sublime, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, etc), but I am slowly getting some of them into metal. I can't recall ever arguing with any of my friends about music, except with one of them who is into rap. He denounced metal, so I heavily denounced rap, and the arguement ended pretty quickly when I realized how pointless it was to argue this, because I wasn't going to change his musical preferences by arguing.

Overall, we are tolerant of each others music, except abnoxious rap.
My friends and I are constantly bickering about music and religion, since there is a huge contrast between taste and beliefs. We don't take it seriously, though, that would be no fun.
I think the problem is, in my case, that most of my friends don't know anything about music, they just listen to radio music crap and that's it. one week they'll listen to this band/song and the next week something new come up and of course they'll listen to that and forget about the older's even worse when they don't even own a single CD, that is, they just download mp3s. and then they tell you that your musical taste is weird, oh well...
I think, another thing that keeps them away from understanding why one can like metal is that they're somehow obsessed with the idea that the purpose of any kind of entertainment/art has to be to make you feel happy. whether it's movies, books, TV or, as I described, music: if there are hints of negativity in it, they don't want it (I don't know, I mean life isn't all about fun, is it?). when I'm listening to some metal album the music may not make me feel "happy" but it's more like that you experience the music and get some satisfaction from it.

however, _one_ of my friends is a musician and he can appreciate some metal. ;)
I only talk to me friends about music that not on I listen to, weather its shit like Mr Bungle, Wesley Willis, Jeff Beck, Final Fantasy VII Music, Nightmares of Wax. If i ever talk about metal its a decent conversation about the pro's and con's of what I listen to and why person X does or doesn't like it.
Guardian of Darkness said:
If your friends are intelligent, they'll be able to appreciate (good) metal. If you don't have intelligent friends, that's your fault. My friends are intelligent.
listening to metal doesnt indicate anything about your intelligence
and to the topic : i more often argue with metalheads, than with non metalheads
IOfTheStorm said:
listening to metal doesnt indicate anything about your intelligence
and to the topic : i more often argue with metalheads, than with non metalheads
Intelligent people listen to good music. Certain metal bands make good music.
Alex78 said:
I think, another thing that keeps them away from understanding why one can like metal is that they're somehow obsessed with the idea that the purpose of any kind of entertainment/art has to be to make you feel happy. whether it's movies, books, TV or, as I described, music: if there are hints of negativity in it, they don't want it (I don't know, I mean life isn't all about fun, is it?). when I'm listening to some metal album the music may not make me feel "happy" but it's more like that you experience the music and get some satisfaction from it.

however, _one_ of my friends is a musician and he can appreciate some metal. ;)
Yes, few things annoy and anger me more than people thinking good art always has to mean something non-offensive and positive. Something typical and predictable and nothing that is too radical or different. They're missing the whole point, art should be about expressing true ideas and emotions no matter how disturbing it may seem. I'm not say good art always has to be something negative but it should be about something about the human condition. Life can be gray and tough and art should reflect that. I do like some positive or happy artwork but a lot of it seems cheesy to me.
Alex78 said:
do you argue with your non-metal friends about your musical preferences? I've come to the point where I just think it's senseless. people's tastes are different, so coming up with theoretical arguments doesn't get you anywhere.
but it's just that most people really do believe the metal cliches and think you just have to grow up and then you'll certainly stop listening to it. many of my friends give me amused comments when they take a look at my CD racks, but I always refrain from starting arguments because they really aren't _interested_ in music itself at all, they just listen to the music that's currently in the charts/radio, without ever knowing that there is so much great, yet less accessible, music to discover apart from all the pop music. they'll never listen to all those great, original metal bands that are beyond all cliches. but I think making them understand this would take some time, so I never say anything whenever they comment on something.
I argue about my musical taste with non-metal people almost all the time. Most young people are into whatever is mainstream at the time and they don't step back and really think about it so it seems hopeless to get my message across. I dont expect everyone to listen to the same heavy metal bands that I do but they will never get out of the stupid heavy metal stereotypes like assuming everyone who listens to it will shoot up some school :rollseyes:. Most of the time people judge anything which is unknown to them like heavy metal as being something negative and they'll put stupid genearlizations and stereotypes on it with out even closely observing it.
Guardian of Darkness said:
Intelligent people listen to good music. Certain metal bands make good music.
Please stop... Its too much, it is painful to read the infinite amount of these everyday. People validating themselves through music (spec metal) is pathetic. This good/bad shit needs to go.
I really don't need to. All my "mainstream" friends seem to have a sneaky penchant for some kind of metal. Like, one time me and a mate were jamming in his bedroom, and he's not really what you'd call a hard rocker. Oasis, Muse, The Beatles, and that's about the size of it, right? So we sat down for a break to play some Perfect Dark, and I stick a Saxon CD in his stereo. Three songs in, he tosses his joypad aside and says "Fuck it, come on, this record makes me want to jam some more". :rock:
speaking of metal prejudices, i was blasting Dante's Inferno the other day, and my mainstream loving roomate heard it, now he calls me a "devil worshipper", lol (even though I'm at the complete other end of the spectrum). Even after I explained to him the meaning behind the song/book and how it is actually painting a really bad picture of hell, he still calls my music "stab your eyes out, slit your throat music". lol, naturally i get a kick out of this, but the prejudices still live on.....
oh well, some people get art, some don't, and some people won't even try, so :rock:
Aethar said:
speaking of metal prejudices, i was blasting Dante's Inferno the other day, and my mainstream loving roomate heard it, now he calls me a "devil worshipper", lol (even though I'm at the complete other end of the spectrum). Even after I explained to him the meaning behind the song/book and how it is actually painting a really bad picture of hell, he still calls my music "stab your eyes out, slit your throat music". lol, naturally i get a kick out of this, but the prejudices still live on.....
oh well, some people get art, some don't, and some people won't even try, so :rock:
The Iced Earth song? It doesn't even really sound demonic or anything, it's just fast and heavy with melody.