Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer.

The fastest is a hair from a rabbit, it gets on your cloths before you actually touch the rabbit.

Why do I laugh so hard at other peoples misfortunes or pain?
Sit down with it, then we'll go swimming :D .
Why do docs smoke when they're trying to convince every one of the nfast effects of smoking ?
because you aren't as used to them as you are your family :)

Why does that freak next door keep winking and smiling at me?

@ Lhorian :lol: @ some, I think he's surpassed some :goggly:
Big heads? Maybe it's the big ears. I know a male elephant should have no memory at all :yow:

Why do they name diseases after the first person that got they think the person wants to go down at the start of some horrific disease? Ooo dual question.
A sickly combination of yellow, red, green and brown due to the vomit, blood, piss and the original color of his shoes.

What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?