Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer.

To release the gases that are brought on from digestion and swallowing air.

Why do men not know a good woman even if she jumped up smacked him in the face and said hey dumbass!
Cos those words makes their brains confused .
What's wrong with desiring a man who's 20 years older than you ?
Inability to keep up on the bedroom? (Actually not a damn thing darlin ;)
Why must coffee taste like the nectar of the gods in my mouth?
Because our brains turn everything that is bad for us into something that we want.

How will the next birthday party I attent affect the rest of my life?
Horribly, you will dress up in costume and some midget will hump your leg.
Why do people who wear glasses think turning up the volume on the tv set will help them see it better?