Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer.

Horribly, you will dress up in costume and some midget will hump your leg.
o_O, I rather hope that isn't true, we've got family coming:)
Brilliant answer by the way.

Why do people who wear glasses think turning up the volume on the tv set will help them see it better?

Because people with glasses often make the mistake of using the volume button instead of the contrast button.

Why do clothes shrink when they get washed?
It's not when they are washed, it's when they dry.

Why do men insist on toying with me, like I am nothing?

P.S. thank you.
Because most men think woman are less then the are. (Which of course, they are not :Smug:)

When will the hurting stop?

ps you're welcome.
When you shed your tears, scream your heart out and punch a monkey.
Why are there 10 hot dogs in a package and 8 buns in a package?
Because you now have to buy 5 packages of buns and 4 packages of hotdogs to even it out.

Would you travel back in time to try and find out what would happen if you hadn't broken up with one of you first loves, while you have a love in you life right now?
No, I wouldn't. A love lost is a life lesson learned. Don't repeat your mistakes. Or theirs.

Why don't I own a monkey yet?
Because your addicted to the internetz! Or at least hangman :p

Why must my sister open her mouth and insert her foot so often?
Because she likes toe cheese. (I hope you know what that is, but not how it tastes)

Are guys addicted to more things than woman?
No they aren't. Woman have addictions too, just try to act like they don't (except me, I know I'm crazy)

Why do people say things that I tell them NOT TO?

P.S. know what it is and have never tasted it either...
Because they are expensive, ruin the environment and take a lot of up keep?

Why do people do (or not do) things that will only destroy their lives in the end?
It fuels my soul and thumps my heart. It also blows my speakers :erk:

Why are the that are considered "wrong" make me giggle so?
cause we are not human!!!!!

Why is so difficult to teach english to spanish speakers?
(But of course not my case) jejejejeje LOL
they don't know about silent letters (hehe favorite is Chev-ro-let)

Why do people keep banging their heads against the same wall expecting different results?
cause they're stupid!!!! and masochist XD

Why good people never get good things while the bad people get everything?