Atheism (Do you believe in God? If yes, then why?)

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The fact is there has been, and always will be a war between east and west, blacks and whites, natives and mexicans. You cant blame it on religion, it is far more complex. Further more you cannot base an argument of pro anti-religion based on this matter, simply because it can be easily counter argued providing you have the correct historical knowledge.

There is a difference between pulling false rebellious shit out of your ass and reading a book
The fact is there has been, and always will be a war between east and west, blacks and whites, natives and mexicans. You cant blame it on religion, it is far more complex. Further more you cannot base an argument of pro anti-religion based on this matter, simply because it can be easily counter argued providing you have the correct historical knowledge.

There is a difference between pulling false rebellious shit out of your ass and reading a book

There will always be a war between differings cultures? Sure, I wasn't arguing with that, or saying it was inherently wrong. Though I'm pretty sure the idea of mass cultural conquering, destruction, and "conversion" was created about exactly the same time as christianity was introduced. Therefore logic would presume that christianity was the cause, no? As the religion itself dead obviously supports and is built around such, and came into mass power at exactly that time. Along with the fact that the religious groups were the ones causing the wars. There has always been "war", but the reasons for war were not so disgusting, and the scale was not nearly as pervasive. The pre-christian wars were simply catalysts of constructive change, not waves of mass cultural and natural destruction. There used to be a balance, that balance died with with judeo-christian religions.
Why? Given the absurdity of the religion and its detrimental effects upon the world... fuck islam indeed.

that justification is obviously not the real premise for what you said, it's just a pathetic cop out, as it says nothing to single out Islam. You may as well be a man about your opinions instead of cowering away when they're challenged.
Ummm well I tried to read this entire thread but I fell asleep by the 25th post.

So anyways. I just wanted to say I believe in God but I don't go to church. I met a few people online and in real life that are religious and they persuaded me to believe in God. I used to be an Athiest fyi.

The reason why i don't go to church is because I'm way too shy, I think my personality sucks, and I don't know what to do there.
True story:

A nun and a evangelical were in a doctor's office. The evangelical was ranting to the catholic nun about what she knows about the world and the mysteries of faith, and after the rant, expecting the nun to agree or disagree, the nun just simply ignored her and kept on knitting.

The catholics are getting pretty good at sticking to themselves, and the Jews are even better. however these newer groups(islamic and christian) are young and insecure about everything, so they stick to a good offence to make a good defense.

Sure things get out, like the pope's comments on islam, but that is politics and media for ya, in this new world everything gets blown way out of proportion... or maybe thats the way its always been...

So for anyone who thinks they know everything, including myself at times, if you catch yourself claiming to have the right answers, hold yer tongue, things will always sort themselves out and then get screwed up again.
If i didnt think it was better i wouldnt be one, silly. I also think canadians are better than americans, cake better than pie, and digital cable better than satelite. In fact, i think most normal people have preferences, but we should still respect those who disagree.

I sure wish you backed some of your arguments up with even a simple example. And regardless of what example you take out of context, make up, or misinterpret, try to give me a source instead of an opinion, then it would be easier prove you wrong.
I used to be a Catholic but after failing to find any evidence or objective means by which to know or interact with the supernatural, I stopped believing in the supernatural. I also found a lot of inconsistencies in The Bible, like the creation story not matching with the world we live in, lots of confusing and contradictory passages that could only be made sense of with additional layers of apologetics and rationalizations. On top of that there were a lot of so called prophecies in it that were simply not talking about the event they linked them to, the foretelling of the birth of Christ in Isaiah is a good example.

In short, there is way too much that one has to overlook and swallow in order to remain a faithful Catholic, I do not have enough faith for that.

I consider myself a Naturalist now.
I consider myself a Naturalist now.

haha sweet.

"We Naturalists, we're a rugged folk, we teach a sort of tough love that deflates your highest expectations of yourself, but it does so in the belief that maybe, after all, hope is not a virtue, but the last refuge of a scoundrel. By deflating our hopes we, in fact, are really deflating our infantile wishes, and teaching ourselves that we cannot expect the world to live up to our subjectivities." - Darren Slatoff
If i didnt think it was better i wouldnt be one, silly. I also think canadians are better than americans, cake better than pie, and digital cable better than satelite. In fact, i think most normal people have preferences, but we should still respect those who disagree.

I sure wish you backed some of your arguments up with even a simple example. And regardless of what example you take out of context, make up, or misinterpret, try to give me a source instead of an opinion, then it would be easier prove you wrong.

You want to turn this into a full-blown christianity - - catholic debate? :zombie:


Lets see . . .

1) If you think your "denomination" of Christianity is "better" than other denominations of Christianity, you are no true Christian. Denominations in a religion such as Christianity are utter bullshit, you are all Christian, all of the same religion. The denominations only create conflict within the religion. To think yours is right and others are wrong is just plain ignorant, not only of the fact that the bible can be interpreted in hundreds of different ways [with each interpretation being CORRECT], but also of the fact that every denomination has contradictions and falsities [the catholic church being #1 in that area].

As for them keeping to themselves:

1) The crusades.

2) The inquisitions.

3) The European witch hunts.

4) The many modern day catholic missionaries.

5) Catholic schools / raising kids catholic [teaching children to be catholic is most certainly not keeping their religion to themselvse].

So, they keep to themselves, eh? :lol:

Now, some of those inconsistancies, lies, greed, etc..

1) Idol used in worship? Huh? :zombie: :hypno: :u-huh: Doesn't the bible say "never make a graven image to be used in worship" or something of that effect? Yet the church insists on these statues of Jesus and Mary and other Saints? :u-huh: It doesn't say "don't make graven images of other gods", but rather don't make any graven images to be used in worship. I've heard so many excuses thrown at this one, they all make me :lol: , and wonder who is :Smokin: .

2) Praying to Mary, huh? :zombie: Doesn't the bible explicitly say that one is to only pray to God through Jesus? :u-huh:

3) Infant baptism. :hypno:

4) All the churches/cathedrals are these huge gold-covered, trillion dollar buildings with all kinds of fancy decorations. Nice job being vain. :u-huh:

5) Popes, Bishops, and Cardinals all have insane ammounts of money and power. They live in the comfort of palaces, nice job being vain and greedy. :u-huh:

6) High catholic officials can make "official religious texts" to be used with the bible. Do they think they are god inspired or something? :u-huh:

7) High catholic officials can disregard what it says in the bible with official rulings, saying they are irrelevant to modern times or something of that effect. Nice job playing god :u-huh:
a moogle.

All your points would be easily refuted by any Catholic with a small knowledge of his own religion (hard thing I know!). Really, im no longer a Catholic but most of the stuff you pointed out is typical protestant complains. They are entirely vacuous.

The plethora of denominations and conflicts between them is an indication that there must be (if there is indeed a God) a single authoritative interpreter of The Bible. This is what the Catholic Church claims to be.

If you want to attack Catholicism you should attack the claims of The Church of being infallible and incapable of erring or being corrupted. I think that claim has no ground to stand on anymore.
a moogle.
All your points would be easily refuted by any Catholic with a small knowledge of his own religion (hard thing I know!). Really, im no longer a Catholic but most of the stuff you pointed out is typical protestant complains. They are entirely vacuous.

Wrong, not refuted, they simply throw excuses [substanceless and baseless excuses]. The typical protestant complaints are all liable and true, as well as the catholic complaints against protestants. They are all hypocrits, and that is why it makes no sense to say that your denomination is the one "true" denomination, or "better", as they all have faults, yet all still follow the core, and the core is what matters in any religion. Fighting over the fluff is idiocy.
that justification is obviously not the real premise for what you said, it's just a pathetic cop out, as it says nothing to single out Islam. You may as well be a man about your opinions instead of cowering away when they're challenged.

I have no idea what you are talking about... the qoute was from Krig's sig and I was simply backing it up. As such I've never been challenged to anything on this topic so I don't know what you are talking about. Elaborate please.

It is no worse than Christianity.
Historically speaking you are indeed correct. However in today's world Islam is by far more harmful.
a moogle - said that "the bible can be interpreted in hundreds of different ways and they are all correct."

The Bible is supposed to be guideance from God and it is supposed to be the case that if you get it right you go to Heaven, but if you get it wrong you will burn in Hell for all eternity.

Rather cruel and sadistic of God to be vague about something like that!

Actually the Sermon on the Mount is very clear, but the trouble is, Christians read it and don't like what it says, so they try to sort of ignore it or pretend that it can be interpreted in some kind of convoluted way. Then they can carrry on being hypocrites.
Christians read it and don't like what it says, so they try to sort of ignore it or pretend that it can be interpreted in some kind of convoluted way. Then they can carrry on being hypocrites.

I agree with this, the same thing happens with belief in hell. Lots of Christian get all sentimental and try to turn it into a metaphor because not even they believe it is real.
a moogle, just tell me this, if you had to choose between personally beheading Mother Teresa or Varg Vikernes, who would you pick? AND YOU HAD TO CHOOSE.

And the christians i personally know, prolly 1000+, havent even read the bible, they mostly just know they are monotheists and ask for forgiveness and believe in Christ.
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