I will argue that the tree most definitely doesn't make a noise and in many ways doesn't exist (except perhaps through elaborately subtle disclosures disconnected with it). If you were to entirely remove consciousness from the ALL then yes, the 'universe' would cease to 'exist.'
well noise is our ear's representation of certain motion. the tree does make that wave motion whether or not there are ears (or a noise-activated microphone) near by to capture it 'as sound.'---but if you believe the whole butterfly effect thing then the motion of sound even if not heard has wave consequences, so it exists as something we can't call 'sound' but if we had sound it certainly would be sound.
I am not a solipsist in that I believe there would 'BE' something without consciousness. That something (everything), however would be God: unknowable, unthinkable and beyond the horizon of human comprehension. Our consciousness discloses the truly mystic into the realm of the pre-disclosed World.
yeh, that's what I'm thinking in answer to the objection you said i made.
Side Note: The objection you make about existence preceding consciousness is, particularly in regards to human beings, a simple but important one and I need to think carefully whether the refutation I provided in my previous post is adequate - I think it is, but I might well be wrong here. I am very grateful to you for voicing this objection.
I think that objection can be overcome by simply saying consciousness isn't merely a human matter --- I'm not saying 'god' but obviously its something god-like, something like deism, or ya know what I mean, even if consciousness was just as fundamental as time, it doesn't have to be of an agency or intention, maybe our scope of what consciousness is just fit towards our experience of it, so I think that refutes an idea like this.
I see space and time as fundamental but I'm still not sure about this consciousness matter in the necessity of existence (which human reasoning demands). if consciousness is something, then it has to 'exist' so consciousness can't precede existence, but of course the reason I'm not sure of my position here is because as time and space are necessary/coextensive, perhaps consciousness too I need to say is---which means, 'consciousness exists' but it existed from the moment everything existed' meaning perhaps 'consciousness always existed' as time and space always existed (space being not this universe but the concept/place for dimention and matter itself in which things can exist, such as this universe).
I'm not sure if its adequate to say existence precedes consciousness if I can't say existence precedes time (since the process of coming into existence would need time, time can't have been created, creation depends on time itself in which to occur, which is why I say it was a necessary existence). The best I can say right now is consciousness and existence existed always, I know I'm repeating myself, i really should sleep and stop buggin here
I just keep thinking surely it isn't a fallacy to generalise this notion----before you were born you were not conscious, but you accept the myth that there was a thing called 'history,' that you aren't a brain in a vat where everything you know as your life is a projection. If you believe in history, if you believe things existed before you had consciousness, before you existed, surely you can imagine 'before the ape had consciousness'... 'before the first single cell'.. and go backwards until it makes no sense to say 'well if billions of years in this universe could work fine before consciousness was in it, why must we imagine in that which is far larger than a universe---existence itself, needed consciousness in it from the start, rather than that it all existed and was in motion for a long time after which consciousness came about and came to know all that which has happened in the time in which it didn't exist---it seems weird to me to say 'all that exists began when adam was born' and look at a star and determine its age is millions of years older than the homo sapian, and say 'well, a half dying star was spontaneously formed in the moment adam was born from God' (or whatever analogy you have for a beginning of consciousness as we know it).
If you think the world (earth and whatnot) existed before your consciousness (you) did, why do you think consciousness of anyone/thing (consciousness itself) was needed for things to exist (for existence itself)?
I'm not talking semantics- existence, being, actuality, time in which consciousness flowed---that is what i mean by existence, and consciousness couldn't precede that (for nothing can exist outside existence, for to exist is to be in existence), so why imagine it was co-created when in our best example it wasn't? in other words I guess I'm asking why is 'all that exists,' why is 'time itself and space itself' dependent on consciousness not 'to be known as existence,' 'to be known to exist,' 'to be labelled existence,' but actually 'to be
that in which things could be said to exist once consciousness existed to say "things exist"...'?
I think that's about as much as I can articulate my concerns/confusion here, hopefully we can make some headway cos I'd really like to have a degree of certainty about this matter one way or the other.