Atheism (Do you believe in God? If yes, then why?)

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So by your logic, I can determine that you have a religion by evidence that you ate a ham sandwhich.

No, but if you understood what I said, eating a ham sandwich would mean you're not a vegetarian.

People make mockery's out of everything, what does it matter if it is of religion? And who says one has to be mature about it? I'm beginning to think you do not have a sense of humor. I do. I didn't create the original image, I only edited a word (I put Battleheart instead of Kanye West, I found the picture on his article in Uncyclopedia).

It does appear you're going out of your way to make that point though. At some level, you have contempt for the religious and subsequently, flaunt this around in your signature.

I do not like that you assume so much about me, when you know so little. I was an Atheist well before I started listening to metal (I started listening to it two years ago). I am 21 now (22 in January) and have been an Atheist since I was 13.

Really. You said you didn't just become atheist "over night" so, I gather you were in deep study at age 10? I'd like to know what convinced you at such a young, naive age, especially when genuine philosophers ponder such topics their entire lives. Maybe you've privy to something you'd like to share?

That aside, I wasn't implying metal created your atheism, but your personality of which draws you to metal and a disturbed outlook, is most responsible ..and not of course genuine, intellectual effort. Most females I know have an affinity towards cute things, and flowers, and you know, feminine things.

You have also assumed that I scoff at the beliefs theists have, and while I may do that occasionally in jest, I am seldom ever serious, unless I am talking about extremists whose actions (influenced by beliefs) are a threat to humanity (I'm sure you can come up with an example for yourself). I am perfectly fine with people having the beliefs they have, and I have never challanged anyone based on their religion. My only wish is that America would become as accepting as Scandinavia, and that people would keep their beliefs personal and to themselves. Believe it or not I do not prance around proclaiming my lack of religion, except of course if someone asks (but I still don't prance :p)

Except of course in your signature and yet, you refuse to get into any detail when asked so, what are you really saying? If you were truthful in wanting religion to remain something personal, why are you doing the exact opposite?
No, but if you understood what I said, eating a ham sandwich would mean you're not a vegetarian.
Forgive me for thinking you were only talking about religion here.

It does appear you're going out of your way to make that point though. At some level, you have contempt for the religious and subsequently, flaunt this around in your signature.
You don't seem to grasp the idea of humor.

Really. You said you didn't just become atheist "over night" so, I gather you were in deep study at age 10? I'd like to know what convinced you at such a young, naive age, especially when genuine philosophers ponder such topics their entire lives. Maybe you've privy to something you'd like to share?
When I said "over night" I literally meant over night. I literally did not decide to be an Atheist during one minute, hour or day of my life. You seem to forget your very own words that people should choose what's best for them, and as I've already stated Atheism was the right choice for me and still is to this day.

That aside, I wasn't implying metal created your atheism, but your personality of which draws you to metal and your clear disturbed outlook exemplified in your signature, and all the implied violence, is most response. Most females have bunnies and rainbows, where did you go wrong? Maybe atheism to some, perhaps yourself, is a refuge for the outcast.
You have quite the audacity to keep on assuming things about me, as well as to follow a not-so-ridiculous-but-otherwise-a-generalisation stereotype.

Except of course in your signature and yet, you refuse to get into any detail when asked so, what are you really saying? If you were truthful in wanting religion to remain something personal, why are you doing the exact opposite?
Humor, humor, humor, humor. What the fuck are we as humans if we can't laugh at ourselves? Am I supposed to be some stoic person who takes offense to everything? Why do you keep questioning me? Why do you keep challenging me? Why does it appear that you take offense to my very existence and insist upon finding and exploiting something which you personally find to be a flaw, which is inherent in all people? Are you trying to strike a nerve? What's your reason for doing so? Why can you not let me be? I've discussed my beliefs, yet you seem to be trying to intimidate me. I'm not intimidated, but rather frustrated and annoyed. I would appreciate if you accepted that people have other beliefs than what you have, and I would appreciate if you wouldn't harass me, if that is indeed what you are trying to do.

In other words, fuck off if you can't be a little more unintrusive.
"Fuck off" .. that's not very lady like!

Perhaps, it's a little difficult for you to not get emotional when discussing such topics?
Its clear that the last several posts are not appropriate for this forum. Please return to the matter at hand.

Since you are a new poster, please have a look over the forum policy if you have any questions.
Forgive me for getting upset, but I can't help but feel I was provoked.

To avoid making this a "one line" post, I'm putting this here.
This gets a little complex, but I've identified your personality as one using humor as a front for making a serious point, or covering up mistakes. And if you read up, you'll notice there certainly was at least some basis in truth for why you choose to make light of certain things.

Why can you not let me be? I've discussed my beliefs, yet you seem to be trying to intimidate me. I'm not intimidated, but rather frustrated and annoyed. I would appreciate if you accepted that people have other beliefs than what you have, and I would appreciate if you wouldn't harass me..

Somethings could be taken as sarcasm sure, but ask yourself, after someone makes you out to be abusing them, harassing them, do you think humor fits well there after?

Justin, don't remove anything, we'll end it here.
This gets a little complex, but I've identified your personality as one using humor as a front for making a serious point, or covering up mistakes. And if you read up, you'll notice there certainly was at least some basis in truth for why you choose to make light of certain things.

Somethings could be taken as sarcasm sure, but ask yourself, after someone makes you out to be abusing them, harassing them, do you think humor fits well there after?

You're overanalyzing me, you don't even have enough information. The only point my humorous sig is trying to make is that I find it funny. That is it. There is nothing else to it. This thread isn't supposed to be about my personality, but why other forum posters believe in God. It should get back to that. Now stop your generalisations. I've said all I've needed to say in this thread, so I won't be looking back to it.
Atheism simply means lack of belief in god - there is no inherant certainty in the term "atheist." Rather, atheism simply means you are not a theist.

indeed apteryx (a-pteryx) means "without wings", but I am a homo sapian not an apteryxhomosapian, though surely I have no wings. etymology games are a waste of time. words take on more than just their etymological foundations as they come into popular use.

You have made the common mistake of defining "agnostic" as something uncertain..

uncertain or certain if ignorance. look up the word yourself, she asked me to correct her---an agnostic is one who isn't certain, or is certain they can't know certainly one way or the other. there is no mistake in that.

any atheist with half a brain is also agnostic (hence "weak atheist").

indeed, I do not know anyone with a whole brain, only people with half a brain and no good reason to be an Atheist (though I have not read everything ever written on Atheism, that has just been my experience with people, I think you are right that most people who claim to be atheists do not deserve the title and are either ignorant agnostics or engaging in verbal foreplay eventually to say they never meant to lead you on, they said 'atheist' yet meant 'agnostic' and didn't once consider saying 'weak atheist' rather than 'atheist' as if a person is supposed to know by telepathy you meant 'weak atheism' as if they're supposed to know telepathically you mean agnostic when you say atheist because you mean weak atheist by atheist --- everyone should be able to read your mind and know atheist always means weak atheist even though it can mean strong, and thus when you don't preface it with the appropriate prefix, the preface should be implied and supposed as the latter even though there is no way to know which it actually is)

and that's exactly why people who are agnostic should call themselves agnostic. does that not make sense? why bother with the word agnostic? you want to say 'I'm an atheist --- a weak atheist, which is actually agnostic' rather than cutting out the foreplay and just saying you're agnostic? to me there is some psychological desire in that bullshit hidden in linguistic fundamentalism.
Why do you keep questioning me?
Why do you keep challenging me?

I just want to second the suggestion you take a look at the purpose of this board. If you don't enjoy debate or value the growth offered by the opposition of others I'd suggest you stick around and read the threads and simply entertain your own ideas in response to other peoples views you learn in your own mind alone rather than posting if you don't wish them to be challenged.
I just want to second the suggestion you take a look at the purpose of this board. If you don't enjoy debate or value the growth offered by the opposition of others I'd suggest you stick around and read the threads and simply entertain your own ideas in response to other peoples views you learn in your own mind alone rather than posting if you don't wish them to be challenged.

I don't feel the need to justify my beliefs to anyone, least of all a stranger, but I didn't just decide to become an Atheist one day out of the blue. If you want to know more, feel free to PM me.

I'll generalize this a bit and say that to many people, attacking their beliefs is an attack on themselves and who they define themselves to be, which is why religion, family, music genre, politics, country and philosophy in this regard, can create a lot of stress and frustration to say the least.

I think to last in this forum you have to strip yourself down naked, and expect someone to run off with your underpants.
say, before we wander away from this matter I thought I'd throw this out there

perhaps it should be said (at least by those, unlike myself, who're fond of the silent 'strong/weak' prefixes) that those who proclaim they have faith or announce allegience to a religion but don't seem to have faith, are 'weak agnostics,' as opposed to strong agnostics who are quite sure of their ignorance.
I wonder how many hours of deep phylosophical and scientific study do you need to believe in god :-/

to believe? i dont know..0? :lol:

to justify the belief, if ur heart n brain so desires..i'd say u need ur entire life for that. like those philosophers and "scientists" dedicating their research on such issues..
say, before we wander away from this matter I thought I'd throw this out there

perhaps it should be said (at least by those, unlike myself, who're fond of the silent 'strong/weak' prefixes) that those who proclaim they have faith or announce allegience to a religion but don't seem to have faith, are 'weak agnostics,' as opposed to strong agnostics who are quite sure of their ignorance.

Or maybe it goes
atheist = no god
Weak atheist/agnostic = don't believe in god and I could be wrong, there are still many unexplained things out there
Weak theist/agnostic = Believe in god, just not in any real sense. unexplained things happen and could be explained by something else like science. They have a feeling like a deity exists and that is proof enough.
Theist = True Believer in God/Jehovah/Allah/Yahweh/Vishnu/Jesus Christ/Satan etc
Or maybe it goes
atheist = no god
Weak atheist/agnostic = don't believe in god and I could be wrong, there are still many unexplained things out there
Weak theist/agnostic = Believe in god, just not in any real sense. unexplained things happen and could be explained by something else like science. They have a feeling like a deity exists and that is proof enough.
Theist = True Believer in God/Jehovah/Allah/Yahweh/Vishnu/Jesus Christ/Satan etc

lol, honestly I think Atheist, Agnostic, Weak Theist, Strong Theist would cover it. (especially since agnostics don't even want to refer to themselves as 'weak atheists' and try to get away with 'atheist' as if they don't mean the strong/weak definition)
Well, years ago for awhile I had defined myself as a weak atheist, which is to say that I did not believe in God based solely on the evidence or lack there of, which is not to say the topic was still not open for debate or a chance that I might change my mind given some new perspective.

Atheism (strong atheism ..not really sure of the difference if any) to me has always been the belief that there is no theistic God no matter what, no evidence could sway ones position and any debate or study is utterly futile.

Agnosticism is more or less making the plea to ignorance, and a choice to remain neutral as a result. All study or debate is just as futile here too so, it seems that weak atheism is at least taking a more cautious approach and still remaining open to new knowledge.
Well, years ago for awhile I had defined myself as a weak atheist, which is to say that I did not believe in God based solely on the evidence or lack there of, which is not to say the topic was still not open for debate or a chance that I might change my mind given some new perspective.

Atheism (strong atheism ..not really sure of the difference if any) to me has always been the belief that there is no theistic God no matter what, no evidence could sway ones position and any debate or study is utterly futile.

Agnosticism is more or less making the plea to ignorance, and a choice to remain neutral as a result. All study or debate is just as futile here too so, it seems that weak atheism is at least taking a more cautious approach and still remaining open to new knowledge.

yea. I mean I'm sure many atheists don't deserve the title--are being stubborn without adequate argument in their favor (against agnosticism - it's not the Theist they have to refute as if only existing religions, but the whole endeavor's possibility of relating to something true even if they're all wrong about that true thing), but that's definitely no reason the crown shouldn't exist should a man one day deserve to bare it.
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