Attention: & Mark

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sadly, the more and more that this thread prospers is the more and more that the trolls have won. that's their intent, rousing shit like this. if we all just ignored them they'd probably just go away.
Theres no stopping gggggu. Besides this board is past its prime to a point that it will never go back. This forum went downhill because Opeth themselves requested off topic discussion be taken away making this a strictly Opeth only discussion board. Taking away trolls and off topic discussion will likely have the same effect again in making this board go downhill.
Necramentia said:
sadly, the more and more that this thread prospers is the more and more that the trolls have won. that's their intent, rousing shit like this. if we all just ignored them they'd probably just go away.
I think the entire point is that people seemingly can't ignore it. It's the smart thing to do no doubt, but you cannot apply that mindset to every single person who posts here. You're bound to come accross someone who takes offense to what trolling they see.

Speaking of the removal of 'Off-topic' a while ago: I would hate to be obligated as a mod, to remove sensibly off-topic content from this forum. It's happened to me before... good natured threads have been deleted simply because they weren't strictly about Opeth, yet the spam still runs rampant. I honestly don't find that a rational way of governing the boards.

I think the benefit the community would receive from modding is strictly in the removal of spam, redundant topics etc. etc. If there were mods, I'm sure one of the utmost priorities would be organizing an Opeth FAQ so we would stop getting all this redundancy.

I understand everyone who says 'oh no, having moderators would restrict our freedom.. everything will get banned, there will be no fun' and believe me, I don't like it when forums have to resort to moderation. However, this forum is desperately crying out for it.
Well said Moonlapse. It's just going beyond a joke.

And the thing about being obliged to delete off topic posts... I dont realy think that would be possible. I mean, even if mods didnt have the ability to delete threads, just close them, and add stickies... that would be enough I think.
It's strange though. I wasn't aware of this forum having any moderation, yet I can account for at the very least 1 of my threads mysteriously disappearing within a day of being created. It's partly why I don't bother much with adding topic matter to this stagnant place. It's either redundant and on-topic or nothing else. I chose the latter.

All that's left to do is continuously argue why Deliverance was a sub-par effort :lol:
agreed. this forum needs some sort of control, to stop all the crap that is being posted. And i think off topic stuff should be allowed or the off topic forum bought back - i think this is the reason the board has gone so far downhill. When people could talk about anything, they did and it was fine. Now that we are only allowed to talk about opeth, theres only so much that can be discussed before we cover the same ground again. and thats where the trolls come in and be idiots..
I really don't see many "trolls" on here...either that or I'm not bothered too much by them. This place dosen't get the insane trolls like the Children of Bodom or Arch Enemy forums. Either way it all adds to the atmosphere and entertainment/addiction of this forum. If everyone were nice little mature individuals this forum would be boring. You need your trolling asshats every once in awhile because it makes it more fun. But most of us here though are pretty mature and usually resolve things with one post, where other forums people are like 13...or something and respond with continuous "FuK U FaGgOt! YYYoooWWW!!" and flourish the fucking threads with their adolescent immature way of thinking. I really don't see how we get much trolls, it's sort of hard to make fun of Opeth fans on here. It's like a little kid trying to belittle an adult.
The problem is though, that there is no worthwhile content here. It's all reiterated crap. Since there isn't all that much quality content, all you're left with is the spam and the trolling, despite what extent either hits.

Admittedly, the trolling on here isn't THAT bad, but something really has to be done about the state of affairs on this board to breathe life back into it.
we will systematically kill the trols because they are inferior and call it the final solution.....or just pay me enough money and ill do it .......
I was on the mountaintop, and lo, I heard he cry of the people! Thus I made my trek downward from my hermit hole to see the lambasting of many trolls eating the flesh of the weary! Hehe...hello everyone. This thread was brought to my attention to I read through it all. I say put it up for a vote. Seems like the few people mentioned in the beginning have gotten multiple thumbs up. Here's my thing with modding, I don't mind off topic stuff, kinda like general chat but not to the point of crazy off topic stuff. A band's forum shouldn't SOLELY about the band and the band only. Part of the fun is hanging with others fans and chatting, etc. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about.'s pretty easy to spot the troublemakers and when they repeatedly annoy the hell out of people, take the proper action. With the said, it's up for a vote. name names and we'll pick a mod or two. If you all think two would be better, so be it.
this forum is like one giant boyfriend girlfriend relationship. we have all been talking about the same thing (nothing) for a few months now. we are all getting sick of eachother....eager for another album....there is nothing new going on....its going to be like this until the new album comes out, and there is a new tour.
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