Attention: & Mark

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The amount of crap threads over the paste few months has made this a much less exciting place for me to visit. When I first joined I was looking at this forum just about every day and there were numerous great threads, namely the Record And Opeth Riff thread. I have been visiting this forum maybe once or twice a week lately. I realise I havn't been a member all that long but it has really gone to shit lately and I dearly hope something can be done about it.
DirgeElucidatr said:
WOW, how many more retards are here who are licking and fucking assholes for being a mod ? this is excellent! Get a life

LOL so true, now all these little 13 year old cunts that have been on here for 2 months are voting for their friends aswell
Let's not turn this into a shit-slinging contest guys. As you have heard here from both Devon and Anna, there is a more than likely chance that at the very least one person will be nominated as a moderator. It's not a time to be debating the repercussions of such an endeavor, it's time to make means to facilitate it.

I really hope that they make the right choice.
Moonlapse said:
Let's not turn this into a shit-slinging contest guys. As you have heard here from both Devon and Anna, there is a more than likely chance that at the very least one person will be nominated as a moderator. It's not a time to be debating the repercussions of such an endeavor, it's time to make means to facilitate it.

I really hope that they make the right choice.

The chances of this occuring are looking a lot brighter though. You stated that this subject had been brought up once or twice before & it was just ignored. I brought it up last night & I get a reply from Anna within a day.

As for the number of moderators that are chosen, I told Anna which users i think would be more than worthy to moderate this forum & she will look further into it. I am hoping that they can come to an agreement of allowing there to be 2-3 moderators & preferably two of them to be in two parts of the world.


Moonlapse/ ShroudOfDusk - Australia
Landy Of Grey & Pink - U.S.A.

By doing this it will enusre that moderation is being applied basically within the whole 24 hour period of a day, Due to different time zones in the world.

But why am i really progressing on this myself anyway? Anna hasn't even said ''yes'' as of yet. Once she returns from the ''Sweden Rock Festival'' she will look further into it & discuss it with Devon & hopefully we will become successful.
jaykeegan said:
By doing this it will enusre that moderation is being applied basically within the whole 24 hour period of a day, Due to different time zones in the world.
This must be one of the funniest things I've read from this board lately.

After the moderators (whoever they might be) have been selected, I'll do my best to make this place more interesting for everyone.
abcdefg said:
This must be one of the funniest things I've read from this board lately.

After the moderators (whoever they might be) have been selected, I'll do my best to make this place more interesting for everyone.
I know that there is the cliched compensation for penis size and all that, but could I beg you to satiate my curiosity just for a moment?

I'm just wondering what kind of mentality it is that drives the average troll to waste their time, and that of others, in destroying a potentially prosperous community. Care to give me a heads up?
abcdefg said:
I think it's safe to say so, since you just returned here.
Returned to posting at least. What the hell? Why am I arguing something I DON'T want so vehemently?? :confused: Ah well, I guess it's all yours then abcdefg (the 7th 'g' is now the best). I would vote for you myself, but I don't want to promote more shitty posts in this thread than their already is. Everything I know about you would indicate you would be horrible for the job. If I had a better indication of you you really are/were however.......

It is entirely possible that I could be completely wrong about you. I think you would be a great moderater for me an likeminded people. not for the n00bs though.

Black Rose said:
Thanks but no. I mean, if I were to take the position seriously and actuvely sought, the betterment of this forum to it's previous state (and no I am not expecting 'the good old days'. things change. but I'm sure we could find an equivalent atmosphere with the members we now have to work with) then I think I would make a great moderator, but as things stand right now, I won't.

perhaps when I get back from my travels in Europe though......*

*Unlikely to get a job, will have loads of free time on my hands here.
I think we should now seriously consider a way to choose two guys for moderators. I suggest we should get a list with available candidates to take the positions, a somewhat reduced one for reasons of convenience, and from there we should organise a poll or something.
Ill volunteer if it comes down to it, ill have plenty of time. My vote still goes to Moonlapse though. He wins by a landslide in my opinion.
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