Attractiveness of the "metal look"

I don't think you dress like a whore, you dress how you like. And if you dressed like a whore, at least you CAN!

:Spin: Thanks.

Yeah, I'm really not skinny, but certainly by no means fat, so luckily I can embrace my curviness. :lol: Weight isn't really that big of an issue when you know how to dress to make yourself sexy but not reveal too much... Like I know that I have nice legs, so I can wear obscenely short skirts, but I'm not about to walk around in a shirt with my stomach hanging out.
Yeah :(


Aint she perdy?
Men are like art -- not everything is necessarily to my taste, but a masterpiece is still a masterpiece. It's not just the clothes, the hair, the face, the eyes or the physique. It's about how the personality interplays with all of those things.

Personally, I think long hair is sexy, regardless of gender, but a person who cuts their hair because they're more attractive with short hair is smarter than one who's stubborn and keeps it long (and vice versa). I don't go for men who are exceptionally muscle-bound -- I dislike the look -- and I prefer low-maintenance men who also have the ability "clean up" and go pretty near anywhere, should they choose. The ability to chew with one's mouth closed is particularly attractive, IMO. Bonus points for having a nice ass. *wink*

The thing is, though, I'm starting to get old. Not worried about loosing my teeth or unfortunate drooling episodes or anything, just, y'know starting to notice stuff. I look around at people older than me, and I start to realize that no matter what first draws you to a person, if you plan on sticking with them, make sure you still love them when you close your eyes.
I am most attracted the stereotypical metal men. I prefer men that are abnormally tall, a bit padded all around, with hair longer than shoulder length (no jewfros or long, limp stringy hair) and a full and/or thick goatee or beard. Johan Hegg is the perfect man. I have a raging crush on Damian Lewis for some reason though. And the Mythbuster dudes. I likes redheads. If they don't have long hair, I prefer shaved heads with goatees/beards.
You wouldn't believe the girls I've gone out with simply because they listen to metal. I WILL NOT go out with someone if they don't share similar musical tastes to mine. If they listen to rap or emo, I steadfastly refuse, and It'll take some consideration for me to date someone who listens to country, ska or punk. Any girl who headbangs is automatically fuckin hot, and the metal look is the most amazingly hot thing ever (including tatoos and piercings. Except, no clit or nipple piercings. that's weird.)

the last girl I dated was into showtunes, funk and indie music. she listened to zero metal. we were together for over two years. I don't care what "look' a girl goes for (goth, skater, metalhead, etc...) long as she seems cool to me and looks healthy and isn't a rabid drug addict or have any mental issues, she's good for me.
Men are like art -- not everything is necessarily to my taste, but a masterpiece is still a masterpiece. It's not just the clothes, the hair, the face, the eyes or the physique. It's about how the personality interplays with all of those things.

Personally, I think long hair is sexy, regardless of gender, but a person who cuts their hair because they're more attractive with short hair is smarter than one who's stubborn and keeps it long (and vice versa). I don't go for men who are exceptionally muscle-bound -- I dislike the look -- and I prefer low-maintenance men who also have the ability "clean up" and go pretty near anywhere, should they choose. The ability to chew with one's mouth closed is particularly attractive, IMO. Bonus points for having a nice ass. *wink*

The thing is, though, I'm starting to get old. Not worried about loosing my teeth or unfortunate drooling episodes or anything, just, y'know starting to notice stuff. I look around at people older than me, and I start to realize that no matter what first draws you to a person, if you plan on sticking with them, make sure you still love them when you close your eyes.

I completely agree with everything you said. Especially the last statement. Well said hun!
Well since I asked the various questions, I believe I should give my own answer.

In regards to physical attractiveness, it's all relative to the person. I have, since I was very young, always been attracted to edgier looking women. Attitude, dress, tattoos, piercings, etc. I find it appealing. However, I also find a very simple, soft look equally attractive if it is fitting to the woman, but I'm always drawn to the former type first. If we took a very pretty and otherwise more mainstream appearing woman and put her in a room with Karen (in full concert dress), I would always be drawn to Karen first based purely on appearance.

The irony is that I've never attracted women into metal. I'm short haired, I don't dress the part, I tend to be clean shave (though occasionally do a bit of facial hair). So what I do attract tend to be the mainstream women, who have no interest in metal.

It's very fascinating. Appearance, while always significant, takes backseat to depth and dimension. It would be nice to meet a woman who shares both a portion of my musical tastes, but also my intellectual tastes, my humor, and shares a similar world view and love for the little pleasures in life. Uh oh, blowing my man credibility... uh, boobies.
The first impression is very important for me, but I can be easily attracted to "metal" and "non metal" guys
I admit to being more attracted to guys with long hair rather than short. But I was like that even before I got into metal.

Also, I like my guy to have some weight to him. Not chunky, just bigger than I am. I'll toot my own horn, I'm strong; I want a guy that I can't bench. :) Oh and it helps it they look like they just strolled out of the mountains with a blue ox. :Saint:

As for chicks, I dunno. It's sterotype to say they're all whores or just plain look icky. What about MetalSteph? But like someone else said, when it comes to chick (from a non-sexual point of view) I have a better time wanting to deal with those that are "classy".
I am most attracted the stereotypical metal men. I prefer men that are abnormally tall, a bit padded all around, with hair longer than shoulder length (no jewfros or long, limp stringy hair) and a full and/or thick goatee or beard. Johan Hegg is the perfect man. I have a raging crush on Damian Lewis for some reason though. And the Mythbuster dudes. I likes redheads. If they don't have long hair, I prefer shaved heads with goatees/beards.

*hides from you* I shall now get a business haircut and shave my face clean. And walk around on my knees.

I actually really hate a lot of tattoos and piercings on women, it bothers me. A few I don't care about though. They way they dress I generally am indifferent to, as long as their ass isn't hanging out, at which point I may advise on not putting a bullseye on your ass with the word rape on it.