Bands willing to play....but needing sponsorship

Who would you most likely sponsor?

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Thinking from a purely business perspective, I think Arkona and Mael Mordha would be more likely to attract more people, and maybe even more sponsors, to the fest than Pagan Altar would.

Nah... I think with Moonsorrow and Ancient Rites you're pretty much tapping the group who would flock for Arkona and Mael Mordha. They may add a bit to the draw, but the 2 headliners really have a lot of those people decided already.

With a Pagan Altar, on the other hand, you have people who have been waiting nearly 20 years for them to come stateside, not to mention up you're opening up to a Doom and NWOBHM crowd. Grab Pagan Altar and possibly another trad, powerish, doom, or NWOBHM band... You can get one from the US, Twisted Tower Dire or Pale Divine come to mind someone who doesn't tour much outside of their small area... I'd say Slough Feg, but they've been touring so much lately that I don't think it would be as much of a draw as it was 2 years ago, granted I'd go see them any day of the week... and you've got a nice decent group of people flocking.
I voted Arkona and Heidevolk (damn, only two votes for them so far). I enjoy Pagan Altar, but to be honest, they are not a band I would want to see on a Heathen Crusade billing. Just my opinion. Is this for sponsorship above the already listed sponsorship tiers in the other thread? I recently had some unexpected medical expenses, so was unable to send in my monies as soon as I would have liked. Sorry about that. The Economic Stimulus Package is supposed to be in my account by this Friday, so I will be sending it out once that arrives.
Pagan Altar could be the neat twist in the tale. By having a select few HC fans sponsor their performance, PA could in fact attract a wider audience from the doom and NWOBHM genres and I suspect John could use an increased headcount for HC 3. It might mean branching out a little without necessarily changing the entire theme but the simple fact is: HC needs significantly greater attendance to keep going.

EDIT: By the way, if John does manage to get Pagan Altar, an obvious suggestion is to plug this unique performance at all the doom festivals prior to HC 3.
Taking a step away from my blatant Pagan Altar fanboyism, I do agree with the points Eric & Ali bring up.

They'll surely attract a lot more people I think, then say Arkona or the like (I'm not knocking them either). They'll fit in perfectly for the odd band out slot and will offer a great performance of doom tinged NWOBHM.

In fact, if Pagan Altar does indeed get signed on for HCIII, that'll ensure my presence at the event and I'm sure that'll happen with many others.
EDIT - scratch Pagan Altar, I checked out their Myspace and didn't realize they were doom. The genre rarely does anything for me. I'd much prefer to see Manilla Road if we were going that route.

Jason, which songs did you listen to? They are certainly more in lines with NWOBHM than actual doom metal. :headbang:
Jason, which songs did you listen to? They are certainly more in lines with NWOBHM than actual doom metal. :headbang:

The ones on the Myspace. Of course, with it being a short sampling, I'd be more than happy to give 'em a fair shake if they were to play HC. Also, the fact that apparently many would be pleased can only be a good thing, so if it makes most of the cool peeps I hang out with there happy, then I'm all for it. :kickass:
Taking a step away from my blatant Pagan Altar fanboyism, I do agree with the points Eric & Ali bring up.

They'll surely attract a lot more people I think, then say Arkona or the like (I'm not knocking them either). They'll fit in perfectly for the odd band out slot and will offer a great performance of doom tinged NWOBHM.

In fact, if Pagan Altar does indeed get signed on for HCIII, that'll ensure my presence at the event and I'm sure that'll happen with many others.
That may be the case for you, but would most NWOBHM/Doom fans be willing to travel to hear one band, amongst a bunch of folk/viking bands? While I wish for variety, I think Pagan Altar are too far away from the general musical theme of the festival. IE, they're not folk/black metally/pagany to be that push that makes the folkers decide to come, and I doubt that them alone would be enough to attract the doomers/heavy metallers from across the nation, that is besides RC of course.

I may be wrong of course, but how many Pagan Altars fans are into bands like Gernotshagen, for example?

That said, I like what I've heard of Pagan Altar, so it will still be cool if they are chosen, but from a financial point of view, I think Arkona would be a safer bet. I mean, look at the "Bands you would love to see at Heathen Crusade" thread and see how many people suggested Arkona.
I love Waylander, so they are my #1 choice on the list. Big fan of Heidevolk too, and their 2008 album is great. Arkona is really good and would like them as well. Not familiar with Pagan Altar though. I'll check them out.
That may be the case for you, but would most NWOBHM/Doom fans be willing to travel to hear one band, amongst a bunch of folk/viking bands? While I wish for variety, I think Pagan Altar are too far away from the general musical theme of the festival. IE, they're not folk/black metally/pagany to be that push that makes the folkers decide to come, and I doubt that them alone would be enough to attract the doomers/heavy metallers from across the nation, that is besides RC of course.

I may be wrong of course, but how many Pagan Altars fans are into bands like Gernotshagen, for example?

That said, I like what I've heard of Pagan Altar, so it will still be cool if they are chosen, but from a financial point of view, I think Arkona would be a safer bet. I mean, look at the "Bands you would love to see at Heathen Crusade" thread and see how many people suggested Arkona.

I don't disagree but as Eric mentioned earlier, it's reasonable to accept that the usual pagan/viking crowd will be coming for AR and Moonsorrow anyway, the rest of the roster could simply be incidental (unlike HC 2 where many folks came for the support acts).

Pagan Altar, on the other hand, may bring in 20 new people ($400-$600 in increased ticket sales) who wouldn't have otherwise attended. To answer your question, there are definitely people who would attend a festival just to see one band, and considering this band is as cult-as-cult-can-be, I'd be surprised if it didn't garner the attention.

I don't know though, I speculate....but there are non-pagan metal fans who would have attended HC 3 for Primordial alone. Or Agalloch. Hell, I remember going to ProgPower just to see Orphaned Land.
I don't disagree but as Eric mentioned earlier, it's reasonable to accept that the usual pagan/viking crowd will be coming for AR and Moonsorrow anyway, the rest of the roster could simply be incidental (unlike HC 2 where many folks came for the support acts).

Pagan Altar, on the other hand, may bring in 20 new people ($400-$600 in increased ticket sales) who wouldn't have otherwise attended. To answer your question, there are definitely people who would attend a festival just to see one band, and considering this band is as cult-as-cult-can-be, I'd be surprised if it didn't garner the attention.

I don't know though, I speculate....but there are non-pagan metal fans who would have attended HC 3 for Primordial alone. Or Agalloch. Hell, I remember going to ProgPower just to see Orphaned Land.

20 new people? I think Pagan Altar has much more of a cult following than that. Give them an hour set and I'm willing to bet you'll see many coming out, even if its just for that night.
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