bands you just HATE!

Originally posted by Terminal Spirit Disease
ah I have a few and I'm sure they will upset some hehe.

Nile - for their overrated style which I find totaly boring and nothing special, as for their drummer 17bps is impressive but all he does is blast its quite boring compared to the technical skills of drummers like Flo from Cryptopsy/Black Cloud.

Borethrone - purley for their later stuff earlier Darkthrone was good but recently they have let themselves down.

Dork Funforall - for moving towards the poseur type black metal of likes of Cradle Of Fags with their later albums.

Cradle Of Fags - for producing complete and utter rubbish that is supposed to be black metal and wasting the talents of a legendary drummer (Adrian Erlandsson)

Gimperor - for their later releases, their music has become quite boring and does not compare to the likes of Setherial or Summoning. Also for making idiots like Mortiis famous.

Cannibal Corpse - purely because of George Fisher and his lack of respect towards Corpse fans in london. Cannibal Corpse on a whole have become rather boring since the departure of Barnes.

Slayer - for their hypocritical views on nu metal they claim to hate it and I have witnessed them stand up against nu metal and punk at a signing but then King goes and plays with bands like Sum 41.

Decapitation - for producing the complete and utter rubbish they call a second album after producing quality of Winds Of Creation.

Soilwork - for going mainstreamish and going weak after their earlier stuff was quite brutal although not a total hatred for them, they should go back to their earlier days.

They are the main ones although rap and nu metal is on my hate list to.

You should be put to death.;)
All of you people who say that christian singers should go to hell should get a feckin' life! Even if you don't like it, you should just keep your mouth shut! Because it's full of SHIT!:mad:

You know what? This proves that there is a God, because Satan has warped all of your minds!:flame: You can always tell who Satan has warped because they're the ones who talk shit about anything related to Christianity. You people make me sick! And let me tell you something, Slayerizedcorps! Those christian bands won't go to hell, but YOU sir, will!:flame:
underoath has 1 good song, lyrics are lame but it sounds ok, they are like christian, trance, hardcore, metal whatever they have some songs that are ok.....
Dunno about bands, but Kerrang just f***ing pisses me off so much. In one issue or another theydid the top worst album covers. Firstly, who gives a flying f*** what the album cover looks like? When it comes down to it, it is the music that counts. Secondly, they put f***ing IMMORTAL in there!!! IMMORTAL!!! GODDAMMIT!!! WHO THE F*** ARE THEY TO SAY IMMORTAL HAVE ANYTHING BAD WHEN COMPARED TO SHIT THEY HAVE IN THEIR MAGAZINE!?!?! F*** F*** F*** I AM SOOOOOO PISSED OFF WITH KERRANG!!! I HOPE THEY DIE FROM F*** AIDS!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for listening.:)
@ LadyLovelyLocks, I hate all religions, not just Christians, you cant deny that religion causes more wars than anything else, oh and one other thing i dont think there is such a thing as satan, because if you believe in satan you must believe in god.
Originally posted by Kristal
@ LadyLovelyLocks, I hate all religions, not just Christians, you cant deny that religion causes more wars than anything else, oh and one other thing i dont think there is such a thing as satan, because if you believe in satan you must believe in god.

If you don't think there's a Satan then may God have mercy on your poor little soul!
Originally posted by Cheese
Dunno about bands, but Kerrang just f***ing pisses me off so much. In one issue or another theydid the top worst album covers. Firstly, who gives a flying f*** what the album cover looks like? When it comes down to it, it is the music that counts. Secondly, they put f***ing IMMORTAL in there!!! IMMORTAL!!! GODDAMMIT!!! WHO THE F*** ARE THEY TO SAY IMMORTAL HAVE ANYTHING BAD WHEN COMPARED TO SHIT THEY HAVE IN THEIR MAGAZINE!?!?! F*** F*** F*** I AM SOOOOOO PISSED OFF WITH KERRANG!!! I HOPE THEY DIE FROM F*** AIDS!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for listening.:)
So you hate Kerrang because they think Immortal has a bad album cover? Pretty smart hating someone because they have another opinion! :rolleyes: You would hate me too, because I have another opinion/taste than you and you would hate everybody in the world, as they have different opinions/taste too!
I can't believe I forgot Staind, God they're the fucking worst. If I have to see that faggot's sweaty-ass bald head & pierced eyebrow 1 more time, I'll ream me own arse with a flaming broomstick wrapped in barbed wire!:flame:
Oh my! I forgot Staind as well! I hate that dumb video where he's lookin' at old pictures of his girlfriend!:Puke: I hate hearing about crap like that!

I also forgot Kiss. There just too damn popular. And I think they're overrated, they sound just like your typical rock band, nothin' super special about them.

Whoever gave these guys a record contract must have been deaf. Their songs belong to the 80`s and have been written a gazillion times before, the guitarist is a pathetic semi-wanker, the vocalist is worse than nails on a chalkboard run through a Metal Zone. In addition to this, you have "True Metal" lyrics with memorable lines like "The sword is on the street, it's kill or to be killed" and "Brothers in arms are fighting tonight
the Forces of Steel live again". What the fuck does one write lyrics like that for? Hammerfall is no more "true" than Limp Bizkit: Both obviously makes music to sell as much as possible and put money into the incapable record company they are on. [/B]

Well, the difference between the bands (I assume) lies in the fact that when Hammerfall released their debut album, "true" heavy metal was at an all time low when it comes to popularity. Do I like them? Not particularly, but I don't hate them and I certainly can't blame them for doing what they love to do.

I cannot really say anything about Limp Bizkit though, as I´ve honestly never heard them. I stay as far away from MTV and commercial radio as possible.
Oh man, I love Hammerfall. Their music is so inspiring. And I love how they mention chivalry in some of their songs. (sigh) They must be very chivalric men, I'd marry any one of them. Except for the bald guy.