Battle Metal

uhmm if that genre existed some bands would be:
Battalion (Belgium)
Bolt Thrower.
My Darkest hate
Serpent Obscene.
Torchbearer (last album)
So it does, man do I feel stupid. My favorite album though is "Starfire Burning Upon the Ice Veiled Throne of Ultima Thule", followed in very very close second by "The Power Cosmic".

Really. I like "Atlantis Ascendant", almost every song on it is awesome. I like all of their records though.
Draconian, whatis your sig quote from?

Whether you are a fan of Manowar, or hate them, no one would dare mess with them for 1 of these 2 reasons:
1 - They look like a tough bastards who will "kick your ass"
2 - They look "gay" therefore they will "rape your ass"
I agree with you on that, but for me "Starfire Burning Upon the Iced Veiled Throne of Ultima Thule" is my ALL time favorite. All their albums are badass though.

I have now listened to "When Rides the Scion of the Storms" like 20 times in a row now. I love this song
Bands with lyrics about battles with potentially no musical similarities outside of being of the blanket genre "metal."

Wait, I thought battle metal was a term to describe Axis of Advance-esque bands, or was that "war metal."

Either way a bullshit term.
Sure its not a real genre, but the fact that so many seemingly different bands can all relate to it is what makes the thread fun. I always have a good time finding similarities between totally opposite bands, like in lyrics, themes, etc.
"For countless thousands of centuries I have walked the earth
I have seen endless battle,
And untold centuries of slaughter."

Can Bal-Sagoth be anything but the best. They are so epic.

Hell yea "They call me the Scourge of Medina Sedonia... my ship sails at dawn, and may our English steel ring gloriously against the cutlasses of the outlander pirates!"