Beseech Reviews


weak light
Jan 23, 2002
Hi, it's me again. Found a review of the new album and thought I'd put it up here. Others who have more Beseech reviews can paste them in here as well.

From "Metal Heart" (German Metal 'zine):

"Die annähernd perfekte Symbiose aus Eingängigkeit und dunkler Härte ist den Schweden endlich mit ihrem dritten Album gelungen, das aus der Masse an Veröffentlichungen im Gothic Metal oder auch Dark Rock vor allem dadurch heraussticht, weil es eine ganz eigene melancholische Stimmung verbreitet, die aber stets durch berauschende Melodien durchbrochen wird. Besonders die beiden Gesangsstimmen, der im letzten Jahr dazugekommene Sänger Erik Molarin, der die tiefe Intonation im Stile von The 69 Eyes oder The Sisters Of Mercy beherrscht und sein weiblicher Gegenpart, Lotta Höglin, die endlich einmal eine kraftvolle Stimme in diesem Bereich vorweisen kann und mit dem Timbre von The Gathering's Anneke gesegnet ist, klingen vielleicht als erstes Sangespaar überhaupt derart homogen und gleichzeitig souverän. Nicht nur der Hit Between The Lines oder das schleppendere Sunset 28 zeigen die enorme Vielseitigkeit dieser Band, sogar die Abba-Coverversion Gimme Gimme Gimme kann durch seine doomige Stimmung überzeugen. Klasse!"
8,5 von 10 Punkten / Andreas Kais
Well said "Metal Heart"!!

The author points out, that in their third album Beseech perform melancholic music interupted with amazing melodic interparts. Amazing is the new singer-duo with the strong male voice of Erik Molarin (that reminds on bands like Sisters of Mercy) combined with the powerfull voice of Lotta Höglin who owns the timbre of The Gathering's Anneke ... They sound very homogenuous and competent!
The hit Between the Lines and the rather lugging Sunset 28 show the enourmous variety of the band. Yet the Abba-Coversion Gimme Gimme Gimme rules with its dooming mood.
He gives 8,5 von 10 Punkten (Andreas Kais)

hope that helps ...
Hello, a new review is now added

Metal Mania Webzine
BESEECH -"Souls Highway"
(Napalm Records)

From the beginning of their career, Beseech were having too many problems with their labels and as a result every album was released under a different label. "Souls Highway" is their third one, which is released under Napalm this time. After all what they have suffered it's pretty easy to understand why they play this music. Their Gothic Metal is very much influenced by The Gathering, but one can also distinguish some moments coming from Sisters Of Mercy, Type O Negative and Paradise Lost. To be honest I completely loved their music. I don't know if it was the melodies, the romantic feelings, the rhythmic parts or the vocal lines that did the job for me. As soon as you press the play button they drag you to their world and they don't let you go, nor do you want to go. The singer has a very deep voice which fits very well with the female vocals. Male and female vocals are equally distributed throughout the CD, while there are many times when they harmonically co-exist. The keys are playing their role successfully, coming to the foreground when they have to. This is a beautiful album that will keep me company for a long, long time.

We've got an entire section dedicated to reviews on Beseech albums and gigs on the fanclub site, do check it out. If you find any reviews or anything like it, please let us know and we'll post it on the site.
We'll try to tanslate them into english, so that as many as possible of the fans can understand them.

See you!

The Fanclub Crew
I saw the review translations on the new Beseech site and I was wondering if you hadn't been unable to translate 3 or 4 german words into English :) the sentences seemed weird (and funny seen that way ;-)
Best regards
Hi all
I got my copy of Souls highway last friday and since am listening to it ... well, what can i say - I´m pleased, very pleased hehe
Have to get into some of the songs where I already love the 3 older ones (especially endless waters - which sounds way "rounder" and now fits better to the rest of the songs .. but it lost a bit power ...)
The bonus track really owns that doomy mood as stated in the metal hearts review ... super!

hm ... I expected more gitar-work ... expecially the solo parts are cut short ... eventually due to not disturbing the whole song-impression?
I´m playing the CD now at work (see - I have time enough to post while working haha) and my collegues are impressed (they know nothing about gothic)

well - u have done a great job, imo! :D
:worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: and i give 4 out of 5 notworthys for the songs hahaha but 5 out of 5 for design, layout, Endless waters and the bonustrack :)=
Rock Hard review

For me personally, „Souls Highway is the biggest surprise of this month. On their last album „Black Emotions BESEECH already gave us a hint that they might be able to accomplish something really big very soon. And now the time has come: „Souls Highway brings new life to a genre, stuck in a „creative blind-alley for quite some time. One could call the sound of BESEECH „Gothic Metal light. There are songs that wish to enter the listener´s ear, hooklines with a hit character (HIM would kill for a song like „Between The Lines...), great melodies and little eletronical plays in the right moments to perfect the songs.

BESEECH renounce every unnecessary ballast, they don´t pack their songs with to much bombastic sounds or details. They follow a simple pattern instead: their music is easy to consume, the contrast between the deep voice of Erik Molarin and the charming sounds of Lotta Höglin is definitely exciting. All of that reminds us of a mixture between Lake Of Tears, Theatre Of Tragedy and Nick Cave. Or saying it differently: „Souls Highway is a true masterpiece!

Frank Albrecht
9 of 10 points

Well, I will start this review with what should be find somewhere at the end of the review.. I mean the last song of this brilliant debut album for Napalm Records. THE COVER SONG because you must know by now that I appreciate a lot when bands do a cover, especially such a clever one. What we have here is a cover of ABBA, you know the disco band that won the Eurovision around the early seventies. How does a metal band dare cover ABBA ? Well, they're both Swedish in fact, and what they did with Gimme Gimme Gimme (a man after midnight) is a pure wonder. This band could teach a lot of other bands how to choose and what to do with a cover. My wife, who's not really that much into metal, was stunned with surprise with what they did, and so was I. They kind of slowed the song down in such a way that it sounds as if it has never been a disco song before. As usual you will have to buy the limited digipack edition to get this song, but it is worth a thousand times the price you will pay. In fact, you can blindly buy this album just for this song.

Of course there is more than just this ABBA cover. In fact, there are 10 other wonderful songs (among which an instrumental). Each song is a jewel of its own. The songs are varied, full of melodies and romanticism. Some songs are very melancholy, and also pretty much gloomy, and thus make you feel so good and relax.

The first name that comes to my mind is Lacuna Coil, especially with the male/female vocalists. The female vocals could be compared with Annecke from The Gathering. However, and not as usual, I would say that I am rather impressed by the male vocalist (hey, don't think I am gay). His voice is smooth, not aggressive, and fits perfectly the lightness of the music, and the female vocals are just the little more than makes this album a great surprise to me. I notice also some Paradise Lost influence, especially in the title song
souls highway. I would even say that sometimes the voice could be compared to Nick Holmes, era one second. Anathema also comes to mind with the song a last farewell, especially with the male vocals, and this awesome guitar riff, as well as on the song endless water.

You take all the best from the aforementioned bands, and you get this magnificent, superb, wonderful album (and words are missing to describe this masterpiece). Only few records such as this one are released every year, and it ranks among my best albums ever. This is the kind of records that I make myself a copy to listen in my bedroom every night to fall asleep.
Bravissimo !!!

Killing Songs : Gimme gimme gimme, and all the other songs
Jack 90 / 100

00-59 Your own risk
60-69 Try before buy
70-79 Quite good
80-89 Very good
90-100 Masterpiece
Just few words to say that I noticed I wasn't the only one to really appreciate the ABBA cover. Real fun, indeed ;-)
(but all the others are good too, maybe a little bit less with the instrumental, but it's only my point of view :)
Carpe Noctem

Nachdem das letzte Beseech Album „Black Emotions“ von der Presse fast euphorisch aufgenommen wurde, haben die Schweden jetzt einen Plattenvertrag bei Napalm Records in der Tasche und nach ihrer ausgedehnten Tour mit Theater of Tragedy und Lacuna Coil jetzt mit „Souls Away“ eine neue Scheibe am Start.

Natürlich hat sich einiges bei Beseech getan, denn Sänger Jörgen Sjöberg verließ nach der Tour die Band und nun hat man mit Erik Molarin wirklich würdigen Ersatz gefunden. Das Ergebnis seiner Zusammenarbeit mit Sängerin Lotta könnt ihr jetzt auf „Souls Away“ hören. Wenn ihr mich fragt ergänzen sich die beiden hervorragend. Der zweite Song „Between the lines“ jagt mir jedes Mal wieder aufs neue einen Schauer über den Rücken. Ein wahnsinnig ergreifender Refrain. Aber auch das nachfolgende „Souls Away“, was richtig rockig rüber kommt und ebenfalls eine fesselnde Hookline hat, kann begeistern. Erik Molarin klingt stellenweise fast ein wenig nach Fernando Ribeiro von Moonspell. Wie genial muss man sein um solch wundervolle Stücke zu schreiben? Hier stimmt einfach alles: Die Arrangements, der Sound, die Songs! Ich bin begeistert. Die Band experimentiert immer noch mit dezenter Elektronik und hebt sich nach wie vor äußerst positiv von der ganzen Gothic Metal Scheisse ab mit der man ohne Ende zugeballert wird. Ihre Mischung aus harten Gitarren und leichten Beats verschmilzt zu einer superben atmosphärischen Musik zu der man zeitgleich abrocken und in Melancholie versinken kann. Ja, in diese Richtung hätten sich von mir aus auch ruhig Theater of Tragedy entwickeln können, die wie wir aber wissen dann leider andere Wege einschlugen. Es sollten sich ruhig noch mehr Bands an Beseech ein Beispiel nehmen und endlich alle lästigen Klischees über Bord werfen und wieder mit Herz Musik spielen. Einen halben Punkt Abzug gibt es für die in meinen Ohren etwas belanglose weibliche Stimmkunst. Das kann aber auch daran liegen, dass ich absolut nicht auf weiblichen Gesang stehe. Also höchst subjektiv!! :) Ansonsten ist diese Scheibe mehr als empfehlenswert.
9,5 von 10 Punkten / Simon Borchert

Musica must die (original in russia language)
Chance to reach/achieve skies - this phrase, which resounds in refrain of one of the songs, the mood of this album sufficiently accurately is described. Excellent sad by gotic-doom threw, that makes it possible to obtain the fraction of cleaning melancholy in all for several dollars. Sincere man and female vokaly will send you in they weed above the earth/ground. No. these are not any passions of the sexual minorities on the lost innocence, from which it is desirable to sob into the voice, this is noble/precious grief about the life and its consequences. Very qualitative material, someone will say is very originally and will be rights, but it is pleasant to hear, but it can leave in the collection. To the great stagnation coversong from ABBA " gimme, Gimme, Gimme ", this when vinyl you will include not at that speed, it is amusing.

DarkScene Magazine

Mit neuem Sänger im Gepäck und neuem Label hinter der Band machen sich Beseech nun auf den Weg, sämtliche Düstermetal Fans mit ihrem nun dritten Studioalbum zu begeistern. Und ich muss sagen, die Chancen von Beseechs emotionalem Geniestreich begeistert zu werden stehen verdammt gut, denn haben die Schweden schon auf ihrem letzten Album „Black Emotions“ so Hitverdächtige Ohrwürmer wie „Manmade Dreams“ gezaubert, so legen sie auf ihrem neuen Werk noch einiges nach! Schon allein der Opener „Illusionate“ verspricht Garantie auf Ohrwurmmelodien mit schmeichelhaftem, nicht überdrehtem und sehr angenehmen weiblichen Gesang, dem die Stimme des neuen männlichen Bandkollegen Erik Molarin eine angemessene Abwechslung bietet. Ein bisschen erinnert mich die Sache an die letzte 69 Eyes Scheibe, doch sind die Songs bei Beseech in Bezug auf Kitsch und Klischee ein wenig zurückhaltender, ohne jedoch auf emotionsgeladene Momente zu verzichten. Komischerweise finde ich von den ganzen Stücken des neuen Albums gerade das, welches als Vorzeigeliedchen gilt, nämlich „Between The Lines“ am wenigsten gelungen, kommt es doch ein wenig den weichspül-langweile Hits des letzten HIM Albums nahe, und mag somit nicht so recht zum restlichen, eher groovigen und mit fetzigen Gitarrenriffs ausgestattetem Material passen. Da finde ich Balladen wie „Blinded“, die im Zwischenteil ein schon fast Jazziges Keyboardsolo eingebaut haben viel interessanter. Mit immer wieder akustischen Passagen geht auch die Romantik des Albums nicht verloren und obwohl das düstere Feeling überwiegt, höre ich doch sehr hoffnungsvoll klingende Momente heraus, was aus den Kompositionen von Beseech eine sehr kontroverse Musik macht, die man immer wieder neu entdecken kann (sprich, die nicht so schnell langweilig wird). Anspieltipps zu diesem gelungenen Album: der schon genannte Opener „Illusionate“, der Titeltrack „Soul’s Highway“ , das schöne „A Season in Green“ oder das mystisch angehauchte „Beyond The Skies“. Und wer sich jetzt noch das limitierte Digipack zulegen will, der bekommt einen extra Song dazu, nämlich eines der wohl seltsamsten doch zugleich gelungenen Covers: ABBA’s Gimme Gimme...


Metal Realm
What a fuckin' great work!!! This is the third album of the Swedish band (first for Napalm Records), and it takes them all the way on the paths of doomy gothic metal! What I really adored in this album is that it avoids this, overused nowadays, duet between brutal & operatic vocals, and prefers a more melodic version of this male/female dual singing... A very clear production also gives extra points, and as for the cover, Travis Smith has once again done a small miracle! A slight "immaturity" leaves some extra space for further development, and the result is that quite a few of the songs lack this distinguishing something which will make them stay in your mind. But on the whole, I would be terribly unfair if I didn't point out that this album was a great surprise for me! Best songs are easily "Between The Lines" and "Sunset 28", as well as the great cover on ABBA's "Gimme Gimme Gimme" (don't frown, ABBA also had cool songs besides the stupid ones.

Metal Mania Webzine
BESEECH -"Souls Highway"
(Napalm Records)
From the beginning of their career, Beseech were having too many problems with their labels and as a result every album was released under a different label. "Souls Highway" is their third one, which is released under Napalm this time. After all what they have suffered it's pretty easy to understand why they play this music. Their Gothic Metal is very much influenced by The Gathering, but one can also distinguish some moments coming from Sisters Of Mercy, Type O Negative and Paradise Lost. To be honest I completely loved their music. I don't know if it was the melodies, the romantic feelings, the rhythmic parts or the vocal lines that did the job for me. As soon as you press the play button they drag you to their world and they don't let you go, nor do you want to go. The singer has a very deep voice which fits very well with the female vocals. Male and female vocals are equally distributed throughout the CD, while there are many times when they harmonically co-exist. The keys are playing their role successfully, coming to the foreground when they have to. This is a beautiful album that will keep me company for a long, long time.
hebt sich nach wie vor äußerst positiv von der ganzen Gothic Metal Scheisse ab mit der man ohne Ende zugeballert wird.

Well said...:lol:

@Robert: Thanks for all the reviews. Were you, by any chance, listening to the brandnew Kent album? If so, how is it? Just curious. I'm still busy checking out their earlier stuff...;)

It’s a surprise to find out and album with this quality on the confused goth-metal scene. With the trend of call gothic-metal to all kind of rocky sound with a female singer this Swedish group really break with that rule. They are not unknown, they have three albums, including this, on their backs and always with a good overall. We are talking about Beseech.

This Swedish are working together since 1992. They gain a really good reputation on the underground scene after the song included on Shiver’s records “Sometimes death is better” compilation. In 1995 they released they third demo and they signed with We Bite/Corrosion Records. They recorded their first album called “..from a bleeding heart”, released worldwide via Metal Blade in 1998. Do you remember their first album with that Kelly Family foto of their line-up?? That album was really good and full of taste. Then Jonas Strömberg (drums) and Damiel Elofsson(bass) arrived to form the compete line-up. With that line up they recorded their second album “Black Emotions” via Pavement Music. They experimented with a more fresh and modern gothic metal. The release of that album gave them a good reaction.

And here we have their third CD called “Souls Highway” with the fabolous artwork by the master Travis Smith. This is their best album to date. On this album Lotta reallly sings like the angels, the new singer(Erik Molarin) really make a good work reminding me the TYPE O’NEGATIVE singer with a low vox registry. All of this with a really good music, full of melodies, gothic keyboards and some programmings with a good taste, more oriented to a LACUNA COIL vein, especially on the “In a reverie” release. Lotta this time sounded a lot to Christina Scabbia(the Lacuna Coil singer). Sometimes they sound more like THE SISTERS OF MERCY era or the goth-rock bands from the 80 but not so much. And to finish we have a doomy version from “Gimme gimme gimme” from the swedish ABBA (this guys will never be forgotten, uffff!!!!), really curious like playing the ABBA song at half speed.

Definitely they best to date, if you like they previous work(specialy their previous one), LACUNA COIL and that kind of goth-metal bands, check this out cause is really goodd!!!!!

By: Mecos
Tartarean Desire

Gothic metal is a term that is today used very loosely to label all kinds of different music that doesn't really have much in common. Some people even call Cradle Of Filth gothic metal which obviously shows a lack of knowledge of metal music in general. The Swedish band Beseech is one of many bands that find themselves placed under the gothic metal label and, to the surprise of no-one I guess, this band features one male vocalist who takes care of the dark, deep Peter Steele vocals while the female vocalist Lotta Höglin creates a very nice contrast with her beautiful voice. Beseech is not a band of cliches and old worn-out ideas though. Instead they have created a very intriguing sound of their own with a mix of wonderful melodies, heavy driving rhythms and passionate vocals. The powerful vocals from the band's new vocalist Erik Molarin is particularly impressive and he will definitely help take this band straight to the top of the gothic metal scene. Lotta's vocals are also very beautiful to say the least but it feels as if she hasn't been given as much freedom as Erik. This is the band's third full-length album but the first on their new label Napalm Records who have found themselves yet another killer band. I hope you'll get the limited digipack edition so that you will have the chance to enjoy the band's wonderful cover version of the old Abba classic "Gimme Gimme Gimme". While Tiamat and Moonspell are becoming more commercial with each new release Beseech brings some freshness into the gothic metal scene again. If you like soft, mellow metal with an edge then this is for you.

"A significant leap from their last effort (Black Emotions), Souls Highway showcases a band stepping away from its initial doom tendencies and finding its niche in gothic metal. While the style is very familiar in the genre, - classic Beauty and the Beast type of male/female contrast- , Beseech offer on Souls Highway a handful of melodic dark ballads fused with that melancholic touch, and manage to make their cover of ABBA's Gimme Gimme sound surprisingly grandiose. A pleasant and engaging listen from start to end...Recommended!"

Favorite Picks: Sunset 28, Endless Waters, A Last Farewell

-- Said Sukkarieh,, 5/02
I translated that review written in german. I hope it is coherent.

"An almost perfect symbiosis from these swedish with a freedom of movement and dark hardness finally succeded with its third album, which out does from the mass at publications in the Gothic Metal or also Dark realm above all because it spreads its completely own melancholic tendency, which is however always broken through by berauschende melodies. Particularly the two singing voices, in the last year the singer Erik Molarin, who has added the deep Intonation similar to styles by The 69 Eyes or The Sisters OF Mercy and its female counterpart, Lotta Hoeglin, which can show finally a strong voice within this area and with the Timbre of The Gathering's Anneke , perhaps the first pair of singers at all homogeneous in such a manner and simultaneously sovereign. The hit Between The LINES or the more sluggish Sunset 28 does not only show the enormous versatility , even the Abba Coverversion Gimme Gimme Gimme can by its dooming tendency convince. Class!"
8,5 by 10 points/of Andreas's dock