Old Fart
...and Opeth17 still has not checked out the almighty Graveland
but he's willing to look into buying fucking Wyrd

but he's willing to look into buying fucking Wyrd
Recommend me some eerie, folky, mid-paced BM. Think lots of atmosphere.
J said:Sorhin
I think spaffe said this was competent, if somewhat generic melodic black metal
The two I heard, Heathen and Huldrafolk, were ultra lame
opeth1234 said:Thyrane (first one any good?)
Anyone heard Wolok (no, not Vrolok) - Servum Pecus? I heard them for the first time yesterday, sounded pretty cool on first listen. I'll have to go fire that up again.
Thanks for the reco, I'll definitely check these guys out
So what's the final verdict for that one? I'm stilll pretty interested... and would very much appreciate uploades since not the band nor the label supply any samples :]
Nazxul Totem
I've heard this stuff is great. Haven't heard it myself
A few BM recs:
Ethereal Woods
Those vocals are just really, really bad.
Nazxul Totem
I've heard this stuff is great. Haven't heard it myself