Black Metal.

Katharsis does a pretty good job of progressing Darkthrone's work but I somehow feel like it won't sound very Norwegian-ish.
Just youtubed them and I must say I'm impressed, I keep hearing their name, but I've never checked them out..I guess it's time for me to end my current tech-death binge and get back into the black metal wagon again :) I spose it was about time since it's winter after all and since I'm seeing Until the Light Takes Us tomorrow!
The German scene has some very talented and unique bands at the moment, even if many of them are inspired by Burzum...Anti, Wedard, Wigrid, Nyktalgia, Blutklinge, Trist, Urfaust, The Ruins of Beverast, Lunar Aurora, etc.
Maybe this is more fitting in the Music Recommendation forum, but I've been an elitist pig and only listened to 90's norwegian black metal for god knows how many years now..and the only other black metal I listen to is from the upcoming French scene, stuff like Blut Aus Nord and DSO..but that stuff really just reminds me of dark ambient and less of black metal ..though I do think that The Work Which Transforms God is a genius album throughout

Has anyone had the same dilemma as me? I want to start getting into new black metal but the Norwegians got me bound on a leash! Is there perhaps a band that has a sound reminiscent of old-school Norwegian BM mixed in with some fresh modern BM?

Does it have to be modern black metal? Why not delve into other scenes from the early 90s? I suggest the Greek, Czech, and Swedish scenes. If you want any recommendations, just ask.
Which is odd considering many of those bands are older than the Norwegian ones. Either odd or untrue, I forget which.
Shit, where the fuck did you come from lol. Haven't seen you in ages. I have no idea if it is similar to Lords of Chaos. I heard that was rubbish and avoided it.
I'm not on the Internet a lot anymore, and I stopped coming on here a lot too, I was just checking in because the GMD used to be like an online home for me.:)